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NAEGELE, Maximo. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Technician. Works for Enrique SIEMENS. Was in German Embassy, Madrid. Address: Calle Sabino Bertholt 31, Tenerife.

NAETSCHER, Max. Director of German School, Sevilla. A-877 Official List and II Priority List. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. DOB. Steinfeld, 13 Seotember, 1906.

NAGEL, Philip von. Freiherr. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. German with Spanish nationality. Gestapo agent. Connected with POESCHEL, DELFANNE, BRANDEL in smuggling activities. Formerly in France. Owner of yacht export business. San Sebastian.Born about 1905.

NAGLER, Paul. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Consular secretary.

NAMYSLACK, Karl Bernhard Wilhelm Paul. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 25/5/1910 in Wisma. Address in Germany, 1946: Lubeck, Lubecker Landstr. (British zone).

NAPIERALA, Roman Bernhard. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. Polish. DOB. 3/8/1905 in Herne, Westfalen. Address in Germany, 1946: Neustr. 85, Herne, Westfalen (British zone).

NATUS, Hugo Karl. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

NAUENDORF / NAUNDORF, Gerhard. Dr. . In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified A and II-B in OSS records. Scientist and Professor. Born April 16, 1909, Hechmingen. Address: Calle Menorca 6, Madrid.

NAUCK, Gerhard . DOB July 22, 1893 in Berlin. Date and place of death unknown.Crime Director General in Reichskriminalpolizeiamt, RKPA, Section B3 (sex crimes) and VB. Nauck was » in a decisive position » in the persecution of Gypsies. In December 1943, Nauck was appointed Head of the Criminal Biological Institute of RKPA .: Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

NAUMAN / NAUMANN zu KOENIGSBRUECK, Guenther, alias KORFF- PALMSTROEM. From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757. Subject: Referat II KO Spanien: Hauptmann. Chief / Leiter of Referat II KO Spanien from March 1944 to December 1944. lives Berlin-Lichterfelde Ost, Marionstr 31. Born 1905 1.80 m , frail grey hair, blue eyes, false teeth

Career: With Abwehr II as Referent for Spain, Portugal, Italy, and Tunis. Misc; Married.

Before war was on Praesidium of Naumann and Seidel A.G, Dresden. In US and Argentina for ten years prior to 1934-35 with Remington Arms. Reserve officer. Served in French and Polish campaigns. Formerly in Paris. Returnee to Berlin in early 45. Speaks English, a little Spanish

NAVAS (fnu). 1st Lt Spanish Intelligence officer in Tangier, 1941-1941. Spanish citizen 1.60m frail brown hair brown eyes. Served in Spanish Civil war.

NEBHUTH, Albert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NEIGERT, Luitpold Anton Andreas. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

NEMETZ, Armand. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NEU, Alfred. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. San Sebastian. Born about 1905.

NEUBAUER, Erwin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NEUBAUER, Gerhard. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 9/3/1924 in Duisburg Hamborn. Address in Germany, 1946: Alfonsstr. 7, Munchen (US zone).

NEUBER, Baron von. German agent classified A. Listed as A246. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Living in Madrid. Fled from France August 1944. Leather business.

NEUBER von NEUBERG, Ernst Karl Johann. Charge d’affairs posed as civilian-scientist. Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born on 19 September 1882 in Kiel (1883 in other documents). Address in Germany: Schney, bei Lichtenfeld bei Bamberg. Internee at Camp 76. Interrogated June 25 1946. Chemist specializing in the treatment of leather. Up to August 20, 1944 worked in Southern France. Then he took refuge in Spain. Connected with JUHNKE, LIPPERHEIDE, SCHWEDKE / SCHWAEDKE and the Union Quimica del Norte de España. Address in Germany in Schney near Bamberg (American Zone).

From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: «Subject was a former intelligence agent. He was named on the first priority repatriation list No. 1 and was repatriated to Germany as an agent on 19 May 1946 by plane. From the files it is reported that subject was with the Otto service of the Wehrmacht which was one of the three organizations charged with German black market purchasing in France. He was also in charge of UVA (price control units of German Economic organizations in France). He had connections with the Spanish officials. Subject’s lawyer is the Minister of Agriculture and PRIMO DE RIVERA‘s nephew. It is also reported that the was mixed up with a very shabby criminal case. Subject was released to Schneidt bei Lichtenfeld, near Bamberg.

NEUBERT, Georg. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Rosenfeld, 21 March, 1918.

NEUDORFER, Comdr. German agent classified I-A in OSS records. One of the commanders of a group of Dorniers of the Condor Legion.

NEUMAIER, G. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Tangier, I-Unclassified in OSS records.

NEUMANN, Hans. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-1004 and IV Priority List.

NEUMANN Harry Heinz. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/2/1890 in Brandenburg Havel.

NEUMANN, Heinrich. Oberstarzt. Born 17 February 1908 in Steglitz, Germany. Voluntary in Legion Condor in Spain from 1936 till 1938. He was posted to Sevilla, Ávila, Escalona, Almorox, Vitoria, Santander, Llanes, León, El Burgo de Osma and Salamanca. Decorated by Franco: Medalla de la Campaña de España.

NEUSCHWANDER GUETING, Pablo. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Apartado 67, Eibar. Married to Swiss citizen. On Proclaimed List. Commercial agent and part-time accountatnt for Fabrica de Armas Star and believed to own stock in company.

NEUSER, Ernst. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NEUTE, Friedrich. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

NEVEBRECHER, Col. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Luftwaffe officer of local air force. Canary Islands.

NICHTE, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NICKEL, Victor. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. B-313 on Agents’ List and III Priority List. Agent classified I-B and III-B in OSS records. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. Report from the British dated 24 August, 1944 indicated that NICKEL entered Spain on 20 August, 1944. Believed to have been an active, dangerous agent in Southern France since 1940. The French primer reported one NICKEL, fnu. to be a probable member of the Abtelung IVB of Sipo and SD in Toulouse. DOB. Elbing, 6 January 1904. Under cover job ofteacher of German. Address: Larramendi 17, San Sebastian.

NICKERT, George. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. E-129 Official List. DOB. Oler-Feutz, 27 October, 1916. According to report from Barcelona Consulate NICKERT‘s real name is George MOUGIN, Gestapo agent; blackmailer and thief in France.

Subject entered the Gerona prison on the 6th of June 1944, claiming to have escaped from France and offering his services to the Allied Governments. While in Gerona prison he was visited by CAMILLE of the Free French Mission of Barce­lona, who reportedly is said to have asked NICKERT where he had hidden certain documents relating to the plant for a German retreat from Southern France. NICKERT claimed upon registering at the repatriation center to be an Alsatian; former soldier in the French Army, later made prisoner by the Germans and then reincorpo­ rated into the German Army. He says he escaped into Spain at the first opportunity. NICKERT was very un­ cooperative and antagonistic and should be treated with care. (The French Consul in Bilbao visited the repatri­ation center and advised that he had seen NICKERT‘s French documentation which he believed to be authentic, but indicated that he thought that NICKERT should be repatriated.) Brought to repatriation center under police escort.

NIEGEMANN, Philipp. Representative. Zorrozaurre, 3, Deusto-Bilbao. Born at Giessen, Wiesbaden; on 15 Aug. 1905. Passport No. 13/37 issued at Bilbao on 17.9.37. Member of DAF.

NIEKERK van, Abraham. Repatriated from Bilbao.

NIEMANN, Edmund / Edmond alias Pablo GARCIA GARCIA, alias NEMO. German agent classified B. Listed as A249. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946. One of the 19 most important cases to be repatriated from Spain. Born July 1, 1891 in Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany. Married to Kathe HEIMARUS. Three children in 1946: two boys born in 1922 and 1924 and a daughter born in 1921. She is employed in German Embassy and listed as B-314. NIEMANN was last in Germany in August 1938. He was allegedly connected with the assasination in 1922 of Walter RATHENAU, who was the Foreign Minister in the Ebert Government.

Information from the office of Attache D. P. Medalie: Born January 16, 1886. Employee of Woermann Linie, Ltd. in Las Palmas and representative of a German typewriter firm, this commercial connections being used as cover for his espionage activities. Leiter Stelle (Head Office) Las Palmas K.O Spain from at least 1941 and probably from about 1939, until at least May 1945. Controlled a large network of agents in the Canary Islands, Spanish Morocco, French Morocco, Ifni and Rio de Oro, which agents engaged in military and maritime espionage, supplied German submarines, fomented rebellion in Allied territories in N.W. Africa ans supplied the native rebels with arms and munitions, sabotaged Allied shipping and land installations, operated W/T stations for communication with Germany, penetrated Spanish civil and military organizations and exploted them for the transmission of intelligence, and exploted Spanish civil and military transportation facilities for espionage purposes. Often visited Spain, Spanish Morocco, Ifni and Rio de Oro and French West Africa. Salary from Abwehr about 1.500 $ a year. Reported to be an expert on Moorish affairs and to have spent years in Spanish Morocco and the Sahara as a trader. Served in Africa during WWI. Joined NSDAP in Germany in 1934. Reported to have been sent by the German IS, about 1935, to Rio de Oro, where he taught English and German and also sold clocks and radios until 1939, when he settled in Las Palmas. Height 5’10» (178 cm). Very heavy strong build, bullet shaped head, grey white hair, blue eyes with reddened eyelids, large hairy ears, large nose, receding chin. Sometimes wears spectables and Arab costumes. Stiff maner. Passpor Nº 127-R/1255/37 issued Berlin, December 18, 1937. Address: (1944) a villa outside Las Palmas, about 150 yards from the Hotel Bella Vista and Calle Becquer, Ciudad Jardin, Las Palmas. Las address in Germany: Desterpfad 10, Berlin-Zehlendorf.

NIEPEL, Rudolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NIESSEN KOTTERHEIDE, Arnold. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Maria de Molina 16, Madrid. Former chief od mining section of Sofindus. Leader of wolfram campaign in Spain. Recommended for inclusion on high Priority List.

NIETSCHKE / NITSCHKE, Werner. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Germersdorf, 7 September, 1921.

NITSCHKE, Willi. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NOE, Eduard. German consul in Granada. He spied and denounced to Gestapo all germans or jews suspected of being antinazis. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941)

NOELL, Heinrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

NOETHLING, Werner, Dr. . Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco, Tetuan & Ceuta. Classified II-B in OSS records. Chemist.

NOKERK, Abraham von. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Breslau, 29 January, 1923.

NOLDING / NOELDING. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Radio expert in Madrid.

NÖLKE / NOELKE, Franz Wilhelm. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Gelsenkirchen, 14 October, 1904

NOLTE, Ernst. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Erhardt & Cia. Henao 21, 2° dcha., Bilbao. Born Mainz, 2 Jan. 1896. Passport No. 55/38 issued Bilbao 28.7.38. Member of DAF. 

NOLTE, Georg. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Los Heros, 1; pral., izq. Bilbao. Born at Mainz on 10 May 1899. Passport No. 79/36 issued at Bilbao on 18.7.36. Member of DAF.

NOLTENSMEIER, Alfred Oskar. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 31/3/1923 in Kellinghausen Holstein. Address in Germany, 1946: Dreckmannstr. 23, Hamburg 6 (British zone).

NONNENBROICH, Wilhelm. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Consular employee in Sevilla. A-878 Official List. DOB. Hitzdorf, 18 August, 1916.

NORATH. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Address: Calle San Eduardo 27-31, Barcelona.

NORDHAUS, Walter Heinrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 25/3/1914 in Gelsenkirchen. Address in Germany, 1946: Frankenhof 26, Gelsenkirchen (British zone)

NORGET, Hans Ludwig. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946.In Marine Perch file. German. DOB. 8/7/1900 in Kaiserwerth am Rhein. Consular secretary. Address in Germany, 1946: Bogenstr. 5, Bergkamen bei Dortmund (British zone). One son: Hans Günther, born 30/4/1928.

NORTH, Ludwig. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Geologist. Born abot 1900. 

NORTHOLT, Alfred. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Bilbao. Born about 1895.

NOSTITZ, Heinrich. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Formerly first secretary at German Embassy in Washington.

NOTBOHM, Heinrich. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Born at Alfeld/Leine on 8 January 1903. Address: Z. Zt. D. Clio 1  (1address or street unknown), Bilbao. Passport No. 21/36 issued at Alfeld/Leine on 23.4.36. Member of NSDAP, NSKK; NSV and DAF.

NOWAK Paul Arnold. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 25/5/1920 in M. Gladbach. Address in Germany, 1946: Militaerstr. 92, Stuttgart (US zone).

NOWAK, Kurt . Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Berlin-Neukoln, 4 January, 1907.

NUTZ, Max. Included in Names definitely agreed upon by British and Americans for inclusion in the list of 175 candidates for repatriation, dated 16 January, 1947. W/T. Alicante. Agent working for I-M, KO Spanien, Alicante (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).




OBORIL / OBERAL, Anton / Antonio. German agent classified B. Listed as A249. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. In Barcelona, but formerly in Sevilla. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0782. Mentioned as interned in Camp 76, Asperg on March 27, 1946. With camouflage firm:

From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: «Teletype Operator. Born on 22 July 1911 in Vienna. From 1938 to 1939 subject was with the Legion Condor in Spain and from 1944 to 1946 with the Bureau Plankert as a teletype operator. Subject released to Vienna. 

In his MGAX declaration to MEWFO (Economic Warfare Department of the Foreign Office), 1946 , OBORIL listed two accounts with a minimum cash balance and no property or assets (General Records Pertaining to External Assets Investigations, compiled 1948 – 1950, documenting the period 1939 – 1950 Category: Spain (Interrogations)) but in 1947, once returned to Spain, he founded a firm in Barcelona, Audisord, (import of German hearing aids).

Mentioned by Hans BRANDES as PAUL‘s goon (OMGUS, External Assets Investigation Unit, Abwehr):

«I should like to add that Mr. PAUL lately addressed to me some letters In which he tried by way of extortion to obtain from me a certain amount of Swiss Francs. He threatened me with publications in the press concerning a «previous activity» of mine, and also with an action through the Public Prosecutor’s office. I left all these letters unanswered. Some 5 or 6 weeks ago, a confidential man of Mr. PAUL ‘s named OBORIL, an Austrian national, made his appearance coming from London and allegedly working with British Military Government. He brought me a proposition by Mr. PAUL according to which I was to pay him (OBORIL) a certain amount of DM so that the 100,000 Pesetas matter be liquidated. I rejected this demand. Mr. OBORIL told me that Mr. PAUL is active in the British Secret Service in Spain and that he has far reaching connections in London which were liable to bring severe damage to me. This was his last threat which I left also unheeded.

I did not inform Mr. PAUL or Mr. OBORIL of the transaction in Lisbon 1945, as to my mind a return of Official or State’s moneys was involved which were no longer Mr. PAUL ‘s nor Mr. OBORIL‘s business. Wiesbaden, the 26th of April 1949.

In conection with Ludwig LOSBICHLER, art looter and Gestapo agent, who gave his name and address as contact in Barcelona in 1956. See documents and study in Eliah Meyer. Ludwig Losbichler: marchante de arte y agente de la Gestapo I and Ludwig Losbichler: marchante de arte y agente de la Gestapo II.

OBERHAUSER, Herbert Josef. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 17/3/1925 in Schiffweiler Saar. Address in Germany, 1946: Schiffweilerstr. 33, Stennweiler/Saar.

OBERHEIDT, Wilhelm. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor. 

OBERMUELLER, Ivo, Korv. Kapt alias OPITZ. Referat I, IM, KO Spanien as of February 1945. German agent classified A. Listed as A250. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Intelligence Agent. Subject was an executive in the Naval Espionage Department, KOSP. Also in France. During 1943 and 1944 he was assistant to the chief of Naval Espionage Department, KOSP, BALZER. After June 1944 he succeeded BALZER. He was last seen in Madrid in October 1944. Included in Names definitely agreed upon by British and Americans for inclusion in the list of 175 candidates for repatriation, dated 16 January, 1947. Last address known: Belalcazar 6, Madrid.

OBIJOU, Wilhelm. Labor Front liaison. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

OCHSENDORF, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OELZE, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OEMISCH, Arthur. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OESCH, Ernst. German agent classified B. Listed as A251. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Represents firm of Renschausen in Tetuan. Address: calle Generl Franco 26, Tetuan.

OETTLIN, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OFFERMANN, Hans. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OGGERIN, Juan Antonio H. Information from Finance Division, Hamburg, January 4, 1946: «Is a pro-German Spanish national (error: he was German) and the son-in-law of the Spanish minister NAVARRO DE LA PEÑA (error by PEÑA NAVARRO). It was to be his job to interest the Spanish government in the products of the company (Medivete) and he was alloted 40% of the net profit, although no capital was invested by him. This 40% profit was to be paid to him at the expense of HOFMANN who could have claimed 80% according to his capital investment. The distribution of profit was therefore to be as follow: 40% HOFMANN, 40% OGGERIN, 20% DOEBLER (Marienfelde). Chemische Fabrik Marienfelde G.m.b.H. was to receive 5% of the total turnover in exchange for the right to manufacture their products. These payments were to be charged against general expenditure.» Tha capital was sent by Chemische Fabrik Marienfelde G.m.b.H. to Spain by air in the form of 50 Kg of D-Vitamins. Dr. SCHWENZNER acted in an advisort capacity.

Connected with SERRANO SUÑER, Esteban BILBAO (Spanish Ministry of Justice), IBÁÑEZ MARTIN, Teniente General JORDANA, HEBERLEIT, Dr. von STOHRER, BERNARD, WILNER, MARTÍNEZ VELEZ.

OEHLER, Heinz Arthur. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Consular employee in Sevilla. A-880 Official List. DOB. Crimmitschau, 30, September, 1914.   

OEHRL, Arnold. Kptn. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

OHLENROTH. Sonderfuehrer. I-M, KO Spanien, Ceuta (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).

OHNMACHT, Alois. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).   

OLIJ HOTTENTOT, Jan. «Nacido en agosto de 1920 en Landsmeer, Holanda, Olij se alistó en las Waffen SS y participó en la matanza de judíos en Rusia. Esto, y su ulterior actividad como miembro de la policía de ocupación, llevaron a que fuera condenado en ausencia a veinte años de prisión en julio de 1949 por los holandeses. En diciembre de 1988, los Países Bajos solicitaron infructuosamente la extradición de Olij. Llegado a la Argentina desde España el 20 de mayo de 1949, Olij se hizo acreedor de la Cédula de Identidad Nº 3.407.422, expedida por la Policía Federal, residiendo en Deseado 5571, Isidro Casanova, en el momento de su detención provisoria». (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina).

ONDERKA, Herbert. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 10/11/1916 in Guttstadt Ostpreusen. Address in Germany, 1946: Reichenbach a. d. Fils, bei Otto FISCHER.

OPGEN-RHEIN, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OPITZ, Erich. German agent classified A. Listed as A252. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Villa Leon 1, Algeciras (1942). I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).

OPITZ, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OPPELN-BRONIKOWSKI, Bernhard von. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

ORLOFF, Alexis: Russian (White) reported to have been in German military service, later transferred to France where he worked with Hans HEINEMANN in the German information service against French resistance forces and the western Allies. Came to Spain with HEINEMANN when the Germans retreated and continued to work for the German I.S. in Spain. Poses as a White Russian to the Spanish police and has secured their protection. Very disagreeable and uncooperative. Repatriated on SS Haighland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. B-321 Agents’ List, and III Priority List. DOB. Wladimir, 23 August, 1917.

OROESCH, Julius Georg. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

ORTEGA, Julio. Lt Col. From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, 1943-1946. Subject File: Menten. (Attachement 2, dated 13 February 1945: Report on looted Works of Art in SpainMIEDL Case):

«Spaniard, comandante of frontier at Irun, (mistakenly reported as a general), reported to play with both sides during war, works with Alfredo GENSEROWSKY. The Germans had an office in his building with a direct telephone line to France».

ORTNER, Georg. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ÖRTZEN / OERTZEN , Irene von. Baroness. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. B-318 and IV Priority List.  First priority to be interrogated.

From the office of Attache D.P. Medalie . February 8, 1944:

Subject is involved in the Countess LAMSDORFF case. Lives in Madrid. She works for a Japanese newspaper in the afternoons; seems so enthusiastic that she is going to study Japanese. She is a very good friend of Jose MIERA , who was head of the Spanish workers in Germany; also a friend of CRON, Minister of Labor. MIERA brought subject to Spain and introduced her to his friends here. Subject told source that an American called METZ and his wife , Princess of CROY (German) are her best friends. She has said , in granting permission to remain in Spain, that the Germans wanted her for espionage work , but claims to have refused. She is keeping Countess LAMSDORFF‘s clothes for her but claims to be convinced that the Countess is an Allied spy. Now subject is having an affair with a monarchist aviator,LEZAMA, who lives next door to her.

From a reliable source , March 23, 1944: At present works from 7 to 8 PM, translating at Spanish Ministry of Education. Subject told informant that her real fiance was a German born in Hamburg who is now in Lisbon. This man went to Lisbon and will inherit an English earldom after the war, according to subject, informant thinks it may be John JEPSEN. All subject’s friends seem to be in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

From a reliable source, March 25, 1944: Obviously working for German IS. Tried to pull wool by saying that the German Embassy had requested her to leave Spain , and also that she wanted to become Spanish and break with German Embassy. Subject says she gets 2,000 Pesetas a month from the Hamburg German in Lisbon. (John JEPSEN).

From Embassy. Lisbon June 19,1944: JEPSEN is said to be a fairly important Gestapo agent and the money he sends subject is presumably for work in his behalf.

From reliable source, July 12, 1944: Sunject has left the hotel Ram and gone to live in the apartment of J. M. GARCIA BRIZ. Source says real reason behind her leaving the Ham is that she had heard of German women and children being repatriated . and as she did not wish to return to Germany , thought it better to go into hiding, she left a huge bill unpaid in the Ram.

From same source July 24. 1944: GARCIA BRIZ had a meeting with the Gestapo chief in the German Embassy here to disccuss subject’s remaining in Spain. Gestapo man said subject had to return to Germany and had to stop seeing source as she was American, The Gestapo chief is going to GARCIA BRIZ‘ apartment to make subject sign a paper for visa to leave Spain for Germany but Argentine Consul said he would give subject a visa for Argentina. Gestapo consider subject dangerous as they have given her until the 24th to decide.

From the same source , August 8, 1944: Roman BLANES has given subject 4,500 Pesetas for her bill at the Ram, is making her his «secretary» and is paying for her vacation in Malaga. The Bolivian passport BLANES offered her is out because someone told him she was not the type to be given such passport. Subject still living with GARCIA BRIZ and will go to Malaga when he goes to Argentina. Both the German Embassy and Consulate have told the Ram bill collector that they have no record of Irene.

From a source considered reliable , May 9, 1945: Vittorio LIEBMAN is subjects lover and has promised to get her a visa for Italy.

Spanish Primer from the office of Attache D.P. Medalie:

German: born in Rostock, February 13, 1923. Arrived in Madrid from Berlin probably in the autumn of 1943. Reported in January 1944 to be employed as a secretary at the Manchukuoan Legation in Madrid, and to translate documents from German into French for Kuninosuki MATSUO of the Japanese IS. In that same month she was planning to visit the Italian Gonsuls at Barcelona , Valencia, Sevilla, Cadiz and Jerez , and was also reported to have been requested by Eugenio MORREALE to organize an Italian fascist Intelligence Service in Portugal, but apparently neither of these projects materialized. Reported in August 1944 to be working in Madrid for the German IS , and to have been ordered to return to Germany by Heinz SINGER of the Sipo and SD , but this order was apparently cancelled or postponed through the intercession of her lover , Jose GARCIA BRIZ, with whom she lived. Posed as pro-Ally. Tall , rather plump figure, fair hair, well dressed. Address in Aug. 1944: Calle Nicasio Gallego 4, Madrid (tel: 32654).

OSTEN, Hans Georg von der. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

OSTERLOH, Friedrich. Repatriated from Bilbao.

OSTERLOH, Dietrich Wilhelm. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Burg, 9 February, 1905. A-934.

OTLET / OTELET, Adrien / Adrian. Madrid and San Sebastian. Belgian partner of KONINCKX. On Black List. Acted as DUVAL‘s intermediary in selling French pictures (a NATTIER, two GAUGIN and others). From Information of OSS, Art Unit, dated 20 August, 1945, Individuals involved in suspicious Art activities, Iberian Peninsula: «Belgian smuggler and black market operator. On the Proclaimed List. Reported to have stolen works of art from France.»

From Roberts Commission, Subject file: Menten:

«Subject is married to a Frenchwomen from Biarritz. KOKINECKX (see MIEDL dossier) considered subject his best friend, but maintained they had no business dealings.

Subject is reported by Belgian source to be founder of the firm Ximex, Plaza de las Cortes 4, Madrid, and Avenida del Gen. Franco, 32, San Sebastian. Company handles exchange of goods on a compensation basis between Belgium and the Iberian Peninsula, and appears to be connected, in some manner not yet clear, with the firm Cosmos of which Hans ROHRBACH is director general. Subject wes introduced to ROHRBACH by KONINECKX.

Subject and the firm Ximex are both on the Black List, but British report of 14 October 1944 states that he has recently been awarded food supply contract by the French Govt,, Commercial Section for fruits and provisions to the amount or five million Pesetas. British investigating. Connected with ROHRBACH, BAUER, KONINCKX, MIEDL, and DUVAL.

OTZOUP de SANDER, Sergio / OTSUP Russian origin. In Spain during Civil War. Adquired Spanish Nationality (d. u.). Connected with THEER and Norbert GLASER. In film trade (?).

DECRETO de 17 de mayo de 1940 por el que se concede la. nacionalidad española a don Sergio OTZOUP de SANDER, ruso apatrida.

A propuesta del Ministro de la Gobernación y previa deliberación del Consejo de Ministros,


Articulo primero.- Se concede la nacionalidad española a don Sergio OTZOUP de SANDER, ruso apatrida. (…)  

Así lo dispongo por elpresente Decreto. dado en Madrid a diecisiete de mayo de mil novecientos cuarenta.

Francisco FRANCO

El Ministro de la. Gobernación.

Ramón SERRANO SUÑER (BOE, 26 mayo 1940)

OTT, Alois. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

OTT, Hans. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Craft administrator of the DAF in Spain. Has auto repair shop in Madrid.

OTTERBACH (misspelled OTTERBAN), Karl Leonhard alias OTTERBACH, Carlos / Karl. German agent classified A. Listed as A253 and B-323 in II Priority List. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946. Born about 1892. Since 1910 in France and Spain. NSDAP member since 1937. Businessman. Worked for Frima S. A. Barcelona. Connected with MEYWALD, MOSIG, SCHNEEMANN, ZIEGRA, SINGER and THOMSEN.

Information furnished by the office of Attache D.P. Medalie: German. BornLudwigsburg (Wuerttemberg), July 5, 1892. Partner or employee of the refrigerating machinery firm Frima S. A. (misspelled Friha) in Barcelona, where he has lived since 1941. Reported in 1944 to be engaged in the procurement of currency to finance the German IS. Also reported to have been responsible for the cancellation of orders for the expulsion of several German agents. Reported in February 1945 to be working for Friedrich RUEGGEBERG and Walter LEUTNER HASS. Served in FRANCO‘s headquarters at Burgos during the Spanish Civil War. Member of the Deutsche Arbeitsfront and honorary member of NSDAP. Married. Twin sons (both in the Hitlerjugend) , born in 1916, who were reported to have been called up for military service in Germany but who were still in Barcelona in March 1945. Subject and his family leaded a very good and expensive life. Spent lavishly and travelled frequently. Passport Nº 2055/42 issued Barcelona. Address: (1945, office) Via Layetana 28, Barcelona (tel. 25706); (Nov. 1944, private) Calle Rubens 14, Barcelona (tel. 80821).

A reliable report dated August 7, 1944: On JUly 31, subject was seen in company of CALPE, high official of Italian Insurance Co., and very pro-Nazi. Five Germans visited him on August 12. Since invasion of France by Allies, subject seemed not so active. He used taxi or Metro to Plaza de Lesseps where a blue car waited for him. He got aout at Vallcarca bridge.

According to the same source, September 22, 1944, subject’s wife said that he made frequent trips to border to pick up German soldiers who had entered clandestinely in Spain.

On September 29, 1944, source reported subject had left Barcelona on September 7 and returned September 16, having been to Madrid, Sevilla and Malaga. Part of the trip was made by air. Subject expected to be reassigned to another locality, possibly Portugal.

On November 17, 1944 source repoted that subject continued to present himself at German Consulate every day for orders.

Subject was part owner of Impex S.A, a branch of Hamburg firm.

OTTO, Reinhold. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Cadiz. Sonderfuehrer. working I-M, KO Spanien,Sevilla . (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).

OTTO, Walter. Hauptamtsleiter. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

OVERGRAND, Jimmy. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 5/8/1881 in Niederwüste Giersdorf Schl. Address in Germany, 1946: Haltenhofstr. 2, Hannover (British zone).

OXE, Peter. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB.. DOB. 1 March, 1913. A-1023.