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DACH, Hugo. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent for Kuehne & Nagel of Hamburg. Address: Paseo de Gracia 50 (Apartado 5039), Barcelona.

DAHM, Horst Jürgen. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 26/7/1921 in Düsseldorf. Address in Germany, 1946: Graf Reckestr. 99, Düsseldorf (British zone).

D’ALQUEN, Gunther / Günther. SS-Standartenführer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

      (October 24, 1910 – May 15, 1998) was Chief Editor of the SS weekly, Das Schwarze Korps («The Black Corps») the official newspaper of the Schutzstaffel (SS), and commander of the SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers (SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers. The honour title Kurt Eggers referred to the SS War Correspondent and editor of the SS Magazine Das Schwarze Korps, killed in 1943).

      «Gunter d’Alquen was born in Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, the son of a Protestant merchant and reserve officer. After attending secondary school in Essen and joining the Hitler Youth in 1925, d’Alquen entered the NSDAP at the age of seventeen and was an SA man and Youth Leader in the Party between 1927 and 1931.

      He played an active part in the National Socialist German Students’ League and later joined the SS on April 10, 1931, becoming an SS Captain within three years. D’Alquen never completed his university studies, concentrating instead on a journalistic career. In 1932 he joined the staff of the Völkischer Beobachter as a political correspondent, catching the eye of Heinrich Himmler who in March 1935 appointed him editor of the official SS paper, Das Schwarze Korps.

      As the mouthpiece of revolutionary Nazism and chief spokesman of the SS in the German press, d’Alquen’s paper frequently attacked intellectuals, students, distinguished scientists, recalcitrant business firms, black marketeers, churchmen and other groups or trends in German society which had aroused Himmler’s wrath. Apart from its notorious antisemitism and censorious role in national affairs, the paper saw itself as a bastion of German morale during World War II, concentrating its attention on German victories at the front.

SS War Reporter

      D’Alquen himself became a prominent SS war reporter after September 1939 and towards the end of the war was appointed by Himmler as head of the Wehrmacht propaganda department. Among his publications was an official history of the SS, Die SS. Geschichte, Aufgabe und Organisation der Schutzstaffeln der NSDAP (1939). He also edited Das ist der Sieg (1940) and Waffen-SS im Westen (1941). In July 1955 d’Alquen was fined DM 60,000 by a Berlin Denazification court, deprived of all civic rights for three years and barred from drawing an allowance or pension from public funds.

      He was found guilty of having played an important role in the Third Reich, of war propaganda, incitement against the churches, the Jews and foreign countries, and incitement to murder. He had glorified the SS State and Hitler’s infallibility, brought democracy into contempt and encouraged anti-Semitism. After a further investigation into his earnings from Nazi propaganda, SS-Standartenführer d’Alquen was fined another DM 28,000 by the Berlin Denazification court on January 7, 1958.» (From Wikipedia)

DAMM, Gerda. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin.DOB. Siegen, 30 December, 1906.

DAMM, Rudolf. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Topographer. San Sebastian since 1940. Born Dernbaoh, 31 Jan. 1911. Passport No. 75 issued Siegen 14.6.1938.

DAMM, Ulrich. Repatriated from Bilbao. NSDAP member (OSS records)

DARMSTADT, Heinrich / Enrique. Agent classified III-B in OSS records. Professor at the Berlitz School, Sevilla. Born 1878, Sberscheim-Mainz, Germany. Address: Méndez Nuñez 19, Sevilla.

DAUS, Werner. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician employed at the San Pablo airfield, Sevilla.

PIERRE DAYE / PIERRE ADAN. From Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina:

«Antecedentes personales

      Pierre DAYE nace en Bruselas el 24 de marzo de 1892. Ingresa a la Argentina en 1947 con el pasaporte español No. 1156147.

     Procedente de Madrid, llega al aeropuerto de Morón  donde lo esperan Georges GUILBAUD –llamado DEGAY-, Robert PINCEMAN –llamado RIVES– y Charles LESCAT o LESCA  -llamado Carlos LEVRAY y Mario AMADEO, quien desde la década de 1930  había demostrado afinidad ideológico-política y una estrecha relación con personas vinculadas a los regímenes nazi-fascistas en Europa.. Por esto no es extraño que acompañara al grupo de prófugos y fugitivos que recibía a DAYE. (Véanse las Mémoires Inédites de Pierre DAYE-, Vol. 5, Pag. 1350, citadas por Diana Quatrocci-Woisson en el Informe:  CEANA).

      En 1947 Pierre DAYE forma parte del grupo de “allegados” que  participan de las conferencias sobre inmigración que Rodolfo FEUDE y Carlos FULDNER coordinan de acuerdo con las instrucciones del Presidente de la Nación, General Juan D. PERÓN. (…).

      Pierre DAYE, fue condenado a muerte el día 18 de diciembre de 1946 por el Consejo de Guerra de Bruselas, inculpado de colaboración con el enemigo.

      En los mismos años en que DAYE actuaba en forma semi oficial, asesorando sobre inmigración, el Gobierno de Bélgica solicitaba su extradición.

Acerca de los trámites de  extradición de Pierre DAYE:

     El 17 de junio de 1947 la Embajada belga pidió su entrega  basándose en la Resolución VI sobre crímenes de guerra del Acta Final de la Conferencia de Chapultepec, que preveía el compromiso de quienes la suscribieron -incluido nuestro país- en cuanto a entregar de inmediato y sin proceso de extradición a los criminales de guerra reclamados por otras potencias. Las actas de Chapultepec firmadas por el gobierno de ipso, fueron ratificadas por el Senado de la Nación, durante el primer gobierno de Perón.

     El pedido de extradición fue realizado previa localización de Pierre DAYE, que se alojaba en el Hotel Lafayette con el nombre supuesto de Pierre ADAM.

      El día 9 de octubre de 1947, Pascual LA ROSA se expidió en el sentido de que debía procederse a la entrega de Pierre DAYE sobre la base  de la anteriormente citada Resolución VI de Chapultepec. Respecto de los colaboracionistas LECOMTE, LEROUX y RUYSSCHAERT citados en el expediente por el que se solicita la extradición de Daye, se propuso aguardar la acción de la legación de Bélgica.

     El último  informe policial es del día 17 de septiembre de 1947. De allí en más se interrumpe la investigación del expediente. La extradición de DAYE nunca fue concedida. Retornó a Europa donde escribió sus memorias personales. Esta fuente es muy rica en referencias sobre los mecanismos por los que ingresaron a la Argentina  los criminales de guerra y/o contra la humanidad y los colaboracionistas se Europa Central.


      PIERRE DAYE /  PIERRE ADAN (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina):

Fuente: AMREC, D.P. Bélgica, 1947, Caja 14, Exp..No. 9

M e m o r a n d u m:

      «En nota D.1923 – Nº 1894 la Legación de Bélgica aquí acreditada denunció la llegada a la República de un tal Pierre DAYE, nacional belga condenado a muerte por el Consejo de Guerra de Bruselas el 18 de diciembre de 1946 por colaboración con el enemigo. Invocando la Resolución VI de la Conferencia de Chapultepec, solicitó que se ponga al nombrado a disposición de las autoridades belgas, a bordo de un buque de esa bandera.

      Posteriormente, en nota D.1923 – Nº 2293, dicha Legación reiteró su pedido anterior y al mismo tiempo, informó que se encontraban también en la República un tal LECOMTE, ex-burgomaestre de Chimay, condenado a muerte y que llegó a Buenos Aires bajo el nombre de DE GRAEF; un tal LEROUX, que llegó a la Argentina con el nombre de SEYNAEVE, y un tal Gérard RUYSSCHAERT. De estos dos últimos la Legación belga no menciona ningún cargo ni tampoco solicita la entrega de los tres, aunque esa sea posiblemente el fin perseguido al efectuar la denuncia.

      La Oficina de Enlace con el Ministerio del Interior y la Policía Federal, a la que se dio intervención en este asunto; confirmó la veracidad de las noticias suministradas por la Legación de Bélgica e hizo conocer que habían sido individualizados y localizados el nombrado Pierre DAYE y un tal Jan DEGRAAF WERHEGGEN, quien presumiblemente sea el Lecomte, ex-burgomaestre de Chimay, aludido. De las otras dos personas, se comprobó que habían entrado al país.

      Como Pierre DAYE es el único reclamado hasta el presente por la Legación belga, la cuestión debe concretarse al mismo, a propósito de quien cabe señalar que, según lo manifiesta la Oficina de Enlace con el Ministerio del Interior y la Policía Federal, mantiene relaciones con José María AREILZA, persona que pertenece a la Embajada de España en nuestro país», seguramente el propio Embajador.

      Al respecto es necesario tener en cuenta la Resolución VI sobre «Crímenes de Guerra» de la Conferencia de Chapultepec, la que en su parte dispositiva establece:

1º. Recomendar a los Gobiernos de las repúblicas americanas que no concedan refugio a los culpables, responsables o cómplices de dichos crímenes.

2º. Recomendar a los mismos Gobiernos que, a petición de cualquiera de las Naciones Unidas y de conformidad con el procedimiento que se acuerde según el numeral siguiente, entreguen los individuos acusados de tales crímenes a la Nación Unida requirente o a la custodia de los organismos de las Naciones Unidas que se establezcan para juzgar y castigar a tales criminales.

3º. Solicitar del Comité Jurídico Interamericano que, teniendo en cuenta las respectivas legislaciones nacionales, proyecte y presente, para su adopción por los Gobiernos de las Repúblicas americanas, las normas necesarias para determinar la condición de criminal de guerra, así como el procedimiento que debe seguirse para la devolución o entrega de los mencionados delincuentes.»

      Por lo expuesto, este Departamento de Relaciones Externas considera que correspondería o acceder desde ya a lo solicitado por la Legación de Bélgica y proceder a la entrega del citado Pierre DAYE o aguardar antes a que dicha misión reitere nuevamente el pedido.

      Con respecto a las otras personas nombradas, habrá que esperar a que la representación diplomática belga inicie alguna acción, expresando los cargos que se les hace y requiriendo su entrega.
Departamento de Relaciones Externas.

Buenos Aires, 9 de octubre de 1947.

[Sello] Pascual La Rosa

Director del Departamento de Relaciones Externas «


DECKE, Hans Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Graf REISCHACH’s office. Propaganda.

DECKEN, Friedrich Adolf von der. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DECKER, Hans. From OCCPAC Interrogation Transcripts And Related Records › Belling, Josef: V-Man Gestapo in Luxemburg until 1944. Luxemburger. Lives Diekirch, Luxemburg, born 1905. 1.70m, slender, blond hair, fair complexion, gray eyes. Married. Wife lives in Diekirch. Speaks German, English and French. Deputy Kreis Leiter.

      Career: Previously with Gestapo in Spain and Portugal. CPI Pink Card 11203.

      May be the same person that DECKER, Jonny. Parter of LOHMANN. Connected with PANHORST, SCHWEDKE, BENTHEIM , Gregorio MARAÑON MOYA. Died in 1944. Wife in Louxembourg asked LOHMANN to liquidate DECKER’s state in Spain but there were problems because SCHWAEDKE and BENTHEIM alleged this was money from the German Government.

DEDE / DEDO, Hans. German agent classified B & C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German consul in Palma de Mallorca. Address: Plaza Cort 5, Palma de Mallorca. Member of NSDAP and German Chamber of Commerce.

DEGENHARDT, Michael. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DEGGEN / DEGEN, Julius. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. A C-3 report dated 17 May 1945 described DEGGEN as an important Gestapo member attached to the German Embassy. On Official List: A-88 and III Priority List. Wife, Liesel and two children, Günther and Liselotte. DOB. Wattweiler, 16 March, 1913.

DEGRELLE, Léon Joseph Marie Ignace. From Gerhard STRIDDE’s Affidavit:

      The flight took of on 7 May 1945 at 23:10 hours from the airport Fornebu/Oslo to Spain. The order for our flight was issued by Reich commissioner TARBOVEN, and it read: Oslo-Drontheim.The pilot was Albert DUENINGEN, the wireless operator Georg KUEBEL, the navigator Benno EBNER, the flight mechanic Gerhard STRIDDE and the passangers were Leon DEGRELLE and his adjutant Robert (du WELZ). They landed in Spain on 8 May 1945 at 06:20 hours. Fuel shortage compelled us to make a forced emergy landing on the beach of San Sebastián. DEGRELLE had 3 or 4 bone fractures on the shoulder joints. DUENINGEN, skin abrasions and small fingered injured, KUEBEL, EBNER and Robert, skin abrasions, STRIDDE, broken leg and face injuries. They were taken by the Spanish police to the military Hospital Mola at San Sebastián. They remained there until September 15, 1945 (DEGRELLE until 15 October 1946). About 15 September 1945 the crew of four arrived at Camp Caranza, where they remained until 29 January 1946. As the transport of the camp inmates was to go via France, they were advised by the Germans and Spanish authorities not to make the trip through France. STRIDDE escaped and lived in Santander, calle Perines 13, up to his apprehension on 28 September 1946 and sent to prison in Madrid, where he remained until his return to Germnany on 23 November 1946.

     From Helmut R. MICHEL’s Affidavit: Robert du WELZ lived up to the middle of November 1946 in Zurbano 43,

      From Wiki: After Germany’s defeat, DEGRELLE fled first to Denmark and eventually fled to Norway, where he commandeered a Heinkel He 111 aircraft,[3] allegedly provided by Albert Speer. He was severely wounded in a crash-landing on a beach in San Sebastián in Northern Spain. The government of FRANCO in Spain initially refused to hand him over to the Allies (or extradite him to Belgium) by citing his health condition. After further international pressures, Francisco FRANCO permitted his escape from hospital, while handing over a look-alike; in the meanwhile, José Finat y Escrivá de Romaní helped Degrelle obtain false papers. In 1954, in order to ensure his stay, Spain granted him Spanish citizenship under the name José León Ramírez Reina, and the Falange assigned him the leadership of a construction firm that benefitted from state contracts. Belgium convicted him of treason in absentia and condemned him to death by firing squad.

      While in Spain, during the time of FRANCO, Degrelle maintained a high standard of living and would frequently appear in public and in private meetings in a white uniform featuring his German decorations, while expressing his pride over his close contacts and «thinking bond» with Adolf Hitler. He continued to live undIurbed when Spain became democratic after the death of FRANCO. Degrelle continued publishing and polemicizing, voicing his support for far right solutions. He became active in the Neo-Nazi Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa (CEDADE), and ran its printing press in Barcelona – where he published a large portion of his own writings, including an Open Letter to Pope John Paul II on the topic of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the extermination purpose of which Degrelle called «one big fraud, Holy Father.» His repeated negationI statements on the topic of Nazi genocide brought Degrelle to trial with Violeta Friedmann, a Romanian-born Venezuelan survivor of the camps; although the lower courts were initially favourable to Degrelle, the Supreme Court of Spain decided that he had brought offence to the memory of the victims, both Jews and non-Jews, and it sentenced him to pay a substantial fine. It was also decided that he should pay a fine for his Open Letter to Pope John Paul II as well.

      Asked if he had any regrets about the war, his reply was: «Only that we lost!» In 1994, Degrelle died of cardiac arrest in a hospital in Málaga in Southern Spain.»

DEIKE, Georg. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Siemens X-ray technician (Reiniger-Veifa S.A.)Lic. Poza 44 – 3°, Bilbao. Born Altensittenbach, 21 March 1907. Passport 7453 issued üadrid 8.8.1934.

DEINNINGER, Karl. Classified I-C in OSS records. Captain in the German army. Madrid.

DELFANNE, George Henri alias Heinrich BAUER, alias Henrique BAUER alias Henry MASUY / MASSUY, alias Christian MASUY alias KRANENBAUM / KRANNENBAUM / KRAMMENBAUM, alias Henri de la PUTTE, alias van der PUTTE. OKW AMT Aussland Abwehr IV (Oberst Rudolf). Sonderbeauftragter. Belgian. Born 22 January 1913, Brussels. or German born Wiesbaden 1913 (under alias BAUER). Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946. Listed B-25 , I Priority.

      Notorious German agent involved in GIS activities in Spain, Belgium and France from 1939 throug 1945. Operated under cover as a commercial agent. Sipo and SD agent since at least February ,1940, when he was reported in Germany. Arrested by the French in 1940 and freed by Norbert SENNER in Marseille. Reported to have joined the Otto ourchasing organization in Paris in 1942 and to have been activ in black market as well as espionage, for the Abwehr, the Sipo and the SD.

      Said to have been responsible for over one hundred executions. During 1943 and 1944 ran a smuggling organization on the Franco-German frontier. Went to Saint Jean de Luz with Rudolf von MERODE about June 1944 after an attempt on his life in Paris. Made numerous trips to Spain, ostensibly running contraband textiles. Arrived in San Sebastián August 20, 1944, with his mistress Emilia or Emilienne Alicia / Emile Alice JURION, one or two chilfren and two bodyguards.

     Reported in October 1944 to belong to a W/T and contraband network directed by Ostuf (Oberstuurmführer) Ernst ALISCH and including also MERODE, Jean DUVAL, Ernst von NEUBER, and Kurt JUHNKE, the network being in possession of seven W/T transmitters. Reported in January 1945 to be under house arrest after an attempt in December by three French policemen to kidnap him.

      Stated in 1945 that he planed to settle in Barcelona. Reported in March 1945 to have left San Sebastián, possibly for Germany.

      Said to have a huge fortune in France and Spain.

      Height around 5’ 6’’ (168 cm); slim build, dark brown hair, blue-grey eyes, small nose, thin lips, pale complexion. Scar caused by a shot on one hand. Speaks some German, Spanish and English.

      German passport in the name of Heinrich BAUER, born in Wiesbaden, nº. A-824. Address: Nov. 1944, private in Villa San Luis, Av. Infante Don Juan, Ondarreta, San Sebastián; Dec., 1944 as W/T in Calle Mayor 1, San Sebastián and occasionally 1944-1945 in Hotel Capitol, Madrid.

      Contact of MIEDL and involved in transfer of MIEDL’s pictures to Spain.

      Far-right Rexist militant and protected by Leon DEGRELLE. Recruited by GIS in 30s in Germany, where he bullied and terrorize jews for money. In France 1940, as a Gestapo agent, he bought and become handler of the politicians Jacques DORIOT and Marcel BUCARD. He infiltrated, interrogated and tortured more than 800 Resistance fighters, notably Simone MICHEL-LÉVY and Pierre MALLEZ. The networks infiltrated were Turma-Vengeance, Parsifal and Defense de la France.

      From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, 1943-1946. Subject File: Menten. (Attachement 2, dated 13 February 1945: Report on looted Works of Art in Spain MIEDL Case):

      «BAUER, Heinrich, alias MASUY, alias KRANENBAUM. German, born Wiesbaden 1913, considered dangerous German agent, gangster type. Since 1939 has travelled in France and Belgium, supposedly for a chocolate firm. Reported to have worked for Lafont Gang and to have been connected with Otto buying organization (1942).

      Moved to San Sebastian, 1943. Travelled around Spain and continuously back and forth over Franco-Spanish frontier. Ran smuggling organization, apparently in association with OTELET. Connected with MOLL, de MERODE, Irene BUCHER, Julian TRONCOSO, Juan and Florentino Manuel POMBO, and ROMERO ROBLEDO (the last three, wolframistas from Salamanca).

      Has two bodyguards, French Fascists, named Charles LELOUP and Albert BEAUDENEAU. KONINCKX is reported to have worked for him in France and to have been released from arrest to some extent through his machinations. LOPEZ and two companions were arrested for an unsuccessful attempt to kidnap him on December 24, 1944. The Spanish subsequently issued a warrant for his arrest. His present whereabouts are unknown.»

      Executed on 1 October 1947 at Fort de Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine). Connected with POESCHEL, BRANDEL and VARGAS.


DALWIGK, Reinhardt. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DELZEPICH, Josef Peter. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 5/9/1925 in Achen. Address in Germany, 1946: Bez Aachen Lindenstr. 12, Duerwiss uber Eschweiler (British zone).

DEMBINSKI, Bernhard Georg. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid. Arrested for deportation by plane 25 September, 1944. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0768.

DEMMEL, Georg. SD German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of Cerveceria Germania. Address: Alameda Mazarredo 5, Bilbao. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Manager of Colonial Restaurant. Born Lenggries, 12 March 1899. Passport No. 60/35 issued Bilbao 17.8.35. Member of DAF and NSV.

DEMSKI, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DEMSKI, Oskar. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DENCKER / DENKER, Hubert. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Krim Asst. German. Born in 1910. Died 26 February 1970 in Mataro, Barcelona. 1.83 meters tall, slender, bald, with a ruddy complexion and blue eyes. He speaks Spanish and lives in San Sebastian, calle Primo de Rivera 1. He was sent to Madrid in 1941 as a trainee in the Office of Police Attache and was transferred to the Barcelona branch of the same office. Oberleutnant in Legion Condor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Cruz del Merito Militar. Married Elisabeth KLEB. Conected with firm Udema. He lived in Urbanizacion Isla, 13-14, Villa Isabel, Caldas de Estrach. Religion: Catholic.

DENKHAUS, Arthur. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Formerly living at Bouknadel 36, Tangier. Expelled to Spain, March 1944.

DENNINGHOFF, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DEUBEL, Henri Paul. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government. Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Entered Spain March 23, 1943. DOB. Zeitz, 15 June, 1911.

DEWOITINE, Julio Emilio. «Nació el 26 de septiembre de 1892 en Laonnois Provincia de Aisne Francia. Constructor de aviones, juzgado por la justicia de su país por “indigencia con el enemigo y atentado a la seguridad del Estado”, fue condenado por la Cour de Justicie de la Seine a veinte años de trabajos forzados, a la “indignidad nacional” y a la confiscación de sus bienes.

      Ingresó el 28 de mayo de 1946 en el vapor “Buena Esperanza”, procedente de Vigo. Presentó  pasaporte español N° 531/46 expedido en Madrid (España). Fecha de embarco:20 de febrero de 1946. Trabajó para el gobierno peronista en la construcción del primer avión argentino a reacción bautizado pulqui.» (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina)

DEUTZ. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Tangier, III-Unclassified in OSS records. Teacher in Licee St. Aulaire.

DEYHLE / DOYHLE, Hans. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946.

DICK, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIDWISZUS, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIECKE. German agent classified I-A in OSS records.

DIECKHOFF, Hans-Heinrich. German embassador in Spain 1943-1945.

DIEDENHOFEN, Max. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIEHL, Fritz. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

DIEHL, Georg. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIEKAMPER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIENER, Karl. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

DIENSTMAIER, Captain of Hestia. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DIEPENBROCK, Bernard / Bernardo. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified III-B and IV-B in OSS records. President of German School, Tenerife. Commercial agent.

DIERSSEN, Wilhelm. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:

      Operator of vivarium. Av. de los Castros 14, Santander. Born Barsinghausen, 23 April 1897. Passport No 7810 issued Madrid 9.4.35. Member of DAF.

DIETEL SCHILLER, Erich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: General Mola 55, Madrid. Born January 8, 1911 at Greiz. Single. Sofindus employee. Follower and aide of Cristoph FIESSLER. DAF, NSDAP and SA member since 1933.

DIETERLE, Albert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIETL, David. German agent classified D. Secretary to J.F. BERNHARDT. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain.

DIETMANN, Hans. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Koenigsberg, 28 February, 1911.

DIETRICH, Anton. Condecorated by FRANCO «Caballero de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas con Medalla» (BOE, 11 Septiembre de 1940).

DIETRICH, Arthur. Decorated by FRANCO with the Encomienda Sencilla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (Decreto 29 julio, 1943). Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Ortsgruppenleiter of DAF, Madrid. Landesgruppenschulungsleiter NSDAP, Madrid. Formerly in Mexico. Press attache, German Embassy, Madrid. Still in Spain in September 1946. Address: calle Sil 9, Colonia El Viso, Madrid. He hid from Allies in Traspaderne (Burgos). Near Traspaderne, in Cillarperlata, hid another nazi agent, BURBACH.

DIETRICH, Werner alias DIETZ. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0089.

      From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Radio Operator. Born 20 February 1212 in Chemnitz.

From 1931-1936 subject was a student at the Engineering College at Dresden.

From 1936-1940 he was employed as electrical engineer by the Allgemeine ElektricitätsGesellschaft (AEG) in Berlin.

From 1940-1945 he was called up for military service and trained as a radio operator. He held various short time assignments as counter intelligence operator in Germany.Ordered to France where he served as operator until September 1941.

     He was then sent to Spain to operate a relay station in Sevilla. stayed there as a radio operator until the general armistace.

      Member of the NSDStB, Deutsche Studentenschaft, SA, DAF, NSV and the NSDAP.

      Subject worked as a radio operator in France. This was an operation carried out under General Kommando 2 and later 12, and came under the direction of Lt Col WEBER of the Abwehr, who was in charge of the General Kommando 12 in Wiesbaden and also Maison- Laffitte. In 1941 subject was ordered to Spain to set up a relay station in Sevilla. This relay station was to receive intelligence messages from a number of out stations. All messages were coded. He reported mainly on Allied shipping troop movements and preparations.

      Subject was released to Berlin-Charlottenburg, Weimarerstr. 20″.

DIETZ, Albert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIETZ, Anneliese. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. E-4 on Official List. DOB. Frankfurt a/M, 3 August, 1914.

DIETZ, Karl Egon. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Employed by A.E.G. Address: Peru 5, Sevilla.

DIETZ, Werner. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Electrical engineer with A.E.G. Sevilla. Born about 1911.

DIETZOLD, Otto. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Gruppenführer D.A.F. Also active in K.D.F. Address: Calle Leon y Castillo, Apartado 214, Las Palmas. Posed as commercial agent.

DIEZMANN, Günther. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 2/1/1926 in Dragsdorf bei Zeitz. Address in Germany, 1946: Sperberweg 12, Koln Rh Biekendorf.

DILLMANN, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DIRINGSHOFEN, Heinz von. Dr. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DIRLEWANGER, Oskar. Obersturmführer. Commander of the so-called Sonderkommando or SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger . War criminal and convicted child rapist decorated by FRANCO.

      Born in 1895 in Würzburg. He served as an infantry officer in World War I and won the Iron Cross 2nd Class and 1st Class medals. After the end of World War I, DIRLEWANGER, described in a police report as «a mentally unstable, violent fanatic and alcoholic, who had the habit of erupting into violence under the influence of drugs,» joined different Freikorps paramilitary militias and fought in Ruhr, Saxony and Upper Silesia.

      He fought against the German Revolution of 1918–19 with the Freikorps in the cities of Backnang, Kornwestheim, Esslingen, Untertürkheim, Aalen, Schorndorf and Heidenheim near Stuttgart, in the Ruhr at Dortmund and Essen in 1920 and in eastern Germany in 1920 and 1921. He served in Freikorps Epp, Freikorps Haas, Freikorps Sprösser and Freikorps Holz.

      In 1934 convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl and stealing government property. After serving a two-year jail sentence, DIRLEWANGER was released. Soon after, he was arrested again for sexual assault. He was interned in a concentration camp. Gottlob BERGER, an old Freikorps comrade who worked closely with Heinrich HIMMLER, the Reichsführer-SS, secured his friend’s release and an appointment to the Condor Legion.

      During the Spanish Civil War, he served with the Condor Legion from 1936 to 1939 and was wounded three times.Both times he was considered a model soldier and was well thought of in fascist military circles.

      Between April and November, 1937 he was instructor in Gruppe Issendorf, (also known as Gruppe Thoma Academias and Imker Ausbilder, under command of Walther von ISSENDORF). He trained members of Falange in Academia de Oficiales Pedro Llen.

      In November 1937 he was arrested and jailed in Toledo for sexual assaults. Transfered to Sippo, who sent him to Germany for another charges of child abuse. Von THOMA’s eulogistic report on him liberated from prison and he was ascended to Hauptmann rank.

      DIRLEWANGER returned to Spain in July 1938 as instructor for Falange’s Academias. According to some sources he was also instructor and company commander in the tank unit Imker. At the end of the Spanish Civil War he had the Spanish Military Merit Cross, the Spain campaign medal and the German Spanish Cross (silver).

From Wikipedia, Oskar DIRLEWANGER:

      «At the beginning of World War II, DIRLEWANGER volunteered for the Waffen-SS and received the rank of Obersturmführer. He eventually became the commander of the so-called Sonderkommando Dirlewanger (at first designated as a battalion, later expanded to a brigade and eventually a division), composed originally of a small group of former poachers along with soldiers of a more conventional background. It was believed that the excellent tracking and shooting skills of the poachers could be put to constructive use in the fight against partisans. Later, Dirlewanger ’s soldiers were mostly recruited from volunteers among convicted German criminals (civilian and military) and concentration camp inmates, eventually including even political prisoners and mental asylum patients.

      The unit was assigned to security duties first in occupied Poland (General Government), where DIRLEWANGER also served as an SS-TV commandant of a labour camp at Stary Dzików. The camp was a subject of an abuse investigation by the SS judge Georg Konrad MORGEN, who accused DIRLEWANGER of wanton acts of murder, corruption and Rassenschande, that is the crime of sexual relations with non-Aryans (MORGEN consequently himself got reduced in rank and sent to the Eastern Front).

      According to Morgen, «DIRLEWANGER was a nuisance and a terror to the entire population. He repeatedly pillaged the ghetto in Lublin, extorting ransoms.» Atrocities committed by DIRLEWANGER included injecting strychnine into young Jewish female prisoners, previously undressed and whipped, to watch them convulse to death in front of him and his friends for entertainment. According to Raul HILBERG, this camp was where «one of the first instances that reference was made to the ’soap-making rumor’;» according to the rumour, DIRLEWANGER would «cut up Jewish women and boiled them with horse meat to make soap.»

     DIRLEWANGER’s primary patron in the SS hierarchy was BERGER, who provided HIMMLER with a massive political boost by numerically increasing the Waffen-SS through his position as chief of the SS-Hauptamt. In Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Under German Occupation, Richard C. LUKAS described DIRLEWANGER as «a sadist whose brutality was well known … one of those degenerates who, in saner days, would have been court-martialed out of the German army.» According to Peter Longerich, DIRLEWANGER’s leadership «was characterized by continued alcohol abuse, looting, sadistic atrocities, rape, and murder—and his mentor BERGER tolerated this behaviour, as did HIMMLER, who so urgently needed men such as the Sonderkommando Dirlewanger in his fight against ’subhumanity’.»[10] In his letter to HIMMLER, SS-Brigadeführer Odilo GLOBOCNIK recommended DIRLEWANGER, who «in charge of the Jewish camp of Dzikow … was an excellent leader.»

In January 1942, however, the local Higher SS and Police Leader, SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich-Wilhelm KRÜGER threatened: «[Unless] this bunch of criminals disappears from the General Government within a week, I will go myself and lock them up.»

      In February, the unit was promptly reassigned for anti-partisan duties in occupied Belarus, «with a speciality of ’pacifying’ an area by slaughtering every man, woman and child.»

      HIMMLER was well aware of DIRLEWANGER’s reputation and record, but awarded him the German Cross in Gold on 5 December 1943, in recognition of his regiment’s successes during this time, such as Operation Cottbus. In Bloodlands: Europe Between HITLER and STALIN, Timothy SNYDER wrote that «DIRLEWANGER’s preferred method was to herd the local population inside a barn, set the barn on fire, and then shoot with machine guns anyone who tried to escape.» Rounded-up civilians were also repeatedly used as human shields and marched over minefields. In Masters of Death, Richard Rhodes wrote that DIRLEWANGER and his force also «raped and tortured young women and slaughtered Jews Einsatzgruppen-style in Byelorussia beginning in 1942.»SNYDER cautiously estimated that the Sonderkommando, by then regiment-sized, killed at least 30,000 civilians in its Belarusian tour of duty.Some other estimates are much higher, such as at least 120,000 civilians killed in 200 villages. Jan VALTIN wrote: «The Dirlewanger Brigade is marching! How many hundred villages erased? How many hundred thousand lives snuffed out? Ask Colonel DIRLEWANGER

      In 1944, during the German rout from Belarus, DIRLEWANGER’s unit suffered heavy losses in the rear-guard fights against Soviet regulars. It was used again (by then, reformed into a brigade), in the suppression of the Warsaw Uprising. Historian Martin WINDROW wrote that «in summer ’44 DIRLEWANGER led his 4,000 butchers, rapists and looters into action against the Warsaw Uprising, and quickly committed … unspeakable crimes.» In Warsaw, DIRLEWANGER participated in the Wola massacre, together with police units rounding up and shooting some 40,000 civilians in just two days. In the same Wola district, DIRLEWANGER burned three hospitals with patients inside, while the nurses were «whipped, gang-raped and finally hanged naked, together with the doctors» to the accompaniment of music. Later, «they drank, raped and murdered their way through the Old Town, slaughtering civilians and fighters alike without distinction of age or sex.» In the Old Town – where about 30,000 civilians were killed – several thousand wounded in field hospitals overrun by the Germans were shot and set on fire with flamethrowers. Reportedly, «the Dirlewanger Brigade burned prisoners alive with gasoline, impaled babies on bayonets and stuck them out of windows and hung women upside down from balconies.»

      SS-Obergruppenführer Erich von dem BACH-ZELEWSKI, overall commander of the forces pacifying Warsaw – and DIRLEWANGER’s former boss in Belarus – described DIRLEWANGER as having «a typical mercenary nature»; von dem BACH ’s staff officer sent to summon DIRLEWANGER before him was driven off at gunpoint. Nevertheless, in recognition of his work to crush the uprising and intimidate the population of Warsaw, DIRLEWANGER received his final promotion, to the rank of SS-Oberführer, on 15 August 1944. In October, he was also awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross, recommended for it by his superior officer in Warsaw, SS-Gruppenführer Heinz REINEFARTH (after the war, REINEFARTH lied about his role in Warsaw, even denying DIRLEWANGER had been under his command).

      DIRLEWANGER then led his men in joining the efforts to put down the Slovak National Uprising, eventually fighting against the Red Army in Hungary and Germany. On 17 April 1945, he was injured in combat for the 12th time and sent to the rear.

Death: DIRLEWANGER was arrested on 1 June 1945 near the town of Altshausen in Upper Swabia by the French occupational authorities while wearing civilian clothes and hiding under a false name in a remote hunting lodge – reportedly recognised by a former Jewish concentration camp inmate – and brought to a detention center. He died around 5–7 June 1945 in a prison camp at Altshausen, probably as a result of ill-treatment. The exact cause of DIRLEWANGER’s death is unknown, which over time led to numerous speculations. His death certificate issued by French authorities stated that DIRLEWANGER died on 7 June 1945 of natural causes. However, the certificate has been questioned, especially by the German historians. According to Rolf MICHAELIS, a Luftwaffe lieutenant Anton FÜSSINGER (now deceased) claimed he was DIRLEWANGER’s cell mate, and said that he witnessed DIRLEWANGER being gravely beaten by Polish guards in the French service on the night of 4 to 5 June, resulting in his death. However, no one else corroborated any of his statements, despite further research by the Polish Institute of National Remembrance. Contemporary Polish sources suggest that those guards could have been recruited from among former forced labourers, although a Polish survivor of the original Nazi camp at Altshausen stated that its former Polish prisoners did not know anything about DIRLEWANGER’s death.

      The lack of corroborating evidence led to even more rumours after the war ended. Many sightings of DIRLEWANGER were made around the world over the years. Although the French recorded that DIRLEWANGER was buried on 19 June 1945, there were rumours and tabloid stories suggesting that he had escaped, including one popular story of DIRLEWANGER serving with the French Foreign Legion in Vietnam during the First Indochina War and later defecting to Egypt to serve Nasser’s army. He was even being still officially wanted by the Polish government for murdering over 30,000 people in Poland. In response, the department of public prosecution in Ravensburg arranged the exhumation of DIRLEWANGER’s corpse to confirm his identity in November 1960. The place of his burial was confirmed, although it was liquidated later. «


DIRWIMMER, Georg. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 29/10/1900 in Arnstorf, Niederbayern. Address in Germany, 1946: Tumblingerstr. 15 II, Munchen (American zone)

DISCHLER, Ludwig. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DITTMANN, Paul Willi. German formerly employed as radio technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Entered Spain December 16, 1943. DOB. Berlin, 27 October, 1910.

DITTRICH, Alois. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DITTKRIST, Otto DITTRICH, Alois. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DOBIASH, Wilhelm. Austrian officer repatriated from Carranza Internment Camp. From OSS, WASH SPDF INT 1 Docs. 3551-3600:

(…) Date: 8-12 January 1946:

      «The news that Germans in Spain would be repatriated in early February 1946 was well received by the Germans interned at the Carranza concentration camp, although the German colony did not display the same sentimente Of the 390 internees, source was told that for the time being only fifteen who appear to be considered war criminals were to remain in Spain, in a concentration campo.

      The officer in charge of the camp, a certain DOBIASCH , who was a German army officer, applied to the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for permission to make the trip together with another sixteen internees via Barcelona-Trieste. In this request they stated that they all were of Austrian nationality. Application was said to have been made because of their great fear of crossing France. DOBIASCH according to his own statements was an early member of the Nazi Party.

      In accordance with the scheduled repatriation of Germans, the manager of the Carranza camp, a German named LOESCH, instructed a certain UNANUE, an employee at the camp to sell all the fixtures and surplus provisions at black market prices. The money obtained from these sales is to be given to LOESCH who is to remain in Spain in the employ of Antonio SALONA whose business is located in Barcelona. SALONA was in charge of supplying the needs of the Germans at the Carranza camp and was assisted in this by UNANUE one of his employees.»


DOBLER /DOEBLER, Herbert, alias LASSEN, Carl August, alias H. DUARTE. Born 4 December, 1908. Gestapo agent in Lisbon, Barcelona and Madrid.

      Information from Finance Division, Hamburg, January 4, 1946 and Records of the External Assets Investigation Section of the Property Division, OMGUS, 1945-1949 : Argentinian national, nominated as partner and trustee by Chemische Fabrik Marienfelde G.m.b.H. representing the 20% participation in cloak firm Medivete. See HOFFMAN, Martin.

      DOBLER, under the alias H. DUARTE controlled the Lisbon network connected with the German spy ring which transmitted information from US about Allied ships (About this issue, see the Brooklyn Spy Trial, September 1941 to March 1942):

ENGLISH TRAITOR AIDS NAZIS. (1941, October 13). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 – 1995), p. 2. » NEW YORK, Saturday. A traitorous Englishman helped a Nazi spy in Lisbon, Portugal to photograph diplomatic mail to and from the British Embassy there, according to the testimony at the trial of 15 alleged spies to-day.

      Federal agents testified that information disclosed that H. Duarte alias HERBERT DOBLER, was the main German official in Lisbon. DUARTE gained access to all diplomatic mail from and to London. Erich Strunck, a steward on the United States steamship Siboney, informed the Federal Bureau of Information «G» men that Duarte had agents working inside the British Embassy. One was an Englishman, who carried mail pouches from the Embassy to London, DUARTE instructed this Englishman to bring all pouches outward from the Embassy and inward from London to DUARTE, who promptly photographed the contents on microfilm, which he then sent to .Germany by plane.These films arrived in Germany about the same time as British officials received the diplomatic pouch from London.»


New York, Sept. 12

      The government today revealed the texts of secret messages in which a Hamburg spy center requested information about American airplane production and technical and military intelligence. The messages, received by a «spy» radio station operated secretly by the Federal Bureau of investigation on Long Island.were identified by James C. Ellsworth, FBI agent and government witness at the trial of 16 men charged with conspiracy to spy for Germany.

      The messages were addressed to William G. Sebold, who testified earlier that he was assigned to spy in this country by the German Gestapo. He turned his assignment over to the FBI, who built the Long Island station and operated it in counter-espionage. Among the messages introduced into evidence as having been received by the Long Island station from the outlaw station AOR in Hamburg, were:

      June 3, 1940, when it was reported that the French might try to move their liner Normandie out of New York—»Thanks for reports. Observe Normandie.»

      June 13, 1940—»Is it true that shipments of provisions have preference over war materials.»

      June 29—»Deliver all material through Siegler to H, Duarte, Lisbon, Hotel Duos Maloes. (or Nacoes). Password on meeting is Sesam greets Fran*. Duarte will hand over to Siegler 500 for Boeder; 300 for you; 200 for Lily; 259 for Dunn. Distribution of money by you. Don’t borrow money for Lily. All should report military and technical information delivered to Baglaad. Siegler should bring Stigler also to Duarte. Hearty greetings. «

      (Lily Stein and Everett Boeder were among them who have pleaded guilty to one or both counts for the indictment Franz J. Stigler is on trial). (…)

      July 11—»Send via Manhattan to Duarte. Lisbon to forwarding:


DOBRATZ, Kurt. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DODO, Michel, alias LARA. From Hans SOMMER’s CI interrogation: Amt VI agent from 1944 to 1945. Born 1914, 1.74m height, oval pock-faced, brown eyes, dark blond hair. Fought with the French Army in North Africa. Voluntareed for the anti-Bolshevist Legion in 1941. Promoted to Lt. and became an agent of Amt VI in 1944. Sent to San Remo in February 1945 and went to France in a speedboat in April 1945. From France he flew to Spain, was imprisiones, was released and joined the Spanish Intelligence Service. Wife and child live in Paris.

DOERING / DÖRING , Klemes Johannes. DOB 21/1/1920. Address in Germany, 1946: Margarethenstr. 22 (British zone).He certified and undersigned under oath, before US authorities, that he never was connected or had had any connections with I.G. Farben, Sofindus or Flick.

DOERING / DÖRING , Wilhelm Paul. DOB. 18/8/1894. Internal Auditor of the Sofindus Trading Subsidiary Companies (about 20 according to DOERING) from August 1941 to May 1945.

      In Spanish list. Address in Germany: Potsdamerstr. 157 Berlin (American zone). With Hisma (Sofindus) in Spain. 1938-1939.  Reichswerke Hermann Goering, Braunschweig 1940

      With Dr. STROVSKY, Wirtschaft Preufer, Berlin. Not in London II. Interrogated July 2 1946

      Worked under Supervising Auditor Anton BRENNER, still in Spain in July 1946

      DOERING gave information about Rowak, cloak company for Reichministerium; trading companies, Transcomar; Naviera Bachi, Sociedad de Lanas, Transports Marion; Wolfram mines and iron ore trade. He mentioned a Spaniard BARBER.

      Auditing Department of Sofindus according to Doering’s declaration:

Group Commerce: 1) BRENNER; 2) DOERING

Group Mining: 1) MEINZ and ROHDE; SCHWEIGER

      The Auditing Department of Sofindus was directly subject to the Board of Directors: BERNHARDT and WAHLE.

     Notwithstanding, he certified and undersigned under oath, before US authorities, that he never was connected or had had any connections with I.G. Farben, Sofindus or Flick.


DOERR, Hans Clemens. Generalmajor / Heer . Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born in 1897 in Wilhelmshaven. Address in Germany: Baden/Baden, Maximilianstrasse 36. In Hoch Asperg (Camp 76). Dec. 1939-Sept. 1940: General Staff Officer, 44th Inf Division. Oct.1940-Mar. 1941: lnspector in Tactics, General Staff School, Berlin. Apr 1941-May 1941: Liaison Officer, 2nd Italian Army. Jun 1941-Sept. 1942: Chief of General Staff, L II AK. Oct 1942-Jan. 1943: Chief of German Liaison Section, Romanian Army. Jan 1943 -Mar. 1943: Commanding Officer, 384th Division. Mar 1943-Aug. 1943: Chief of General Staff, XVII AK.

      Aug 1943-May 1945: Military Attache, German Embassy, Madrid.

      Connected to FRENTRUP, BRAUNE and BUSSE. Interrogated about the funds of his office and about 72.000 revolvers allegedly sent from the Brünner Waffenwerke to the Spanish Government. DOERR received his funds through the Embassy Finance Office, which in turn received these funds from the OKH (Oberkommando des Heeres). He mentioned Oberslieutenant GOLDENBERG and Botschaftrat Walther BECKER as the most plausible officials to know about de arms transaction between Spain and Germany.

DOHMS, Gerhard. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). OKW agent.

DOLID, Oswaldo. Involved in cloaking bussiness with MAWICK and GRADOLPH.

DOLINICA, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DOLIWA, Richard Emil Ferdinand. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Co-manager of machine works. Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, Durango. Born Berlin, 11 April 1901. Passport No. 10/38 issued Bilbao 26.9.38.

DOLIWA, Richard Gustav Adolf. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Co-manager of machine works. Bruno Mauricio de Zabala, Durango. Born Königsberg, 20 Feb. 1873. Passport No. 05404 M/39 issued Nauen 18.1.41. Member of DAF and NSV.

DOLLMANN, Eugen. Born 8 August, 1900 in Regensburg ; Died 17 May, 1985 in Munich SS-Standartenfuehrer (promoted 9.11.1943). NSDAP-Nº. 3402541; SS-Nº. 289259; Personal Staff of the Reichsfuehrer-SS (on 9 Nov 1944 [Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse ohne Schwerter; Ehrendegen und Totenkopfring] (from Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der NSDAP [9 Nov 1944]).

      Records of DOLLMANN ’s postwar service for the Office of Strategic Services / Central Intelligence Agency can be found in in the US National Archives, Record Group 263 (Declassified), Box 08.


DOMACK, Kurt. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Velázquez 27, Madrid. Born September 25, 1899 at Berlin. Wife in Germany. Chief engineer at Telefunken.

DOMANSKI, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DOMING, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DOMMASCHK, Georg. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DOMKE, Ernst Karl Heinrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 10/3/1909 in Hagen, Westfalen. Address in Germany, 1946: Spradow bei Bunde, Wesfalen (British zone).

DONDIT, Juan. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Commercial agent. Worked for Baumann & Co., Hamburg.

DONGES, Erich. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

DOORMANN. I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

DORCH, Paul / Pablo. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Businessman. Mechanic. Andalucia.

DORFF, Arnt Arnold Adam von, baron. Delegate to Spain of Daimler-Benz, A.G. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

DORFLER, Leopold. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DORING, Adam. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DORING, August. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DÖRING, Klemens Johannes. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 21/1/1920 in Neustadt, Westpreussen.

DÖRING, Wilhelm Paul. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 18/8/1894 in Angermünde.

DÖRNE, Georg. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/3/1913 in Berlin. Address in Germany, 1946: Friedenstr. 66, Berlin-Niederschoenhausen.

DORZOK, Liselotte. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. A-99 and IV Priority List. DOB. Mulheim, 23 October, 1918. First priority to be interrogated.

DRAEGER, Adelwald. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 5/7/1908 in Bismarksfelde. Address in Germany, 1946: Roonstr. 176, Wilhelmshaven (British zone).

DRAEGER, Gustav, alias Jaime SOL. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records, working I-M, KO Spanien,Sevilla.(named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). German consul, Sevilla. Businessman. Av. Queipo de Llano 44, Sevilla. Owner, by proxy, of finca Mi Capricho, near Sanlucar La Mayor, whose nominal propietror is his daughter.

DRAGE, Walter. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DRECHZEL / DRESCHEL, Celia Romero de von . Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. 8 June, 1910.

DREHER, Hans. Swiss. He run Trans Afrikaner S.A for E. P. WALLWEG in Tangier.

DREISS, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DRESSLER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DREXEL, Patrick / Patricio Gestapo agent classified B. Engaged in sabotage activities (explosives). In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Jeweller. Address: calle Alvarez Quintero 38, Sevilla.

DROBBE, Heinz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Berlin, 13 December, 1913.

DROEGE, Ascan / Askan Herbert. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 7/9/1909 in Wandsbek bei Hamburg. In Spanish list. Employee of the Sofindus from August 1943 to May 1945. Address in Germany, 1946: Neuerwall 26, Hamburg (British zone). Notwithstanding, he certified and undersigned under oath, before US authorities, that he never was connected or had had any connections with I.G. Farben, Sofindus or Flick.

DUFNER, Walter Josef. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 6/4/1912 in Schramberg Württ. Address in Germany, 1946: Furstenbergerstr. 171, Frankfurt/Main.

DUMKE, Walter. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DUMPERT, Hans / Johann. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Interned at Caldas de Malavella in December (November in other documents), 1944, according to Allied reports. Repatriated from Madrid by air on 23 August 1946. Listed B-82 I, I Priority. Germant agent.

      From the German files, information dated July, 1941: Born August 24, 1898 in Hagebach. Married. Two children in 1946. Address: Calle Alferez Oliver, 24, Inca (Mallorca). Employed by Gas y Electricidad S.A, Palma de Mallorca.

      Information from the office of Attache D.P. Medalie: German. Born around 1903 (?). Wounded in the 1914-1918 war. Lived in Mallorca since 1918, first in Inca and then in Palma. Agent of KDM Spain in the Balearic Islands from at least May 1940 intil at least November 1944. Reported to have been zealous in the detention and assasination of liberals during Spanish Civil War, when he worked for the National information services. In export business in Inca, Mallorca. Reported in May 1943 to have engaged in the export business with a certain Walter KLEIN and a certain FERRER. Worked for the Office of Police Attache in Barcelona until 1943. He was interned in Spain in 1945.Reported to have W/T act and to send information obtained from Spanish authorities about British convoys and aircraft. Married to a mallorquin woman. Subject was tall, blond hair, going bald.

DUNGERN, F. von. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DUNKER, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

DUPONT, Wilhelm. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

DURBBS (DROBBE), Heinz. Repatriated from Bilbao.

DUSCHEK, Werther Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). OKW agent.

DUVAL, Jean alias Jean COLONNA. French (Corsican), smuggler of pictures, jewels, and motor cars. Reported to be Sipo and SD agent and also a member of the Spirito Carboni gang of Marseilles. Closely, associated with Adrian OTELET, who tried to get DAYE, a Belgian journalist, to intervene with the Spanish authorities to prolong his residence permit. Connected with ALISCH and SCHMIDT, with whom he looted the house of Commodore BEAUMONT at Cape d’Antibes. Connected with NEUBER, JUHNKE, BAUER, and de MERODE. Smuggled Marcel LABOURDETTE from Spain into France in luggage compartment of his car.

      Married to Russian, lived in San Sebastian over the Hotel Shanti, Miracruz 24 (owner, Loreno ADRIOZOTTA). Now in Madrid, Palace Hotel.

      From Information of OSS, Art Unit, dated 20 August, 1945, Individuals involved in suspicious Art activities, Iberian Peninsula: Reported to be engaging in smuggling pictures, jewels and other valuables from France to Spain. Involved with MIEDL

From Roberts Commission, Subject file: Menten:

      «According to British reports from Madrid, subject engages in illicit traffic in pictures, jewels and motor cars. He is believed to be an agent of the Sipo and SD and is a protege of Ernst ALISCH, alias Ernesto SEILER, important SD official formerly in Paris.

      Subject is furthermore reported to have once been a member of the Spirito-Carbone gang in Marseilles, with which his constant companion, the Belgian Adrian OTLET (q.v) and possibly KONINECKX (See MIEDL dossier) may also have been connected. This gang of gunmen, kidnappers and blackmailers included Francois SPIRITO, Jean CARBONE, Francois CARBONE, and Venture CARBONE.

      Among other subversive activities they denounced de Gaullists to the Germans and led anti-British and anti-Semitic demontrations.

      Subject is reported, 12 September 1944, to be in difficulty with Spanish authorities on account of his residence permit. Carries German passport. Source suggests thnt DUVAL’s difficulties with the authorities were due to the fact that MIEDL had entrusted DUVAL with pictures, bonds and jewels to the value of several million francs, which DUVAL undertook to smuggle into Spain. Same source believes that DUVAL intends to double-cross MIEDL and dispose of these articles for his own benefit. British are trying to investigate, 18 October 1944.

     Subject’s wife holds French identity papers and claims to be of Finnish origin, though she is in fact Russian. He smuggled her into Spain in the luggage compartment of a stolen Citroen at the time of German withdrawal from southern France. They lived lor a short time at Calle Miracruz 24. 3rd floor left, San Sebastian. Were reported at Palace Hotel Madrid, 24 September 1944.

      Member of the Dutch Legation in Madrid saw DUVAL’s car in Palace Hotel Garage and recognized it as one stolen from himself. According to Pierre DAYE, Belgian journalist who was asked by OTLET to help DUVAL but refused, the Duchman has preferred charges against DUVAL and authorities have asked the German Embassy to remove him from Spain.»


DWORSCHAK, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

Autor: Eliah Meyer

Para leer y descargar completo  desde  «THE FACTUAL LIST OF NAZIS PROTECTED BY SPAIN».pdf

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