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BAALK, Robert . SS Hauptscharfuehrer. January 1942. Madrid: Chief from 1939 until August 1944, Krim Rat WINZER; assistants: Krim Kom HAMMES, Pol O/lnsp VEY, Krim Sek GUTBIER, Krim Sek SCHMIT, Krim Sek KOENEKE, Krim O/Asst BAALK, Krim Kom KRUEGER, chief clerk VIONSEK. See HAMMES- interrogation by OCCPAC.

BACHERLE, Heid. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Female assistant employed at German Embassy, Madrid.

BACKHAUS, Ingeborg. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.. Son, Franz Norbert BACKHAUS, aged 3. DOB, Quedlinburg 1 November 1922. E-53 in Official List.

BADESTUBNER / BADESTUEBNER, Johann. Commander Chief of NVW (Nachrichtenverbindungswesens). Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BAER, Maria Dolores. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor. Address: calle Santa Clara 21, Andalucia (sic)

BAESELER (fnu). German agent connected with LESSER and Hans BRANDES. In charge in Bayona of smuggling and transports of Sofindus. Hidden in Spain in 1945.

BAHMER Agent in Spanish Morocco and Tangier, III-Unclassified in OSS records. Used to go to the observatory of Sidi Bouknadel.

BAIER, Paul. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAIER, Wilhelm. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAKER, Charles Harold. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Frankfurt, 24 May, 1926.

BAKUS, Anita. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Secretary to Dr. WEISS. Address: Hotel Nacional, Madrid.

BALCK, Robert. SD/ Gestapo still in Spain in 1946. O/Asst. German. He is above 41 years old, 1.80 meters tall, muscular, with black hair and a dark complexion. He was a police official from tho Schupo (Schutzpolizei)and was transferred to Madrid in 1940 as an official in tho Office of Police Attache. He also served with the German Consulate in Badajoz for a time. He was in tho NSDAP.

BALLES, Alfred. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Employee (Unicolor S.A.). Address: Dr. Areilza 2, 4o dcha., Bilbao. Born Mannheim, 21 October, 1900. Passport No 509/ 39 issued Barcelona 29.7.1939. Member of DAF.

BALLIN-BORMASS, Edgar. Repatriated from Bilbao.

BALLWEG, Ernst Paul . German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, December, 1944. Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Po. No. 0757. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Despite his denial, connected to Placido FERNANDEZ (Nazi sympathiser who did considerable business with Hamburg) and the company Hispano Tangerina. In 1946 he owned a firm in Tangier known as Trans Afrikaner S.A., which was run by Hans DREHER (Swiss). Ballweg said that a Russian, HEYKOWITSCH, in Madrid was the expert on gold purchases for the Germans. He run the Banco di Tangieri in Tangier.

BALTES, Peter. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BALTUTTIS, Paul. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Employee. Address: calle de los Heros 32, 3o drcha., Bilbao. Born Berlin-Neukolln, 18 April, 1914. Passport No 217/R/8/35 issued Bln-Neukolln 17.1.1935. Member of DAF.

BALTZER / BALZER, Hermann, alias CORREGIDOR. Comdr. From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: «Freg. Kapitaen d. R. I M/ W KO until middle of 1943 and then with M in Spain». Madrid. Agent classified I-B in OSS records.

BALZIUS. I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BANDHOLTZ, Heinrich / BAINDHOLTZ Hans. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. SS member. Commercial agent in Tenerife. Address: Camachos Hotel, Sta Cruz de Tenerife.

BANDT, Karla / Carlota. Listed A-11, I Priority . Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946. Born 17 June 1921 at Hamburg. Since March 1942 in Spain.In BDM (Bund Deutsche Mädel) since 1939.

      Secretary of Reichssicherheitshauptamtes RSHA Amt VI B4. Secretary to Paul WINZER. With SINGER in German Embassy, Madrid. Information furnished by the office of Attache D.P. Medalie: German. Reported to be a German agent in posession of a police pass, issued March 2, 1943, valid for travelling through Spanish territory and frontier zone.

      From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: «Ardent and fanatic nazi. Still keeps contact with former SD and Nazi officials. Subject released to Hamburg, Auguststr. 3

BARBER ALANDETE, Juan. From Oss records, Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 3401-3450: Salamanca, Spain. On April 16, 1943, reported as one of the owners of Marion. Later is given as technical director on the Board of Directors of Marion. In May 1945 reported as the managing director of Marion. The American Embassy in Madrid reported on May 17, 1945 that SERRANO SUÑER, a lawyer for Marion, asked BARBER to choose someone to go to Lisbon in order to obtain some secret Axis funds from the Portuguese Minister of Finance and bring the money back to Spain to him (SERRANO SUÑER).

BARETH, Berthold. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Minerales de España. Employee. Address: Espartero 6, 4o izda., Bilbao. Born Weingarten, 17 December, 1895. Passport No 150/1942 issued Bilbao 23.9.1942. Member of DAF.

BARGAS, Hugo. From Information of OSS, Art Unit, dated 20 August, 1945, Individuals involved in suspicious Art activities, Iberian Peninsula: «Paseo de Colon, 4, Barcelona. Described as a rich Falangist, frequent traveler between France, Spain, Chile and Argentina, and suspected of smuggling paintings and art objects between those countries.»

BARNISCH, Erich Alfred. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

BARTELS, Walter. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

BARTHEL, Heinrich. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BARTOLEIT, Walter. German agent and Ortsgruppenleiter NSDAP in Barcelona. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Consular secretary.


      La colonia alemana de Barcelona se reunió el pasado domingo en el Coliseum, donde celebró un acto, en el que tomó parte el jefe del Partido Nacional Socialista en España, doctor Hans THOMSEN. La sala del Coliseum aparecía engalanada con banderas alemanas, españolas e italianas, y en el escenarlo figuraba un busto del Führer, sobre el que destacaba el símbolo del Águila alemana con la Cruz gamada, así como dos grandes signos da la Juventud Hitleriana a ambos lados del mismo. El teatro presentaba brillante aspecto, por la numerosa concurrencia de alemanes residentes en esta ciudad asistentes al acto. Con el doctor THOMSEN, presidieron el acto el cónsul general de Alemania doctor JAEGER; el jefe local del Partido Nacional Socialista en Barcelona, Walter BARTOLEIT, las jerarquías locales de dicha organización y nutridas representaciones de F. E. T y de las J. O. N. S., presididas por los camaradas SANTA MARINA y RIQUER,. y del Fascio italiano» (La Vanguardia, 21 abril, 1942, p. 3 )

BARTH SEGLEN KER, Wilhelm / Guillermo. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer in Jacobo Schneider, S.A., Sevilla. Born 1906 in Segwenningeiz. Address: Calle Montevideo 21, Sevilla.

BARTHEL, Louis Killian. Adviser. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BARTHEL, Oswald. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Born about 1880 in Chenitz, Germany.

BARTSCH, Alois. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BARTUSCH, Wilhelm. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BARTZ, Ulrich Hermann. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German.DOB 18/11/1911 in Ruhnow-Bahnhof (Pommern). Address in Germany, 1946: Bad Libbspringe, Westfalen (British zone).

BASCHE, Waldemar. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BASSEWITZ-BEHR, Georg-Henning Graf von. War criminal. SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und der Polizei . Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). SS-No: 35 466 (Joined 20.12.1931); NSDAP-Nr.: 458 315 (Joined 01.02.1931) Born: 21.03.1900 in Lützow / Mecklenburg.

20.12.1931 SS-Anwärter
00.00.1932 SS-Mann
06.04.1932 SS-Scharführer
09.03.1933 SS-Truppführer
12.09.1933 SS-Obertruppführer
25.11.1933 SS-Sturmführer
04.12.1933 SS-Obersturmführer
30.05.1934 SS-Sturmhauptführer
22.06.1934 SS-Sturmbannführer
25.04.1935 SS-Obersturmbannführer
01.04.1936 Unteroffizier d. R.
22.04.1936 SS-Standartenführer
29.08.1937 Feldwebel d. R.
11.09.1938 SS-Oberführer
08.05.1940 SS-Hauptsturmführer d. R. der Waffen-SS
01.07.1940 SS-Obersturmbannführer d. R. der Waffen-SS
01.01.1942 SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei
20.04.1943 SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei
01.07.1944 Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und der Polizei

01.01.1931 Joined the NSDAP.
00.04.1931 Joined the NSKK.
20.12.1931 Joined the SS.
06.04.1932 – 01.12.1933 Assigned, after a 17-day training course at the “Reichsschule der Motor-SA”, as Führer (m.d.F.b.) of the Motorstaffel in II.Sturmbann / 22.SS-Standarte (Base: Schwerin).
25.11.1933 – 01.12.1933 Motorstaffelführer (m.d.W.d.G.b.) of 22.SS-Standarte (with effect from 09.11.1933).
01.12.1933 – 05.04.1934 Führer (m.d.F.b.) of 15.SS-Motorstandarte (under SS-Abschnitt XV, Hamburg).
00.00.1933 – 00.00.1933 Ortsbauernführer (Local Farmers’ Leader) and member of the Agrarpolitische
Apparat (Farm Policy Apparatus) of the NSDAP in Schwiessel / Mecklenburg.
05.04.1934 – 01.04.1936 Oberabschnitts-Staffelführer (m.d.W.d.G.b.) of SS-Oberabschnitt “Nord” (HQ: Hamburg-Altona). Succeeded Erich von Warzewski.
01.04.1936 – 15.08.1936 Oberabschnitt-Staffelführer (m.d.W.d.G.) of SS-Oberabschnitt “Nordwest” (new post created when the old Oberabschnitt Nord was split).
01.04.1935 – 15.08.1936 Führer of 4.SS-Motorstandarte (Base: Hamburg).
He was the last commander of this unit which was dissolved when the SS-Motorstandarten were downgraded to SS-Kraftfahrstürme.
08.06.1935 – 20.07.1935 Leave of absence to observe the automotive industry in the United States.
01.04.1936 – 30.04.1936 Army reserve training as Offiziersanwärter assigned to Panzer-Abwehr-
Abteilung 20 / 20.Infanterie-Division (Base: Schwerin).
Member of the “Bund der Kinderreichen” (League of Child Abundant Families)
and the Lebensborn Society.
15.08.1936 – 25.04.1941 Leiter of Hauptabteilung I /Mot. In the SS-Führungsamt, Berlin and “Inspekteur des SS-Kraftfahrwesens“ (Inspector of SS Motorized Units) assigned to the Stab SS-Hauptamt (originally headquartered in Berlin-Charlottenburg but after the outbreak of war, relocated to his estate at Lützow / Mecklenburg).
01.09.1936 – 26.09.1936 Army reserve training with 1.Kompanie / Panzer-Abwehr-Abteilung 20 /
20.Infanterie-Division (Base: Schwerin).
01.08.1937 – 29.08.1937 Army reserve training with 1.Kompanie / Panzer-Abwehr-Abteilung 20 /
20.Infanterie-Division (mot.)(Base: Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel).
08.05.1940 – 04.06.1940 Waffen-SS reserve service as Kommandeur of Panzerjäger-Abteilung / 6.SS-
01.07.1940 Entered active Waffen-SS service.
01.10.1940 – 25.04.1941 Chef of 7.Abteilung / Amt II (Waffeninspektion) in the SS-Führungshauptamt,
with title of “Inspekteur der Kraftfahrwesens der Waffen-SS” (Inspector of Motorized Troops of the Waffen-SS). Succeeded by Viktor Knapp.
01.03.1941 – 00.00.1945 Reichswirtschaftsrichter (Reich Economic Judge. A 5-year appointment).
25.04.1941 – 01.09.1941 Leiter of the Abteilung SS-mot. in the Kommandostab RFSS.
25.04.1941 – 16.02.1943 Assigned to the Stab SS-Führungshauptamt.
01.08.1941 – 01.01.1942 Attached to the Stab Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer “Ostland” (SS-
Gruppenführer Hans-Adolf Prützmann).
01.09.1941 – 01.11.1941 “Landwirtschaftlicher Referent” (Agricultural Advisor) to the Stab Höherer SS-und Polizeiführer “Ostland” (Riga). He accompanied Hans-Adolf Prützmann to Kiev when Prützmann and Friedrich Jeckeln switched HSSPF posts.
03.11.1941 – 17.11.1941 Attended an instructional course for SS- und Polizeiführer with Hauptamt
17.11.1941 – 09.11.1941 Detached for instruction to the Sicherheitspolizei (along with Hans Haltermann, Carl Graf von Pückler-Burghauss, and Jürgen Stroop).
09.11.1941 – 01.08.1942 “SS- und Polizeistandortführer im Generalbezirk Dnjepropetrowsk” (Ukraine).
First holder of this post. Succeeded by Hermann Harm.
09.11.1941 – 01.08.1942 “SS- und Polizei-Standortführer Dnjepropetrowsk.” First holder of this post.
Succeeded by Hermann Harm.
01.01.1942 – 01.04.1943 Assigned to the Stab SS-Hauptamt.
00.05.1942 – 00.07.1942 Two months’ home leave.
01.08.1942 – 14.01.1943 “SS- und Polizeiführer in Generalbezirk Mogilew” (in Byelorussia). First
holder of this post. Succeeded by Franz Kutschera.
22.11.1942 – 30.01.1943 “ständigerer Stellvertreter-Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Russland-Mitte”
(Standing Deputy HSSPF for Central Russia) and “ständiger Vertreter des Bevollmächtigten für Bandenbekämpfung” (Standing Deputy to the Plenipotentiary for Anti-Partisan Warfare)(both posts under Erich von dem Bach). Assigned for training in HSSPF duties and to act for Erich von dem Bach when he was absent organizing his anti-partisan command.
12.02.1943 – 8.05.1945 “Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer bei den Reichsstatthaltern und Oberpräsidenten in Hamburg, in Oldenburg, in Bremen, in Hannover und in Schleswig-Holstein im Wehrkreis X” (Short title: HSSPF Nordsee. Redesignated on 20.02.1944 as “Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer in den Gauen Hannover, Osthannover, Schlesweig-Holstein, und Weser-Ems in Wehrkreis X”; HQ: Hamburg). Succeeded Rudolf Querner; initially only given temporary (m.d.F.b.) command, 16.02.1943 – 20.04.1943, due to having the rank of Generalmajor der Polizei which was too low to rate full HSSPF status.
16.02.1943 – 08.05.1945 Chef of Amt III (Polizei) in the Staatsverwaltung (State Administration) of
16.02.1943 – 08.05.1945 Führer of SS-Oberabschnitt “Nordsee” (m.d.F.b. to 20.04.1943, then
permanent). Succeeded Rudolf Querner.
25.07.1943 – 30.07.1943 Placed in charge of damage control efforts by the Technische-Nothilfe,
Allgemeine-SS, Waffen-SS, and Sicherheitspolizei in the wake of “Operation Gomorrah”, the joint RAF/USAAF air assault on Hamburg.
13.08.1943 – 00.00.194_ “Generalkommissar für das Sicherheitswesen” (General Commissioner for
Security Matters) in Hamburg, appointed by Gauleiter Karl Kaufmann.
24.01.1944 – 29.02.1944 On orders of the Reichsführer-SS, underwent a cure at the SS-Kurheim Höhenvilla in Karlsbad, due to a chronic stomach ailment apparently resulting from the stress of losing both of his sons on the Eastern Front in 1943/44. Dr. jur. Carl Retzlaff deputized for him during his absence.
01.10.1944 – 08.05.1945 “Höherer Kommandeur der Kriegsgefangenen im Wehrkreis X” (Senior Commander of Prisoners of War in the Hamburg area).
00.04.1945 – 00.05.1945 Assigned to the Stab of the “Befehlshaber Führungsstab Nordküste” (known from 7.04.1945 onward as Oberbefehlshaber Nordwest under Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch) as “General der Wehrmachtordnungstruppen” (HQ: Schloss Reinbek).
00.04.1945 Set up a “Werwolf” section in Weser-Ems (under the aegis of the head of the “Werwolf” organization, Hans-Adolf Prützmann).

Postwar Confinement:

      Arrested and released on two occasions by British authorities in Schleswig-Holstein, May 1945. He then lived under a false name as a farm worker on the island of Fehmarn. Arrested by U.S. Army authorities in Bremen, 19.09.1945. Transferred to British custody, he was held at internment camps in Neumünster-Gadeland, Eselheide bei Paderborn (CIC No. 7), Minden, and Fischbek. Appeared as a witness before the British military tribunal at the Hamburg “Curio-Haus” in the trial of Neuengamme concentration camp staff, 09.04.1946. He was himself tried by the British Military Tribunal at the Hamburg “Curio-Haus” in the “Fuhlsbuettel Case”, 06.08.1947 – 27.08.1947. Specifically charged with the murder of Russian laborers at Fuhlsbüttel Prison on 14.11.1943; in the death of 10 recaptured French officer POW’s (several of whom were shot in Fuhlsbüttel; the others were deported to KL-Mauthausen where they were killed); and the murder at KL-Neuengamme of 71 prisoners from Fuhlsbüttel. He was acquitted on all of these charges. Upon learning that he was to be extradited to the Soviet Union, he took poison and was subsequently hospitalized in Hameln. Turned over to Soviet authorities in Berlin, 16.09.1947. Tried by a Soviet court, he was accused of responsibility for the death of 45,000 people in the area of Dnjepropetrowsk in 1941/42. he was sentenced to 25 years’ hard labor. He was held at a Soviet prison camp at Magadan in the Kolyma region of eastern Siberia.

From Yad Vasem:

      «Henning Graf von BASSEWITZ-BEHR was a major war criminal and the last Higher SS– and Police-Leader in the Hamburg region. Born to a noble family in the Mecklenburg region of Germany, he joined the Nazi party in the 1920s and was first assigned to the motorized units of the SS.

      From 1941, BASSEWITZ-BEHR was assigned to several positions in the German occupied territories of the Soviet Union. In 1942 and 1943, during his assignments as “SS- and Police-Leader” in Dnipropetrovsk and as deputy to the “Higher SS- and Police Leader Central Russia”, Erich von dem Bach, he was directly involved in the murder of Thousands of civilians.

      From February 1943 until the end of war, BASSEWITZ-BEHR served as Higher SS- and Police-Leader in Hamburg and therefore responsible for all deportations of Jews from that region and the murder of thousands of concentration camp prisoners. After the war, he was extradited to the Soviet Union and imprisoned in a Siberian penal camp, where he died in January 1949.»

BASTIAN, Dr. Walter. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Director of Transocean, Propaganda Nazi agency, Madrid.

BASCHWITZ / HASCHWITZ, Valerie. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. 28 August, 1869

BATICON, Joaquin: «Spanish. This man, a ship’s steward, was recruited in Buenos Aires to act as espionage courier between Spain and Argentina. He was taken off ship at Trinidad and removed to New York before being brought to Camp 020 for interrogation. BATICON’s wide knowledge of German espionage in South America, Cuba and Spain led to action being taken against a large number of German agents in those places» KV 2/2111

BATZHEIM, Gusti. Repatriated from Bilbao.

BAUER, Emil. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Minerales de España. Employee. Gran Via 62, Bilbao. Born Koln-Nippes, 12 February, 1889. Passport No 44/38 issued Bilbao 7.7.1938. Member of NSDAP.

BAUER, Franz. German sailor, Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946., formerly interned at the naval base of El Ferrol. D-1 on Official List. DOB. Vienna, 3 December 1911.

BAUER, Heinrich. See DELFANNE, George Henri.

BAUER, Hugo. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUER, Rudolf. German jeweler in Barcelona, charged with the sale of large amounts of diamonds used to transfer large fortunes from Germany to Spain. Connected with THEBE, URBANECK, WENDEL, KÖNNEKE, Consul RÜGGEBERG.

      From a unidentified OSS report, dated June 26, 1946:

«Subject: Transfer of German fortunes to Spain.

1. I know that during the war the firm Columbit made such transfers of raw materials and merchandise. The value is said to be over one million Pesets. The merchandise was imported to Spain and was probably sold there by camouflaged «dummies» or «straw-men». The competent section in the consulate in Barcelona knows all the de­tails of the case.

2. I know that large amounts of diamonds and 1 large diamon brooch was offered and sold in Spain by German agents. The articles came from HWK (1st It. KAISER and later THEBE) and reached the hands of the HWK agents URBANECK, WENDEL and KÖNNEKE through courier mail by way of the German Consulate in Barcelona, (Cons. RUEGGEBERG). It was particularly the German jeweler BAUER, Barcelona, who was charged with the sale.

Because URBANECK, WENDEL and KÖNNEKE were friends of mine, it was claimed that I too was a HWK agent. This is true neither direct­ly nor indirectly. I never sold such articles from the HWK or any other German agency.

3. I.G. Farben: Bayer, all details known in the USA dept. in Bar­celona also about other firms. I know no details.

It is possible that the following could answer this mass of ques­tions:

      PANHORST, OBORIL and ZIEGRA, that is, which camouflage firms were founded and where values might possibly still exist.»

BAUER, Stanislaus. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUER, Theodor. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Mittelstadt, 1 November, 1920.

BAUER, Xaver. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUM, Karl. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German agent classified B. Businessman. Address: Rambla Cataluña 66, pral., Barcelona.

BAUM, Hellmut. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.. German seaman interned at Cartagena. Brought to repatriation center under Police escort. D-2 on Official List. DOB. Bad Braunstedt 27 February 1913.

BAUM, Wendelin. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUMANN, Horst. Dr. SS No 126 403. SS-Obersturmführer. SS-Obersturmführer d.R. Waffen-SS -20.04.1943. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). DOB. 05.04.1912

BAUMBACH, Lt. Col. von. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Railway official. Born about 1900.

BAUM LUCAS, Carl / Carlos. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Rambla Cataluña 66, pral., Barcelona. Agent for German photographic and optical goods. Also wife.

BAUMGARTEN, Kurt. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUMGARTNER, Adolf. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUMGARTNER, Ambrosius. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUMHOLZER, Peter. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BAUR, August. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Dunkelscherben, 13 March, 1893.

BAUSENHARDT. Consular secretary who left Spain for Germany in spring 1945. A-111.

      Wife Fanny BAUSENHARDT and son Bernhardt Dieter, age 7, repatriated on Highland Monarch.

BAUSENHARDT, Fanny. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. A-1011 on Official List. DOB. Harb a/W. 10 September 1913.

BAYER, Ernst. Agent classified III-A and IV-B in OSS records. Headmaster of the German School, Tenerife. Leader of Hitlerjunge and treasurer of NSDAP. Address: calle Enrique Wolfson 21, Tenerife.

BAYER, Rene. Condecorated by FRANCO «Caballero de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas con Encomienda» (BOE, 11 Septiembre de 1940). Journalist who worked for Gestapo, Gehlen Organization and, after WW2 for BND. Gestapo agent in Spain. GOEBEL’s friend.

BEAUMONT, Jean Franck, alias MAGNIER, alias FRANCK. Intelligence agent. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. French.DOB. 22 or 25 in some documents /10/1909 in Domeliers. Address in France, 1946: 10, Square Alboni, Paris XVI. He was a secret service agent at the American Embassy in Madrid. Subject was sent back by the French for collaboration with the Germans during the war. He was a Lieutenant with a French SS Division fighting against Russia. He came back to France and was sentenced to death, but managed to escape to Spain. He was transferred from the U.S. Screening Center to French authorities. It is rumored that subject is at present (1949) working for the French 2ième Bureau.

BECK, Gustav. Counsellor of German Government. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BECK, Jakob. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BECK, Pedro. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Representative of the Deutsche Waffen &  Munitionsfabriken A.G., Berlin. Address: calle Sepulveda 90, Barcelona.

BECKER, Anton. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BECKER, Erich. Manager of Orenstein & Koppe, S.A., Alameda de Mazarredo 8, 1o, Bilbao. Born Berlin, 13 Aug. 1899. Passport No. 14/38 issued Bilbao 4.10.38. Member of DAF.

BECKER, Gerhard. Dr. Military auditor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BECKER WOLF, Juan / Hans. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. . Agent classified B and IV-B in OSS records. Representative of NSV in Barcelona. Addresses: calle Francoli 59, Barcelona and General Godad, 5, 3o, Barcelona and Provenza 379-381, Barcelona.

BECKER, Siegfried, alias JOSE. Vid ARNOLD’s interrogation.

BECKER, Walter / Walther Dr. Botschaftrat. Chief of Economic Department, German Embassy, Madrid. «Not a desirable character». Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Po. No. 0774. Interrogated July 2 1946. In September/November, 1946 in PW Cage 2, Dachau. British Reports. Commercial Attache.

      Had account with Credit Suisse. He gave information about:

1. Brasil: While he was in Brazil three German ships were sold and one, the Windhuk, was chartered to Lloyd Brazileiro, in Nov. 1941 (further details not checked).

2. The Spanish Arms Treaty and Civil War Debt.

BECKER, Willi. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Leader NSV, Malaga.

BECKERT, Martin Georg. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German.DOB. 28/4/1907 in Freiberg/ Sachsen. Address in Germany, 1946: Gravemuenderwerg 43, Dessau (Soviet zone).

BECKMANN, Alfred. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BEEMOELLER Still in Spain in September 1946. Named by MOSIG.

BEERHEIDE. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Melilla. Classified II-D in OSS records. Engineer employed at the Gas & Electric Co.

BEHN, Max Hermann. Born on 21 March 1907 at Hamburg. Subject worked with the Bureau Plankert (wire tapping unit), German Embassy, Madrid. He was used in monitoring French short wave broadcasts. Member of NSDAP. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 21/3/1907 in Hamburg. Address in Germany, 1946: Willistr. 1, bei Dr. Walter MAGNUS (British zone). Released to Hamburg, Wildstr. 1.

BEHNSEN, Gerhard. Dr. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BEHREMS / BEHRENS, Heinrich Fried. Wilh. German agent classified B. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. A-738. DOB. Hannover, 3 February, 1906. Teacher in German School of Orotava, Canary Islands.

BEIHL, Eugen. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-Melilla, expelled from Spanish Morocco to Spain, February, 1945.

BEIMBORN, Peter. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BEINERT, Dr. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. General secretary of German Institute for Culture, Madrid.

BEINLICH, Gunther / Günther Max Ernst. Corporal. Worked in PLANKERT’s office. On Official List as A-830. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. DOB. Heinersdorf, 22 November, 1917

BEISEL HAUS, Willy / BEISEL, Wilhelm. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German Embassy Press Delegate in North of Spain. Address: Ramon y Cajal 1, 3o, San Sebastian. Head of NSDAP San Sebastian. Propaganda.

BEK, Hugo Otto Peter Lauridsen alias FREDRIC. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Reported to be secretary on the Danish Consulate at San Sebastian and to be important German agent. Address: Hotel Continental, San Sebastian. Expulsion requested by the Embassy May 26, 1945. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. On Agent’s list, B-31 and III Priority List. Brought to Repatriation Center under police escort. DOB. Aabenraa, 19 june, 1895.

BELDE, Otto. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BELOW, Nicolaus von. Oberst. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). DOB. 20 September 1907. Died 24 July 1983. HITLER’s Air Force (Luftwaffe) adjutant from 1937 through 1945.

BENESCH, Anni. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. A-24. DOB. 20 January, 1920.

BENTHEIM, Juergen Max von. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Army officer. Born 20 December, 1912, Halle, Germany. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid.

BERENDES, Liselotte. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Daughters: Monica, aged 7, and Jutta, aged 6. E-56 on Official List. DOB, Metz Rausen, 21 March, 1914.

BERG, Karl. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BERGE, Gerhard Kurt. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Zwoenitz, 21 July, 1903.

BERGER, Liselotte. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. E-110 on Official List. DOB. Kolbermoor, 26 October, 1920. Daughter: Ingeborg.

BERGERHOFF. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. W/T operator. Algeciras.

BERGMANN, Wilhelm. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BERGROTH, Heinrich. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BERK, Otto. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BERKENBUSCH, Antonio. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Works for several German firms. Address: Antonio Maura 10, Madrid.

BERMBACH, Franz. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BERNARD, Brig. Gen. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. SS officer. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid.

BERNECKER, Hans. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BERNECKER, Ingeborg. Teacher in German School, Cadiz. On Official List A-1040. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Son: BERNECKER, Pedro, age 2. DOB. Bahrendorf, 12 March 1912. A-1040 on Official List.

BERNER, Joseph. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Killitz, 27 June, 1922.

BERNHARDT, Johannes Eberhard Franz. Lt. Col. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. SS officer. In Marine Perch file, «the uncrowned king of Spain», still in Spain in September 1946.

      From Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 3401-3450:

      «Address: Av. del Valle 3, Madrid 3, Madrid. Married with at least three children in 1946.

      Passports:(1) No 1621/40; (2) No 01567/issued Madrid Jan. 30, 1940; (3) No 2031 issued Madrid Oct. 5, 1943; No 1936.

      Officer of the SS, Gruppenfuehrer or Obersturmfuehrer. Native German. Born January 1, 1897 at Osterode, East Prussia.

      At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil in 1936 BERNHARDT, who was then living in Spanish Morocco, offered his services to FRANCO, a personal fried of his. It was arranged that subject handle the Spanish products for German war material; the holding companies Rowak in Berlin and Hisma in Tetuan were set up for the purpose and became important economic factors on the Nationalist side.

      In 1938 Sofindus (Sociedad Financiera e Industrial, Av. del Generalisimo Franco 1, Madrid) replaced the earlier corporation. As managing director of Sofindus since at least 1941, subject collaborated closely both with Sipo, SD and the Abwehr. Under his direction Sofindus, in addition to serving as a purchasing agency for wolfram and other strategic commodities, handled foreign exchange transaction for the German Government and the German Intelligence services, provided cover employment for the Sipo and SD agents, sometimes paying a part of their salaries, facilitated the granting of Spanish visas to Abwehr agents by promising employment, set up bank deposits, probably in Spanish names, to provide for Abwehr expenses in case of a diplomatic breakbetween Spain and Germany, and assisted the German IS in other ways. Specifically, subject handled the transfer by Sofindus to the German Embassy Ptas. 16.000.000 for the use of KdM Spain in November 1944. Between October 1944 and April 1945, he collaborated with the German Embassy, their Naval Attache and KdM Spain in a number of unsuccessful attempts to ship supplies from Spain to the German garrisons holding out in France. BERNHARDT had many influential connections with high officials of the Spanish Government.

      In June 1945, the British reported that BERNHARDT had offered to direct Sofindus in the interest of the United Nations, with an Allied committee as its Board of Directors. He estimated the assets of the company in 1945 at Ptas. 500.000.000

      According to MOSIG, BERNHARD evinced great interest in transferring his operations to Argentina in November 1944, at which time he predicted Germany’s defeat. Subjects had contacts with Chade, the largest electrical company in Argentina. In early 1946 BERNHARDT was negotiating with a Swiss firm regarding transport of machinery to Argentina via Spain, MOSIG stated.

BERNHARDT, Karl Otto Schellert. From Safehaven report, German agent. His money kept by his wife in Valencia.

BERTHLONER / BERNLOCHER , Johann. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Melilla. Classified II-D in OSS records. In charge of workshop and loading at the pier of the Compagnie des Mines du Riff.

BERTON, Karl. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BERTRAM, Otto. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent I-M, KO Spanien, Canarias (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

       Agent classified I-A, I-B and IV-B in OSS records. Director of Lufthansa. NSDAP chief. Ortsgruppenleiter of the DAF in Las Palmas. Arrived in Las Palmas before 1939. . Decorated by FRANCO with the Encomienda Sencilla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (Decreto 29 julio, 1943). Address: Ciudad Jardin, Las Palmas.

BESCHMULLER. In I and II Priority List. In Spanish lists for repatriation from Bilbao in SS Marine Marlin, September, 1946

BESCHWITZ, Ulrich von. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BETHE, Hermann. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BETHKE. Condecorated by FRANCO «Caballero de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas con Encomienda» (BOE, 11 Septiembre de 1940).

BETTNER, Hedwig. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Photographer. Born about 1915 in Krotoszyua. Former Polish citizen. Address: calle Espalter 15, Madrid.

BEUKE, Paul Karl. Gestapo agent. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 3/6/1896 in Braunschweig. Address in Germany, 1946: Pfarrhofstr. 68, Hornburg-Harz (British zone).

BEURSE,Helga. In I and II Priority List. In Spanish lists for repatriation from Bilbao in SS Marine Marlin, September, 1946 (La Vanguardia, 31 Agosto, 1946)

BEUST, Karl. Hauptschriftleiter. NS Propaganda. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BEYER, Erika. Member of a group of German women who entered Spain on 21 August 1944 on a collective passport. On Official List A-29. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. DOB. Dresden, 12 November 1915.

BEYER, Ernst. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin..

      From: U.S. Army. European Command Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Born on 22 September 1910 at Freiburg/Breisgau. Subject was consulted by the German Consul in all party questions in which he had an authoritative voice. A dangerous figure. Was sent to the German Embassy in Spain in 1935 from Freiburg by the German government which had been reponsible for his emoluments. He was working as Kultur-Referent at the German Embassy, Madrid. Member of the NSDAP since 1938. Kultur-Referent of Ortsgruppe (…). Subject released to Freiburg/ Breisgau, Turnseesrt. 10″. DOB. Freiburg, 22 February, 1910. A-923 Agents’ List.

BEYER, Karl Willy Fritz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Leipzig, 12 October, 1923.

BEYER SCHWARTZ, Fritz Otto. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Chemnitz, 10 April, 1915.

BEYGANG, Hermann. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BEYNING, Horst. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BIBERACHER, Josef. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp.

BIBRA, Hans Sigismund Günther von. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Former chief of NSDAP in Switzerland. Acting German embassador. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. He paid towards the end 10.000 pts from Legation funds to Dr. WENDL in Madrid for German employees. He stated that a man named HORN, relative of HESS and known agent of GOERING, collected 2.000.000 pts from Luft Attache CRANMER for buying Spanish machinery and sending it to Sweden. Born 1894. Address: Joaquin Costa 37, Madrid.

      From CI Preliminary Interrogation Report (PIR) N0 127. Dated 24 June, 1946

Personal data:

      Sigismund BIBRA was bom in Ober-Ems/Taunus on 3 Jan 1894. He attended the Volksschule in Thal/Harz, the Gymnasium in Quedlinburg, and the Oberrealschule in Ballenstadt / Harz from 1906 to 1914. He entered the amy in 1914, was seriously wounded and captured, and while convalescing in Switz­erland, he continued his education at the Oberrealschule in Davos, Switzer­land from 1917 to 1918. He was returned to Germany through an exchange of PWs. In February 1919 he began his studies at the University of Berlin, at the same time remaining an officer in the Gardeschuetzen Battalion of the 3rd Garde-Regiment.

      He left the army in October 1920 to accept a position as diplomatic courier with the Foreign Office in Berlin. He continued his studies and in 1921 received his degree in political science. In February 1922 he was appointed secretary to StaatsseKretaer Freiherr von MALTZAHN of the Foreign Office and was relieved of his duties as courier to become attache. Shortly thereafter he was transferred to Reichskenzler CUNO as secretary.

      After the collapse of CUNO’s Cabinet, BIBRA returned to the Foreign Office and was assigned the task of determining how much German capital had flowed into Switzerland and was later transferred to the Referat for Reparations and Restitutions. Then the Allied Control Comission left Germany, this Referat more or less dissolved and in 1927 BIBRA was trans­ferred to Rio de Janeiro as Legationssekretaer to the German Embassy.

      In April 1931 he was transferred to Prag as Legationssekretaer and in 1935 became Gesandtschaftsrat.

      In June 1936 he was transferred to the Embassy in Switzerland as Gesandtschaftsrat and in 1940 advanced to Botschsftsrat.

      He was transferred to Madrid in 1943 as Gesandter I Klasse and in April of that year was appointed Stellvertreter des Botschafters.

      From 1 Sep 1944 to the end of the war he was Geschaeftstraeger for the German Embassy at Madrid. He was repatriated to Germany in 1946 and interned at Camp 76.

Administrative data:

      BIBRA was arrested 6 Feb 46 by CI/MIS Detachment at Camp 76. He arrived at USFET MIS Center on 27 Feb 46 and was accepted at the request of G-2 (CIB) USFET.

Knowledge brief

– Diplomatic activities in Brazil, 1927-1930.

– Diplomatic activities in Czechoslovakia, 1931-1936.

– Diplomatic activities in Switzerland, 1936-1943.

– Diplomatic and intelligence activities in Spain, 1943-1945.

– Knowledge of SD and Abwehr activities.

Interrogation on 4 March 1946

Q. What is your full name?

A. Hans Sigismund Gunther von BIBRA.

Q. What was your position?

A. Minister in Spain.

Q. What were your specific duties as minister?

A. For tne last nine months I was the Charge d’Affairs. There was no ambassador, because on the first of September 1944 the ambassador was called back to Germany, and I was the man directly below the ambassador. If he went back to Germany, I had to take his place.

Q. How long had you been Charge d’Affairs?

A. The last nine months.

Q. What was your position when the ambassador was in Spain?

A. His first consul.

Q. As such, what were your duties?

A. Everything in the Embassy; to represent the ambassador.

Q. Everything went through your hands?

A. Yes. Some things through the ambassador, because he understood much better, for instance, his communications regarding the States. He was the last ambassador in Washington. With this I had nothing to do.

Q. Did you handle any financial matters that came up in the Embassy?

A. We had another consul: von HEYDENRYNCH.

Q. He was your financial expert?

A. Yes.

Q. Did all financial matters go through his hands alone?

A. When we had no more relations with Berlin, then I also asked the consul, of the Embassy who was the chief commercial attache. He was also consul of Embassy. I asked him to help Heydenrynch. BECKER was his name. He is now in Asperg.

Q. Where is the other man?

A. Still in Spain. You know when we had no more relations with Berlin, it was too difficult for HEYDENRYNCH and for me, because all financial orders were received from Berlin. But after the relations with Berlin were cut, it was too dangerous for me to have only one man, so I took the next oldest consul of Embassy.

Q, After finances .vere handled by HEYDENRYNCH, did they also go through your hands? In other words, did you have to approve or disapprove all transactions?

A. Bigger things. HEYDENRYNCH and BECKER approved first, then it had to pass the hands of the chancellor of the Embassy, PILZ. Then the order got to the treasurer, TUCHOLKA. Therefore, it was absolutely certain that four of the employees of the Embassy had to see everything pertaining to money matters. Mr. TUCHOLKA is an old man of 60 years and had more than 30 years service. I believe PILZ had 25 or more years service. BECKER and HEYDENRYNCH and I all had a little more than 15 years service and were about tne same age.

Q. Where did your money come from?

A. We had gold reserves in the Embassy. But we could spend this gold only on order from Berlin, from the minister of the Foreign Affairs. I don’t believe he personally could spend this money. I believe he had to speak with the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of finance.

Q. This was the gold reserve. What did you use for spending money?

A. The money that passed the clearing from Berlin. HEYDENRYNCH knows, I don’t know. Maybe also from Switzerland.

Q. You said that all finincial transactions came through these four men?

A. Only when we had no more relations with Berlin.

Q. Then did they come through you?

A. Yes. Generally, it was that HEYDENRYNCH and BECKER told me, «We have a depression. We have to spend this money.» And then I approved. And then it came to PILZ and TUCHOLKA. PILZ approved only. I believe it is the same method as yours.

Q. Did any financial transactions take place that you did not know about?

A. Small things. HEYDENRYNCH didn’t tell me everything. Generally I knew about the big things, because he had difficulties with one of tne chiefs; for instance, the military attache. They received a telegram from Berlin which said the Embassy had to pay them 3 or 4 million, and HEYDENRYNCH did not get the order from his minister. Generally the man who would like to have the money came to me and said he had difficulties with HEYDENRYNCH. Generally, in this way, I heard of all transactions. If a telegram from Berlin came and said I had to pay them, I approved.

Q. Then would you say you had knowledge of all the important financial transactions?

A. I think so. I don’t believe that HEYDENRYNCH could pay millions. But if there was a telegram from Berlin, I saw a copy of the telegram. I didn’t study them because it was on order from Berlin.

Q. Then was the last time you received any money at all?

A. I am sure BECKER could tell you. I don’t know, because the Embassy had money with the chief of the Spanish foreign exchange office–HUETE. I believe there was a lot of money, but it was the duty of BECKER to speak with these people to give us 20 millions or more. I don’t know at what time we got the last money.

Q. When was the last time you remember receiving any money?

A. There was a big firm, Sofindus, and if there was money, they said, we have to get it. And. then BECKER or HEYDENRYNCH sent a telegram to Berlin to ask them if this money was for us or for Sofindus.

Q. Who was Sofindus?

A. That was the biggest German concern.

Q. What did Sofindus do? .

A. Business. They bought, for instance, wolfram. They purchased and sold for the German State.

Q. What did they buy and sell?

A. It was a big business. Blankets–all these things. All German needs. BECKER knows absolutely all these things. That was the biggest commercial thing in Spain.

Q. Who ran that?

A. The head was Johannes BERNHARDT.

Q. Where is he now?

A. In Spain.

Q. Was he German?

A. Yes.

Q. Who else was in Sofindus? What other German?

A. There was another director, but he didn’t have the same influence. BERNHARDT was the big man. Not WALE. He is in Madrid.

Q. When was the last time you remember getting any money in Spain?’ From any source outside of Spain?

A. I must lie if I were to tell you.

Q. Did you get any m 1944?

A. Yes, I am sure.

Q. Any in 1945?

A. We could have money really only from this big business, from arms. In 1943 we sold lots of arms to the Spanish Government, because in August 1943 nobody had Pesetas. I came to Spain in May, 1943. In August none of the Germans had money in Spain. And then we had long negotiations with the Spanish Government about the prices and all those things, and then we got 212 to 220 million pesatas.

Q. When was this?

A. In July, 1943. We did not get the money immediately. It came in installments, and we had difficulties.

Q. When was it finally all paid?

A. 1944. That was 400 million pesatas. With the 220 Million we couldn’t pay all the wolfram we needed for the war in Germany. The Spanish government owed us a milliard, 100 million, from the Civil War which HITLER gave to FRANCO. And then the ambassador spoke lots of times to Count JORDANA Minister of the Foreign Office in Spain, because he said, «We gave you arms, but you have to give us wolfram.» So the ambassador and the count made an agreement in San Sebastian in August 1943, concerning 100 million marks and they were to pay 420 million pesatas. Now the difficulties to get the money began. To get it, the 220 and the 420. But that is the basis of the German money in Spain. I believe the other things were small. May be in one instance we got from Switzerland a million Swiss francs, I don’t know.

Q. When was that money finally all paid by the Spaniards to you?

A. Generally, I believe, the military attache spoke with the minister of war; the Naval attache spoke with his minister. And then we got sometimes 20, sometimes 30 million.

Q. By the beginning of 1944 was it all paid?

A. No.

Q. By July 1944?

A. The 400, yes. I believe 400 were paid rather quick, I believe before the beginning of 1944. I know BECKER knows exactly.

Q. How about the other 200?

A. Also there was 100 that was surely paid in 1943- Maybe more, maybe less.,

H. When was it all finally paid? By middle of 1944?

A. Maybe. When I was charge d’affairs, maybe there were still discussions about 20 or 30 million. I am not sure.

Q. Most was paid by middle of 1944?

A. Before.

Q. By beginning of 1944?

A. It was not my job.

Q. To the best of your knowledge, by beginning of 1944?

A. I am sure the 420, yes, but the 220 I believe by middle of 1944.

Q. Where did you get the money in Switzerland?

A. From a bank, but I don’t know what bank.

Q. Did you ever get money from Switzerland?

A. I heard sometimes if we had no money, there was that possibility. It is sure that until August 1943 nobody .had money, and also in the Embassy we had big difficulties, and all commercial people in turn, every German, were in a difficult situation. Afterwards everybody was swimming.

Q. By end of August 1943 you. had plenty of money?

A. Yes, and all commercial people too, because they were all paid by this money, for instance, from the big arm business.

Q. First the 420 million that you got early, that was a repayment of a loan to Spain during Civil War?

A. Yes, a little less than half of the money the Spanish Government got during the Civil War in Spain».

Q. How did they receive that money during the Civil War? In goods or cash?

A. I don’t know.

Q. No idea?

A. No. In cash, I believe. I don’t know.

Q. Are you sure it was all in money? No goods at all?

A. I believe the goods were always balanced.

Q. You mean the goods exchanged between Spain and Germany were all balanced?

A. I believe the million was a cash loan, because vve got back 400 when we didn’t balance.

Q. For what purpose was the money that was loaned to Spain, if it was in the form of money? To buy goods from Germany?

A. No, I believe to help in the war.

Q. That good was that? They couldn’t fight with money.

A. I don’t know.

Q. Where were you at that time?

A. In Switzerland. This question about the milliard, during the first months I was in Spain, they were never touched. Because everybody said that was a friendship loan from HITLER to FRANCO, and we couldn’t touch it.

Q. The repayment by the Spaniards of the 420 million pesatas, was that due to HITLER’s friendship to FRANCO?

A. No. We believed we had such bad business in arms and there were horrible stories. I believe the idea was that HITLER gave the arms to Spain without the question of money.

Q. The repayment of the 420 million pesatas, that wasn’t for arms. That was a repayment of debt?

A. We didn’t get enough money to buy wolfram with the arms. Before I came to Spain, it was a question of Germany giving arms to Spain, but not a question of money.

Q. When was Germany giving arms to Spain?

A. In summer of 1943.

Q. What kind?

A. The best. Every kind–tanks, planes, rifles.

K. That kind of arms were sold for the 220?

A. Arms we sent to Spain. And then came a minister, EISENDORR, and other people, a financial minister, a purchase minister, etc., to speak about the price of these arms. Then they asked nearly a milliard. They got 220 after 3 months discussions. The situation was very difficult for us, and then the ambassador personally spoke in San Sebastian several times with the Minister of Foreign Office, JORDANA, to give us the 400.

Q. Then they gave you back the 400?

A. Yes, to balance. We said that we had done business. To help us to buy the wolfram. Most of this money went to wolfram.

Q. Did you ever get any money from France?

A. No.

Q. Did the German Embassy or any German agencies get any from France?

A. In financial service they were absolutely alone.

Q. Did the Abwehr draw money from you?

A. Yes, several times.

Q. How many times?

A. I don’t know, but I believe continually. But on order from Berlin.

Q. Do you know of any particular instances?

A. I believe there was a big discussion in May 1945.

Q. Did they get it?

A. No. Maybe to pay their employees six months. Two months before I asked the Spanish Government, what will the Americans and English do when it is finished, and they said it was against the German State and all the property of the German State. Then I said I give everybody six months to live afterwards. Every month I pay all who depend on the German State. Then the Spanish Foreign Office told me and I had the impression that they spoke before with Americans or English. Then I paid 6 months to everyone who got money from the state to give them the possibility in Spain that all can arrange to live without big difficulties. That was in the beginning of May or end of April, 1945.

Q. How much aid that amount to altogether?

A. Between 2 and 4 million pesatas.

Q. Was it more than 2?

A. It may be, I have no idea. In those days, I had such difficulties.

Q. To how many people was that money paid?

A. In the Embassy there were nearly 800.

Q. Did that include other agencies?

A. Yes. Only people who were attached to the Embassy, though. Approximately 800 people and IT counsels and staff. And all the schools and teachers of the German schools.

Q. How many schools were there?

A. Big beautiful schools in Madrid and Barcelona.

Q. How many people in those schools were paid by Germans?

A. Nearly all the teachers during the last years. Deutsche Schools. In Sevilla, in Bilbao, San Sebastian, Cadiz, Mallaga.

Q. They had fewer than 30 teachers in those schools? How many in the small schools?

A. In Malaga, 5 or 6. Just small schools. Barcelona and Madrid were the biggest.

Q. How much money did you get yourself personally at that time? At end of May or beginning of April?

A. I believe more than 200,000 pesatas.

Q. You got that yourself?

A. Yes, but I had to spend lots.

Q. If you got 200,000 yourself and there were over 800 people, the total must have been more?

A. But I was the chief and had to spend a lot.

Q. What was the total amount, do you think, that you paid out?

A. Generally, the Embassy spent every month 7 million pesatas. That is, only the salary. We had ourselves, too.

Q. How could these people live for 6 months on 2 million?

A. Because only 1 to 2 million were salaries. I don’t know.

Q. Do they get their regular salary for a 6 month period?

A. Yes, everybody.

Q. The same salary they had before?

A. Wa cut the salaries a good deal.

Q. How much?

A. The smallest, nothing. The biggest, 15 per cent.

Q. After you paid out these salaries for 6 months, how much money did you have left?

A. Then I paid 10 millions to an old German, Dr. WENDEL.

Q. For what?

A. I was afraid if I paid to employees for 6 months that the rest of the colony would have nothing. Mr. WENDEL has 75 years old. He was not in the Party. He was still the doctor for the British Ambassador, HOARE, and so I was sure that his reputation on your side was good. I wrote him a letter, and I put a copy in the Treasury records, telling that this money was to help poor Germans who were in financial difficulties.

Q. When did you write it?

A. I believe the 3 or 4 of May 1945.

Q. Did you actually give him the money?

A. Yes, I sent it to him.

Q. He received it?

A. Yes.

Q. How did you send it to him?

A. I believe somebody in the Treasury brought it to him.

Q. Was it deposited in a bank?

A. So. Directly to him in money, paper money, pesatas.

Q. Do you know where he deposited that money?

A. He had it in his home, I believe, and then 3 weeks afterwards he came to see me and asked what about the situation, now since the Spanish Government asked him to come to see me because I had this letter. Then I said the Spanish Government told me they would agree with me to give him these 10 millions. He deposited 9 millions, but I believe your Embassy said, «If you need money, you can ask for it.»

Q. Where did he deposit it?

A. With the American and British Embassy. He made lists before spending the money and sent the lists to the American Embassy, and if they said it was in order, he paid. If not in order, he would not pay.

Q. After you paid out all this money, the 6 months salary and the 10 million, now much did you have left in the Embassy?

A. 56 million pesatas.

Q. Did you spend any more of that?

A. So. 56 I passed to the Spanish Government on 8 May.

Q. To whom in the Spanish Government?

A. BECKER contacted Spanish Secretary of State, CASTILLIO. I brought 5 millions to CASTILLIO and BECKER, 51. About this money, until I left Spain 5 weeks ago, there was lots of discussion and difficulties because there was a question of the gold. Then we passed to the Spanish Government a ton of gold, and afterwards the Spanish Government told the British and American Ambassadors they didn’t receive any gold.

Q. To whom was this gold turned over?

A. To the second chief of the Protocol. I don’t know his name. He took over the Embassy. I left a half hour before and HEYDENRYNCH and BECKER gave the Embassy over to the Spanish police and to the man of the Protocol, and the gold was in the Embassy.

Q. There was a ton of it?

A. Yes, all of it.

Q. Do you know about the firm of Einhardt and Company? A banking firm?

A. I heard the name. Very quick business man.

Q. Who was EINHARDT?

A. I don’t know. I believe I have never seen him. He may know me, but I am sure I don’t know him. I heard a lot of him.

Q. What did you hear? What kind of business did he do?

A. I heard only that he was unscrupulous.

Q. What banking firm acted for the 4 Year Plan in Spain?

A. Johannes Bernhardt.

Q. Einhardt had no connection?

A. Yes, I believe they had connections.

Q What connection did EINHARDT have with the Embassy?

A. I believe not very much. ENGE, second chief of commercial department of Embassy, he must know. He is in Madrid. He is on list to come. BECKER or ENGE must know exactly.

Q. Do you know of any dealings at all that EINHARDT had with the Embassy?

A. No. I heard the name in the Embassy and I heard «He is not so bad».

Q. The air attache could have had business dealings with EINHARDT?

A. I believe that is so. He had a lot of relations with business people.

Q. Did you have any dealings with EINHARDT? Not personally, but on behalf of the Embassy or other Germans?

A. No.

Q. Did you ever receive any money from France?

A. I don’t believe through the Embassy.

Q. Do you know of the Unilever Corp. in France?

A. I know of Unilever from England and in Germany.

Q. In France?

A. Personally, no.

Q. Do you know how it acted in France? Do you know what Unilever did in France?

A. Perhaps the same thing as in Germany and other countries.

Q. Do you know who was head of Unilever Corp. in France?

A. If you say the name, perhaps.

Q. Do you know of MATZKE?

A. No

Q. He was a very important German.

A. Only once was I in Paris and during the war I didn’t see Paris.

Q. But you knew the important Germans in Paris?

A. I saw the ambassador once for 5 minutes. I knew the charge d’affairs, and I knew Mister HEMMEN for 20 years.

Q. Were you in Paris at all during the war?

A. No.

Q. Do you know of the Banco Germanico Americano?

A. Yes.

Q. How did that bank act as far as Germany was concerned? Did they represent the German Government?

A. The Deutsche Bank but not the German Government. Banco TransAtlantico is one, and I don’t know the other.

A. What dealings aid the Embassy have with the Banco Alemán Transatlántico?

A. Very good relations.

Q. You had a lot of business with that bank?

A. Yes, I believe all business was done through both banks.

Q. Do you remember the name MATZKE?

A. No. With the Embassy he had no relation.

Q. Did you have any relations with a French Banker, LAGASSE?

A. No. I don’t know the name.

Q. When did you go to Spain?

A. In May 1943. At that tiine there were a thousand men in the Embassy. The ambassador and I were at the top without knowing everybody. Politics were very difficult.

Q. Did you meet KOCUREK?

A. No.

Q. Edwin KOCUREK? .

A. No.

Q. He said he knew you. He had business dealings with you in Spain. He said he went to Spain in the fall of 1943 and had difficulty getting foreign exchange. He went to the Embassy and had negotiations with you, and you assisted him in obtaining foreign exchange.

A. That is impossible.

Q. Didn’t you help other Germans get foreign exchange? He said you made arrangements for him with Banco Germánico.

A. It may be that ENGE or BECKER did, but I don’t remember. I have no idea.

Q. Do you know the corporations in France named Unico and Seduco?

A. No. I never heard those names.

Q. You are sure you had no idea of operations of Unilever Corporation?

A. No. I only knew of some illegal business between France and Spain.

Q. Did you spend much time in San Sebastian?

A. No, very little, because the ambassador went every year, and I had to stay in Madrid. I saw him in 1943 for 3 days, in 1944 for 2 days. That is all.

Q. Can you tell us of any German property which is in Spain today?

A. There is Sofindus. That is very big. The biggest commercial house in Spain, including the Spanish. There are people who say, i.e. you say, I. G. Farben is also very big. Of the others — there is Ernesto KIRCHLE, a very rich man. He was representative of Skoda, but he had also other interests. STURM, I believe, was arms. Very famous in Germany.

Q. Is he still in Spain today?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you have any property in Spain?

A. I left money from these last 6 months, about 100,000, with my wife.

Q. When did you leave that to her?

A. I left Spain on 29 January 1946.

Q. At that time you gave her about 100,000?

A. Yes.

Q. Do you have any property?

A. No. Furniture, yes.

Q. Do you own a house?

A. No. It was rented, a small flat.

Q. Do you own any real property at all?

A. No.

Q. Any securities?

A. No. Only insurance.

Q. You don’t own shares in any corporation?

A. No.

Q. Did you have any you gave to anybody?

A. No, never in my life. I had my property here in Germany.

Q. Did the ambassador or any other people in the Embassy have property in Spain?

A. A lot of people is the Embassy had property in Spain, because we bought in Spain. ENGE owns houses in Spain. He was second director of a bank in Barcelona.

Q. Do you have any property outside of Germany that is not in Spain?

A. When I gave my declaration, I listed it all. We got an order at end of 1944 to finish all accounts in Switzerland. So I wrote to the bank to finish the accounts and to send my mother and old aunts small sums.

Q. Do you have any other property in Switzerland or anywhere else outside of Germany?

A. No, nothing.

Q. Do you know of any funds or property of other Germans in places like Switzerland? Of some of the important German leaders?

A. Just a few days ago a British officer asked me. In Spain I heard the name of a man, MIDEL (MIEDL), as an art dealer from Amsterdam and Munich. He arrived in Spain in 1944 with our troops, came to France with lots of very valuable paintings. The Spanish Government put a hand on it immediately—I believe because the Dutch minister asked that of the Spanish Government. He came to see me to ask the Spanish Foreign Office to free them. He said he had relations with GOERING, and I told him I didn’t speak with the Spanish Government without an order from my government and wrote a telegram to Berlin that MIDEL asked me to speak with them. I never received an answer from Berlin. This man was furious because his things were not free.

Q. Do you know of any other activities of GOERING?

A. That is all that GOERING had to do in Spain. General KRAMER.

Q. Where is he now?

A. Still in Spain, but he is also on the list.

Q. Was he military attache?

A. Air attache. He was also representative of the Wermacht, military and air attache.

Q. Did you know GOERING?

A. I saw him twice in my life.

Q. When was the last time?

A. Once in evening dress at a big dinner party in Berlin in 1931 when I came back from Brazil. I did not speak to him. And once at a demonstration in Stuttgart, in 1937, I believe.

Q. You didn’t see him after that?

A. No.

Q. Do you know Gen. KRAMER very well?

A. He was GOERING’s representative in Spain.

Q. Do you know of any business he had for GOERING?

A. For instance, a man, HORN, I believe, a brother-in-law of HESS, was doing business in Spain, and he said he was conducting business for GOERING. He came with an order from GOERING.

Q. What is his first name?

A. I don’t know. He is in Spain.

Q. Is he a naturalized Spaniard?

A. No, German. He is the smartest business man.

Q. What kind of business was he in?

A. I asked that he be sent back to Germany. He bought for 2 million Pesetas tool machines to be sent to Sweden. To buy those machines in Spain and send them to a country which makes just those machines–that was too much for me. I believe KRAMER gave HORN 2 million to buy the machines to sell them in Sweden.

Q. Why?

A. I don’t know. I don’t believe that was real business. A theft! I asked in Berlin to have him sent back, and he left by airplane and one week later he came back. He came to see me and said I was against him. He saw GOERING and said it was better I didn’t shoot against him. So what could I do?

Q. You said it was a theft. Why?

A. Can you send those machines from Spain where they don’t have any and couldn’t make them? If you send those machines from Spain to Sweden, an American or Britisher who sees the papers will say it is not possible.

Q. Where did KRAMER get the two million Pesetas?

A. An order from Berlin. Maybe from the Embassy. We don’t know where from. We heard that KRAMER gave it to HORN. They say he bought these machines. I think he bought some machines for show, but I am sure that that was not right. It is impossible that this business was right.

Q. Did you ever hear of anyone else buying anything for GOERING?

A. I know Mr. HORN from Switzerland. Years ago he came to see me to introduce him to somebody of Swiss Government to help the old couple, friends of GOERING. I saw him in a hotel in Spain and asked him what he was doing there. HORN said I was once very cross with him. He wanted me to help him to exchange marks for Swiss francs for this couple. I had a bad impression of the business, so I said I would give him the possibility of helping this couple, but the money he had to arrange himself.

Q. Do you know of anything HORN aid in Spain for GOERING?

A. He was making business day and night.

Q. Have you heard of any transaction in Spain involving shares of the Suez Canal?

A. The representative of the British Embassy asked me 6 months ago.

Q. What was your answer?

A. That was the first time I heard about it.

Q. Where were you then?

A. In Madrid, but I have no idea. I asked BECKER, and I believe that in the Embassy nobody knows.

Q. Did you ask ENGE?

A. No, because he is so Spanish that he was afraid to see me. He didn’t like to see anybody of the Embassy. He had so many houses, etc., in Spain.

Q. He is on the list to come?

A. Yes, but he is doing all he can to stay there.

Q. You never heard anything of Suez Canal shares?

A. So, only that one time.

Q. If any such transaction had been made for GOERING, would HORN have been involved?

A. Yes, I think so.

Q. Is HORN on the list to come?

A. Yes, but he is doing everything not to come. It is difficult to say if this man just used the name of GOERING or really had such good relations.

Q. Didn’t you check on him?

A. That is very difficult, because if an Embassy sent a telegram to ask about somebody and he went back, and the Embassy asks that he stay in Germany—. It is possible that he bluffed also the people in Berlin. I don’t know.

Q. Did you have any dealings with the Bank of Monaco?

A. No.

Q. Do you know of any Germans who had any deposits in the Bank of Monaco?

A. I heard that Monaco is very important. In all the German circles and from the political attache in the Embassy. I heard from WINZ, but I don’t know if he is leaving Spain.

Q. Who else said that Monaco is important?

A. First important in espionage and then in money.

Q. Who said it?

A. People in Barcelona – commercial. I don’t know their names. You can’t believe what was going on between France and Spain. Everybody was passing the frontier and everybody was buying in France very cheaply. It was a bad situation, but I can’t say it was the SS. The people who buy things for the SS, principally in Barcelona, said it.

Q. When did you hear them say that?

A. There was a very famous story in Madrid–they killed one of the biggest commercial men. His name was Russian–SASSINOFF. The owner of nearly all the biggest hotels in south France. He handled all the business of the SS between France and Spain.

Q. What was the connection between that and Monaco? You said Monaco was important?

A. The police attache told me that he did not know why the Embassy does not pay attention as to what goes on in Monaco, because it is important for us and for others. Espionage and financial transactions were going on. I said I had asked one of my counsellors to study the question, but he said he believed it was not necessary.

Q. Did he find out if there was any German money in Monaco?

A. I don’t know. At that time everything was so uncertain. Many difficulties. I had nothing to do with it then—too many difficulties.

Q, Did you hear from anyone else that Monaco was important?

A. No. But that was not the Police attache’s own opinion. He said it in May or June 1944.

Q. What did you think he meant when he said it was important financially?

A. There was business between France and Spain. There were a lot of things going on. I don’t know. I had the impression it was not his point of view.

Q. Are you certain that in Spain you never received money from the Unilever Corporation in France?

A. No, I am sure.

Q. The Embassy or any Germans in Spain?

A. There is a Mr. PAUL or PAULO in Barcelona. Once somebody in the Spanish Government asked me if he was doing business on order of the Embassy. Big business in francs. He said he was doing it on order of the Embassy. If it is not on order of the Embassy, we will put him in prison. So I asked Mr. KLEYENSTUBER if it was on his order. I told Spanish Government that he had nothing to do with Embassy. I believe he was one week in prison and he is now in Barcelona. Everybody knows him.

Q. The Abwehr drew its money from you?

A. They had their own money. They asked money from us to pay the 6 months, and afterwards we knew that he put it away. It was put away and people who did it on order of the chiefs went to American Embassy and told them what was going on.

Q. How much did they draw from you a month?

A. I don’t know if it was for one month or every month. They needed about 5 1/2 million pesatas. Another time I was told they spent a million a month. I never paid attention exactly.

Q. What other sources of money did the Abwehr have besides the Embassy?

A. The gold.

Q. Where did it come from?

A. From Berlin.

Q. Where did the foreign exchange come from?

A. I don’t know. When the secretary of state told me officially that 5 or 6 officers are in prison and asked me my opinion about it, I told him, I believe nearly all the money they spent they got from the Embassy.

Q. Did it happen that the figures were as high as 5 or 10 millions?

A. Yes.

Q. How often did that happen?

A. Surely once for 16 million.

Q. When?

A. September or October 1944.

Q. Did they draw money from you continually every month or just on occasions?

A. Just when we received a telegram. They would get the money and spend it, then another telegram would come.

Q. How often did you get those telegrams?

A. Occasionally. Once every 3 or 4 months.

Q. How about the smaller sums? Did you receive telegrams for small sums very often?

A. Nearly every day we had 5 or 6 telegrams to pay money because we could pay only on order from Berlin.

Q. Do you think that the Abwehr spent all the money it received from you?

A. No, because they asked us for aid and later we heard they had a lot of gold.

Q. What did they do with the money if they didn’t spend it?

A. That is the big question.

Q. Who would know?


Q. What was KLEYENSTUBER’s salary?

A. I have no idea. He was chief of the biggest department of the Embassy. I think 20,000 pesatas a month maybe.

Q. How did the SD operate? Did they draw money from you?

A. Yes, from the Police attache.

Q. How much did they draw?

A. Much less.

Q. Did they also get some of their money from Berlin?

A. From the Embassy, but not all of it.

Q. Did it ever go as high as 16 or 20 million?

A. No, never. 1 million or 2 million, I think.

Q. The police attache received the money from the Embassy, but they say they did not pay these people?

A. Yes.

Q. Where is this police attache now?

A. In Madrid, HAMMES, assistant. Q. is gone.

Q. When did Q. leave?

A. In September he left Berlin and did not come back. But we don’t know. In Madrid they said one of your airplanes intercepted his airplane. Some say he is in British hands and some say he is dead.

Q. ENGE was not asked at all about Suez Canal shares? A. No. It may be that BECKER asked him.

Q. You don’t remember Dr. MATZKE?

A. No.

Q. Who would know if a man went frequently to San Sebastian?

A. The counsel, KOCHT. He is in Madrid. He is not on the list.

Q. Do you know a CORDES?

A. No.

Q. Where is EINHARDT now?

A. In Spain.

Q. Is he on the list?

A. I don’t know.


BICHE / BRIEHL, Rudolf. Repatriated from Bilbao. NSV/ warden. In Tenerife from October 1937 till May 1945 as Studienassessor for the German School, appointed by German Foreign Office. Connected with Anton PAUKNER and Spanish Gerardo GARCÍA. Address in Tenerife: Pensión Numancia, Rambla General Franco, Sta. Cruz, in Gerardo GARCIA’s house, also in Rambla General Franco, Sta. Cruz and his own house 17, Pi i Margall, Sta. Cruz.

BICKERT, Karl. Agent classified III-B in OSS records. Professor in German College, Sevilla. Address: Juan Pablo 23, Sevilla.

BIEBERMANN, Kurt. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BIEDERMANN, Kurt. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BIEDERMANN, Wilhelm Benno J. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/11/1910 (1901 in some documents) in Berlin-Friedenau.

BIEGEL, Wenzel. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BIEHL / BIEL, Horst, also gives the name of Count Thun BIEL. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government. Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Engineer with Messerschmitt firm. Engineer and export manager of Hispano Aviacion, S.A., San Jacinto 102, Triana, Sevilla.

BIERLING, Leonore . Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Altenburg, 26 August, 1901.

BIERMANN, Rudolf. German agent classified C. Madrid. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Representative of German paper industry in Spain.

BIHUSCH, Johannes. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BIRKE, Arthur. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Arrived Spain 17 October 1944. Chief machinist. Employed by the Scala de Berlin company. With his wife Elsa. DOB Strahlen, 30 September, 1993. E-121 on Official List.

BIRKE, Lothar. Dr. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BIRKENBIHL, Johann Maria. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/8/1903 in Camberg, Hessen-Nassau. Address in Germany, 1946: Strakgasse 9, Camberg, Hessen-Nassau.

BIRKENBUSCH, Max. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BISSBORT, Jakob. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BITTNER, Margarete. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.. Entered Spain at Irun on 21 August 1944 on a collective passport with a group of German women. German Red Cross Army nurse. E-59 on Official List. DOB. Weipert, 13 January, 1912.

BITZER, Karl. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BLANK FAUTH, Adolfo /Adolf. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. General Martínez Campos 19, Madrid. Manager for Einhardt S. en C. Born November 4, 1900 in Munich. Member of NSDAP. Wife, Anneliese BLANK, is on list of officials.

BLASEL / BLASSL, Johann. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Maria/Kulm, 3 April, 1910.

BLASCHKE / BLASKE, Richard Arthur. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Prien, 5 March, 1901.

BLASS. I-M, KO Spanien, Ceuta (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BLATZHEIM, Gusti. A-37. Mistress of Bruno KRAMER and one of the Blitzmaedel. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. A-37. DOB. Koln-Brannsfeld, 27 January, 1915.

BLAUM, Wolgang Hans Friedrich. alias BAUMANN, Friedrich. From CI Final Interrogation Report (CI-FIR 77), January 21, 1946:

      «Member of Referat II KO Spanien from 1940 until March 1945.

      Born 6 June 1911 in Emden. German. Occupation declared:Businessmann. Religion: Non sectarian. Description: 1’72 cm height; 150 lb. weight; medium build; oval face; brown hair; grey eyes. No physical peculiarities or distinguishing features.

      Family: Father: Rudolf BLAUM, Haendelstrasse 3, Bremen. Mother: Marie-Louise BLAUM, nee HAYMEL, Haendelstrasse 3, Bremen. Brothers: Dr. Rudolf BLAUM (30) and Dr. Ing. Eddo BLAUM (36). Rudolf BLAUM has file as chief of Referat II KO Portugal. Sisters: Marian KLEINSCHMIDT, nee BLAUM (25). Wife: Grete-Louise BLAUM, nee NEUMANN, Delbrueckstrasse 11a, Bremen. Children (2): Bernd-Wolfgang (3) and Birgit (5). Identity documents: German passport and Soldbuch.

      Last permanent address: Delbrueckstrasse 11a, Bremen. Languages spoken: English and Spanish.

      Prisoner arrested 14 August 1945 in Bremen by CIC. Accepted on request of G-2 (CIB) UFSET. Date of arrival: 29 September 1945. Results on name check against Personality Card Index: Cf CPI Pink Cards 44948, 205637. Interrogation: Verbal briefs by Chief CIB, G-2 Div, UFSET. Name and unit of interrogator: T/Sgt. M. STERN, UFSET MIS Center.

      Evaluation of prisoner’s reliability: «BLAUM has an excellent memory. The information he has given has been checked with known data and found to be fully reliable. The nature of his insurrection and sabotage activities has been corroborated by Hermann AMENDE, Paul FUCHS and Wilhelm OBERBEIL, interrogated at USFET MIS Center.»

      Departed 14 Dec 1945 for Camp 95, Ziegehheim.

Interrogation results:

a. Introduction

      Although not the ranking man of Referat II KO Spanien, BLAUM is considered to be the best informed person on matters of sabotage and insurrection in the Iberian Peninsula. See report on Referat II KO Spanien published by USFET MIS Center, CIR No 12 dtd 12 Jan 1946.

b. GIS Career

      Wolfgang BLAUM was born in Emden 6 Jun 11. After graduation from high school in 1929 he became an employee of the North German Lloyd. He was sent by that concern to Cristobal (Panama) in 1934.

In 1937 he joined the NSDAP in Panama. He was on his honeymoon in Germany when the war broke out, and he enlisted in 1940.

Feb. 1940 Joined Brandenburg Bn for intelligence training.

Mar. 1940 Assigned to Referat II, KO Spanien, in Madrid, as deputy to KRUEGER, and remained there until 1945 as technical adviser and right-hand man of later Referat II chiefs.

Feb. 1945 Returned to Germany by air.

Apr. 1945 Assigned to FAT 259 in Italy, Sonderfuehrer (Z), Referat II KO Spanien. He went to Spain in March 1940, sent there on orders of the J section. Upon his arrival in Madrid, BLAUM reported to Freg. Kptn. LENZ, CO of KP Spain. BLAUM was told that his first mission was to make contacts of possible future value. Permission for BLAUM to remain in Spain was obtained by the German Embassy, where he was registered as an employee. Later the entire staff of Referat II was incorporated into the Embassy as a section of KO Spain, Thus LENZ became BLAUM’s superior. Although matters of II interest were settled with Abwehr II in Berlin, LENZ still influenced II operations, since allgeneral policies had to be approved by him.

In February 1945, BLAUM was also recalled, and Referat II’s remaining activities were entrusted to Werner SCHULZ, an inexperienced man from Berlin.

      He gave training in sabotage techniques to Spanish agents working for nazis: Francisco BORJABAD, Ricardo GUSAETA, Emilio DIAZ.

BLECMANN, Karl. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BLERSCH, Wilhelm Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 24/3/1916 in Bieberach a. d. Riss Wuert. Address in Germany, 1946: Hirschbergstr. 14, Bieberach a. d. Riss Wuert (French zone).

BLEY, Walter. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BLIENZ, Carlos. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. c/o Acumuladores Nife S.A., calle de la Paz 6, Madrid.

BLIZ, Carlos. In I and II Priority List. In Spanish lists for repatriation from Bilbao in SS Marine Marlin, September, 1946 (La Vanguardia, 31 Agosto, 1946)

BLOCH, Otto. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BLOCHER, Marta. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Left Bilbao for Madrid in 1940. Born Birsfelden 31 May 1910. Passport No. 84 issued Schamberg/Schz. 18.5.1937.

BLOCHING, Eduard. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BLOEDORN, Otto. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician for Kaufi Tugesteller, San Pablo Airfield, Sevilla. Born October 9, 1919.

BLOME, Emil Willy. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Ibiza 20, Madrid. Born November 12, 1893 at Hamburg. German wife and daughter. Employee of Baquera, Kusche y Martín and associate of Lothar MAUS (diamond smuggler). Made large war profits. Recommended for priority repatriation.

BLUM, August. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BLUM / BLUME nee SPINDLER, Gisela. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. CANARIS’ secretary in the Military Secret Service in Madrid, marrying BLUM of the German U Boat Service in May 1945. Concealed information about Minas Reunidas S. A. and Baron von MASSENBACH and other issues of Intelligence nature. Was Secretary to Minas Reunidas S. A Madrid, and one report stated that the Commercial Manager, Baron von MASSENBACH and Fraulein BLUME, were the real directors of the company. Minas Reunidas was formed in 1943. The capital amounted to Ptas.4,000,000 of which Ptas. 2,000,000 were paid up. The participants were Gesellschafft fur Elektrometallurgie Dr. Heine GEHM (40%), Krupp (20%) I.G.Farben (20%) and Hermann O. STARCH (20%). The participations were held through Gemeinschaft des Legierungs Erzberghaus, a holding company.

      Address in Germany, 1946: Oberstrasse 116 b/ Sieveking Hamburg. Released in May 1946. DOB. Berlin, 31 January 1923. A-499 Official List and III Priority List. A further report stated BLUME, under the name of SPINDLER, with the Military Secret Service.

BOBER. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Lecturer at German Cultural Institute, Madrid.

BOBRAN, Oskar. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

BOCK / BOECK. German consul in Barcelona 1940.

BOCKHOLDT, Franz Karl Ludwig. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946 but already repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Sabel, 30 June, 1909.

BODDEIN / BODDIEN, Joachim Heino von. Abwehr agent acting as a cover address in Barcelona from at least early 1942 German agent classified B. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. In 1922 went to Spanish Guinea for Hamburg firm C. Woermann. This firm had still an account with the Banco Alemán Trasatlantico, Barcelona in 1946 . BODDEIN had a coffee plantation in Spanish Guinea with Baroness HAMMERSTEIN CINTI. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0778. Mentioned as interned in Camp 76, Asperg on March 27, 1946. Owner of coffee plantation firm in Spanish Guinea and representative of import-export firm C. Wormann, Hamburg, in Spain. Address: calle Madrazo 51, Pral. 1o, Barcelona.

BODE, Friedrich. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BODEMER KIESS, Adolf / Adolfo. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation . Address: Nueva del Este 49, Madrid. Born September 13, 1894 at Pforzheim. Two children in 1946 born in Spain of whom one was missing as a German soldier. Chief of sales department at Siemens and collected funds for NSDAP at firm.

BODEMUELLER / BEDEMULLER, Leonhard / BODEMULLER, Leonhard. In I and II Priority List. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Gestapo agent. German Embassy, Madrid. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BODEN, Roberto. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Address: Calle Lincoln 52, Barcelona.

BOEGER / BOGER, Karl. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin, deportees categories A, B September 1946. DOB. Hess-Oldendorf 23 April, 1915. A-44 and III Priority List. First priority to be interrogated.

BOEHM /HM LOCHBAUM, Willy. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Paseo de Urcusua 21, Eibar and Mª Ángela 5, San Sebastián. Connected with Trust Eibarres. Subject was agent for obtaining firearms from Spanish companies for Germany. Trustee of German School.

BOES, Arnold. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Engineer. Representative of Junkers firm. Born in Ultzen, Germany. Address: Calle Peligros 2, Madrid and Plaza Manuel Becerra 15, Madrid.

BOETTGER / BOETGER , Herbert . German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-German consulate Tetuan. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, September, 1944.

      From Otto WIEDEMANN’s CI interrogation: Uffz Asst to Obst RUDOLF, Abw Nest Tetuan,1943-1945 last seen in BERLIN 1.80m .slender blond hair, bue eyes

      Career: Originally with KlA (Kontrollinspektion Afrika) in Casablanca. Speaks French & Spanish

BOHLINGER, Berthold. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

HM / BOEHM, Hans Johann. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Member of Airforce Communication Corps working under orders of Kurt van VEERSEN.  E-122 on Official List. DOB. Weiden 12 April, 1920

HM, Karl. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Setzdorf, 23 March, 1916.

BOHME / BOEHME, Franz. From Oss records, Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 20511-2100: Treasurer of the NSDAP, Vigo. In Rubira, Boehme y Cia., Vigo. Pharmaceutical products. His business has collaborated closely with Sofindus.

BOHNY, Hermann. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Naval officer. Formerly in Brazil. Korv/ Kpt (?) In I-M KO Spanien

BOKELBERG, Arndt. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BOLCK, Ernst. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

BOLDT, Herbert. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

BOLHOFF / BOEHLOFF, Guenther. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-42 and IV Priority List.

BOLTE, Gerhard Gustav. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Wireless operator in German Embassy. On Official List, A-46. DOB. Rotenburg, 12 August, 1912.

BOLTERSDORF, Capt. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Officer of Lufthansa. Barcelona.

BONESCH, Anna. Repatriated from Bilbao.

BOOGEN SANDERS, Joseph / Jose. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: General Concha 12, Bilbao. Well known business man. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:

      Manager of Maquinaria Industrial. Gral. Concha 12, 5°, Bilbao. Born Dinslaken, 13 Oct. 1906. Passport No. 146/39 issued Bilbao 1.8. 39. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

BOOS y BRAUN, Roberto. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Technician with William LUMB’s cork concern. Barcelona.

BORCHARDT, Franz. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BORCHARDT, Hans Gunther / Günther. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BORJABAD, Francisco. Recruiting agent for spanish men who worked in sabotage operations for the Abwehr.

BORCHERS, Johann Dietrich . Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 29/4/1903 in Bremen. In Spanish list. Employee of the navigation expert for Spain at Madrid. This office received from the Reich Commisioner for navigation at Berlin through Sofindus monthly payments for monthly expenses. From May 1944 to May 1945. Address in Germany, 1946: Schoenauerstrasse 19, Bremen-Horn (American zone).

BORMAN / BORMANN / BORNMANN, Kurt. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Insurance agent. Adress: Perines 30, Santander. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Born at Sondershausen on 2 May 1905. Member of NSDAP and DAF. (Played a prominent part in German I.S matters in this area).

BORNER / BOERNER, Achatius. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Consular secretary at German Embassy in Montevideo.

BORMASS BALLIN, Edgar. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Wiesbaden, 6 February, 1895.

BORTZ, Wilhelm. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BOSOLD, Richard. In 1945 he posed as a German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BOSSER, Michael. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BOTH, Paul. Customs official. Neukoln. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BOTTCHER, Hans. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BOUSSEMAERE, Miguel Benedicto Emilio. «Nació el 01 de julio de 1907 en Hollebeke (Bélgica) y llegó a la Argentina el 19 de febrero de 1948 en el vapor “Entre Ríos”, procedente de Bilbao. Presentó pasaporte y certificado de identidad español Nº 5/47 expedido en San Sebastián (España) el 29 de diciembre de 1947. Fundador de la asociación cultural y social Vlaanderen in Argentinieë (VIA).» (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina).

BRACKER, Ernesto Heinrich. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Rambla de Cataluña 66, Barcelona. Represents German firms dealing in motor car accessories, including Bracker & Son, Hamburg.

BRACUM, Karl. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. From 1932 to 1937 worked for the Austrian firm W. Koreska in Barcelona.

BRACUN, Karl Alois. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0779. Mentioned as interned in Camp 76, Asperg on March 27, 1946. Agent I-M, KO Spanien, Barcelona (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BRADE, Friedrich. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Entered Spain April 30, 1943. DOB. Weener, 1 December, 1903.

BRAMBER, Max. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRAND, Rolf. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Ed. Scherl.

BRANDAU, Karl H. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German Consulate, Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Address: Hotel Atlantic Annex, Las Palmas.

BRANDEL, Hermann, alias BRAND, Harry (Also known as OTTO, Otto BRANDEL, BRAND, Harry , or Hans BRANDT). Information about Organisation «Otto» (Hermann BRANDEL) from DELFANNE’s interrogation:

      In 1940 BRANDEL was in Brussels directing an espionage network in Belgium and France. DELFANNE was one of his agents. On 10 May when the German Embassy in Brussels was closed, BRANDEL was arrested with others members of the Diplomatic Corps and transferred to Lille in France. A few days later he was freed by the advance of the German Tanks. He followed the entry of the troops into Paris and organized his group.

      In Paris, he located the agents of the French Deuxieme Bureau and set up a counter-espionage and espionage network in the unoccupied zone of France. In this task he re-employed many of his former agents. DELFANNE rejoined BRANDEL in January 1941. They lived in the same private hotel, 23 Square du Bois de Boulogne, Paris XV.

      During 1941 and 1942 OTTO continued his counter-espionage and espionage work in France and Marocco and intensified the radios networks. Towards June 1941, OTTO received large sums of money from Roges Company for the purchase of large quantities of raw materials: leather, textiles, wool, cotton, skins, metals, wines and alcohols intended for Germany. This commercial activity was brought to him by Robert POESCHEL, retired Major, agent for the Abwehr and industrialI. In a short while, purchases increased considerably and OTTO organized his work to fit his double activity. Henceforward, he worked under the feldpost Nº 21476/0 (Abwehr) 20803 (Majestic), 03069 DT, purchasing organization Otto. Large warehouses were rented or requisitioned at the quays of the St. Ouen Station (Paris), from whence goods trains left every day.

      At the end of 1942 the premises nº 19, 21, 23, 25 and 27 were no longer sufficient and Otto removed to nº 6, rue Adolphe Yvon, Paris XVI. At the same time BRANDEL was officially made responsible by Berlin for all the purchases for the 4 Jahresplan. The organisation underwent a tremendous expansion and soon all the buildings of the quays of St. Ouen Station were allocated for warehousing.

      When the accounts were closed on 15 April 1944, the Otto organization had made purchases to the value of 450.000.000.000 French francs.. Throughout the whole of this period Otto BRANDEL was the leading figure, assIed by his secretary Mlle. Mary and his associate Robert POESCHEL.

The principal collaborators were:

Capt. Wilhelm RADECKE (Abwehr)


Dr. Alfred FUCHS

Hans Wolfgang von GODAMER.

The principal purchasing agents were:

DUBOIS (WIROTH) (Luxemburger)

Rudolf von MERADE / MERODE (Alsacian)

Madame DUBAIL (Alsacian)




George DELFANNE (MASUY, BAUER) (Belgian)

PAT (Luxemburger)

Roger THEREUIN (French)


Joseph JOHANOVITCH (Polish)

TARDIEU (French)

DUSSAP (French)

TEMMLER (German)

Von GOLDAMER (German)

      As far as his espionage work was concerned OTTO was directly under Col. RUDOLF and the latter directly under Admiral CANARIS, until July 1944 when the attempt was made against Hitler’s life.

      From Interrogation Report on Flight X Repatriates: The fortune of Hermann BRANDEL , alias OTTO (declaration of J. DELFANNE):

      «OTTO received a commission of 1% on the value of purchases made. I saw personally the closed account of 15 April 1944 with the figure 450.000.000 francs. In 1942 he bought a lot of diamonds and gold dollars. In 1943 he bought international securities including Royal Dutch and Standard Oil. In July, August 1943 he bought a considerable lot of diamonds of 6 to 12 carats. At the end of 1943 he bought Swiss Francs, Sterling and Dollars (Bills). Part of these were sold to him direct by the Director of the Bank of France, Monsieur ADAUT.

OTTO owns property in:

Belgium: Avenue Brunod-Uccle, Brussels value 5.000.000 Bel. Francs.

France: A large state near Dijon comprising a Chateau and its lands.

Switzerland: Considerable Bank account.

Spain: Deposited with Antonio VARGAS MACHUCA, 1.500.000.000 French francs in securities, money, diamonds and gold.

Germany: The Bayerische Bank in Munich held a considerable account for OTTO. On 12 August 1944 at the time of my last interview, OTTO told me that this Bank would always be able to give his address.»

BRANDES, Hans Joachim Friedrich. Born in Berlin 2 May 1921.Repatriated from Portugal via Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0569. Repatriated from Spain on the Highland Monarch . In 1946 he claimed Jewish father. Interrogated before 6 March1946 by by G-2 UFSER and on the 8 July, 1946 by Finance Division (not in London lI, but well known to British (MI5 and MI5) for his connections with Jeb Jensen). Interrogated again in April 1947 by OMGUS, Finance Division. Released from Camp Asperg on 3 September 1946 and employed again by the Geisenheim branch of the firm Fritz Werner A.G., Berlin-Marienfelde. Address after release: Wiesbaden, Ahornweg, 1, tfn. 28648.

      At the beginning of 1942, he went from Switzerland to Lisbon as representative of a business opened by Clara BRANDES, née WERNER, his mother, the company being Fritz Werner, A.G., Machine Tool Manufacturers, Berlin-Marienfelde. He acted similarly at Zurich from 1937 to 1942.

      Leon PAULET of Marseilles, formed a company with BRANDES’ father and a Monsieur BARBOUT of Paris. The father had a third interest in the Paris company with PAULET and BARBOUT. After the collapse, BRANDES alleged that his father was Jewish and in a concentration camp for seven years(no proof of that statement was presented) .He said that, after leaving the concentration camp, his father opened a machine tool business in Paris where he was murdered by the Gestapo, which has employed his maid to put poison in his father’s cigar.

Hans BRANDES set up building a weapon factory for the Portuguese Government, importing machines from Fritz Werner, A.G for 2.000.000 RM. Funds to the extend of RM 500.000 were paid by Portuguese Government to German- Portuguese Clearing, but no machines were ever delivered.

      In Portugal there was a representative named Baron von KNIEGGE, of (a) A.G.K. (Ausfuhr Gemeinschaft für Kriegsceräte) and (b) Rheinmetall Borsig. According to Brandes, KNIEGGE , by abuse of his official position in A.G.K., prompted the Portuguese Ministry of War to pay WERNER in the interest of the company which he represented, i.e., Rheinmetall Borsig.

      It is stated that von KNIEGGE is now working for the Americans in Portugal to avoid being brought back to Germany, but he has property hidden in Portuguese names to a very considerable extent, and knows all about clandestine trading in Wolfram, etc. His Portuguese «tame men» include CHAVES of the Ministry of War.

      Brandes was connected and suposed to have information about to following issues:

1. In 1944, Germany engaged itself to supply Argentine with machines which necessitated blockade breaking sea-transport facilities, which von KNIEGGE was briefed by Berlin to negotiate in Lidsbon, for which he received RM 1.000.000 by direct courier from Berlin. The enterprise was abortive, but where the money go was unknown.

2. Sofindus controlled all transport Portugal-France, for which LOHSE was responsible, with BAESELER (Bayonne) and LESSER (Lisbon) as underlings. Smuggling was achieved by abuse of terms of Law 40, whereby Spain agreed with Allies to prevent transit of War supplies, e.g., Wolfram, to German controlled territory. War supplies were false labelled, e.g., Wolfram was described as Fish Oil by collusion with the Spanish Customs officials. According to Brandes, LESSER was still in Portugal and BAESELER in Spain in 1946.

3. Continental Caucho shares, sold through the offices of a Spanish lawyer, by the aid of a German named FIEDLER, acting for a group. BRANDES knew about this operation through a WERNER’s representative in Madrid called Hinderer&Co.

       The 100.000 he received from Gottfried PAUL (see PAUL’s interrogation) was mostly spent by the time he was interned. The remaining 35.000 Escudos, together with all his private property he left with the Land-Lady of the Chalet de Largo, Monte Estoril.

Eliah Meyer, Ludwig Losbichler: marchante de arte y agente de la gestapo (2) pp. 16 y 21:

      «En 1949, un traficante y agente del Abwehr, Hans Brandes identifica a OBORIL como matón de Gottfried PAUL-TABOSCHAT, otro agente del Abwehr, traficante y encargado de blanquear dinero nazi.»

      Hans Brandes, como Gottfried PAUL, es un caso típico de criminal profesional que desarrolla su carrera en los servicios secretos. La información británica sobre este individuo fue ocultada a la OMGUS por su relación con la muerte de Hans JEBSEN, «ARTIST«, oficial del Abwehr y doble agente del MI5 controlado por Dusto POPOV, «TRICYCLE«.

      Según el relato «oficial», BRANDES engañó a JEBSEN y se hizo pasar por proaliado, pero lo denunció a la Gestapo. La Gestapo lo secuestró y murió ejecutado en Flossenburg en 1944. Esta versión necesita una urgente revisión: se confunden al buen tuntún la Gestapo con la Abwher y se afirma con rotundidad la suerte de JEBSEN, de la que no existe documento ni indicio alguno de su ejecución. JEBSEN, como TRICYCLE, eran agentes con exceso de iniciativa, curiosidad y arrogancia, que pudieron suponer un peligro para la Operación Garbo y es lógico que Tomás HARRIS o el XX Committee estuvieran preocupados, pero creo que la suposición de que pensaron en algún momento en asesinarlo es una interpretación erronea del término liquidate ( o el más coloquial bump off ) usado por LIDDELL para indicar que se cerraba una operación o el trabajo con un agente. Los responsables de servicios secretos no van dejando «en scripto yaz esto» sus asesinatos.

      Kim PHILBY no se dejó engañar por las patrañas de Hans BRANDES, a quien consideró un gangster peligroso pero de poca monta. (Vid. Ben Macintyre, Double Cross: The True Story of The D-Day Spies, p. 248)

BRANDES, Heinrich Wilhelm August. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 31/10/1911 in Saltzwedel. Address in Germany, 1946: Steilshoperstr. 107 (British zone).

BRANDT, Ernest August. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Jose Antonio 45, Madrid and Padilla 31, Madrid. Representative of several German firms.

BRANDT, Liselotte. From Obst/Lt Friedrich DERNBACH’s CI Intermediate Interrogation Report (CI-IIR) No 57, dated 11 December, 1946:

      Clerk in administrative section III-F Ast Lyon.

      Career: Formerly with KO Spain. February 1943 assigned by Ast Paris to Ast Lyon:, and continued Abw Leit Trupp 351 and TAX 313.

BRAUN, Adolf. Dr. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. First consular secretary. German consulate, Tetuan. GIS agent. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BRAUN, Alfred Heinrich. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

BRAUNE. In Marine Perch file.

BRAUNE, Gunther / Günther. Col. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Diplomat. Assistant Military Attache at the German Embassy, Madrid. Address: Menendez Pelayo 1, Madrid.

BRAUNS, Ernst. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BRECHT, Werner. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-consular employee at Tetuan. Expelled to Spain 7 September, 1944.

BREDERICK, Paul Rudolf. From OSS Secret IntelligenceSpecial Funds Record 9409: Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco, Ceuta. Classified II-B in OSS records. Engineer. Born July 18, 1910.

BREHM, Georg. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.. German School, Barcelona. On Official List, A-575 / A-595 in other documents. Wife: Cunigunda / Kunigunda Teresa, sons: Water and Max, daughter: Edith. DOB. Bamberg, 21 November, 1911.

BREMER / BREHMER, Gerhard / Gerard. NSDAP Alicante.

BREITKREUZ, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRENDEL, Dr. Rene Bertrand. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified A in British records and I-B and II-B in OSS records. Engineer. Specialist in electricity and internal combustion engines. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid.

BRENDELL, Alexander. German agent classified I-A and II-A in OSS records. In charge of optical department of Ferrol ship-yards. Claimed to be technician of Zeiss Co. Believed to be Rear-admiral of German Navy. Born about 1898.

BRENDLE, Juan. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Importer of chemical products from German firmas. Address: Calabria 31, Barcelona.

BRENNER KOENIG, Anton. Auditor in Sofindus.Member of NSDAP. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Still in Spain in July 1946. Related to Oskar MAINZ of Mining Companies, PoW in Germany 1946. Address in Spain: Alfonso XII, 48, Madrid. Born March oe26, 1908 at Freiburg. Married with several children in 1946.

BRENNER, Ludwig. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BREUER Konrad. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BREUER, Ricardo. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor and scientist. Instituto Nacional de Enseñanza Media, Burgos.

BREUNINGER, Felix. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

Erika BREY, German passport 1605, diplomat, arrived at Barcelona via Lufthansa November 27, 1944. On expulsion list (Safehaven Reports of the War Crimes Branch, 1944-1945. Date Range: September 10, 1945-September 12, 1945)

BREY, Franz. From OMGUS General Records Pertaining To External Assets Investigations

      Category: Repatriates: Spain – General (N.D., August 1944 – May 1946): » Addicional Sofindus connections were listed by LINDENBERG as follows: One ZIESCHE, German now in Spain, particularly well informed on cloaking operations; Handelsrat ENGE; one BECKER; a Major BREY, german who worked closely with KRAMER«.

      From Safehaven Reports of the War Crimes Branch, 1944-1945 Date Range: September 10, 1945-September 12, 1945: » Franz BREY, German, Assistant Air Attache, Madrid, arrived Lufthansa at Barcelona, October 13, 1944, passport 1350, age 30. Erika BREY, German passport 1605, diplomat, arrived at Barcelona via Lufthansa November 27, 1944. Both these persons are named for expulsion on the proposed list of German officials.»

      Wife: Josefa FLEISCHMANN

BRIEHL, Rudolf Paul Erich. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Breslau, 16 August, 1908. A-924. Teacher at German School, Tenerife. Address: calle Pi y Margall, Tenerife.

BRINKMANN, Diederich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRINKMAN, Heinrich. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician (watches and clocks). Calle Calderilla 3, Malaga. Born about 1910.

BRINKMAN, Roland. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Geologist. Carmen 7, Neguri (Bil­bao). Born Hagemor Mecklenburg, 23 Jan.1898. Passport No. 749 issued Altona 1.7.37. Member of NSDAP.

BRINKMEYER, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BROCHART. I-M, KO Spanien (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BRODE, Helmut Wolfgang. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 3/9/1899 in Berlin-Neukölln. Address in Germany, 1946: Riegel am Kaiserstuhl (French zone).

BRODTMANN BEYFUSS, Ursula. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Worked at the German Cultural Institute in Madrid. E-62 on Official List. DOB. Hoehr, 19 November, 1921.

BROSE, Otto. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BROZIO, Gustav. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRUCK, Willi. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRUCKMAIER, Matthias. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Member of Airforce Communication Corps. Worked under orders of Kurt van VEERSEN. A-863 on Official List / A-63 in other documents. DOB. Guttenburg, 21 December, 1917.

BRUCKNER, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRUGEMANN / BRUGGEMANN, Gerhard. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Berlin, 29 June, 1913.

BRUMM. Frl. I-M, KO Spanien (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BRUNELLA, Josef. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Technician employed by the Spanish Government for weather station. A-980 on Official List. A-980 on Official List. DOB. Oberfeld, 9 October, 1905.

BRUNET, (fnu), alias MARIO. From Nuernberg Interrogation Records › … OCCPAC Interrogation Transcripts And Related Records › Bernhard, Heinrich: Belgian. In Spain working for Amt VI, 1945. Lives in Brussels. Last seen in Madrid. Born 1905 in Belgium. 1.75m, muscular. Married. Press correspondent. Worked for BdS Brussels prior of evacuation of Belgium. Autumn 1944 fled to Germany.

BRUNK, Felicitas. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Belgard, 31 May, 1923. A-65.

BRUNNER, Heinz / Heinrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 29/11/1906 in Kaiserslautern. Address in Germany, 1946: Dieselstr.1, bei Heinz Otto FALKE (British zone).

BRUNO, Bruen. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Employee. In Vigo since 1942. Born Bremen 21 May 1904. Passport No. 46/1942 issued Bilbao 26.3.1942. Member of DAF and NSV

BRUSENDORF, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRUSIUS, Anton. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BRUSTLE, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUBENHEIM, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUCH, Hans Christoph / Christian von. Col (?). In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Commercial attache at the German Embassy, Madrid. Radio technician. Uses the title of Colonel, but may be no higher than a lance corporal. In Ohio, US, around 1942. Also active in Peru. Born about 1908.

BUCH, Hans Christoph von. German agent classified A. Col. Assistant air attache at Embassy. Address: Claudio Coello 151, Madrid and Maria de Molina 12, Madrid.

BUCKHARDT. Agent working I-M, KO Spanien,Sevilla.(named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

BUCHEN, Robert. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Reichbank counsellor.

BUCHHOLZ, Karl / Karl Horst / Karl Moritz (name given in repatriation list as owner of Livraria Buchholz *). Art looter and Nazi agent. Classified C in list of Germans to be reapatriated from Portugal,. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation.. Address: General Mola 81, Madrid. Address given in Repatriation List from Portugal: Pensao Lis, Lisbon. Born August 26, 1901 at Göttingen. Wife and three children (Albert, Godula and fnu) in Ueberlingen Budensee . Art dealer and book seller, who opened a book shop and art gallery in Paseo de Recoletos, 3, Madrid, Libreria Buchholz **, but evaded blocking decree by antedating organization of business.

* Complete name, according to OSS, WASH SPDF Docs 4101-4145, Relaçao das entregas efectuadas nos termos do Despacho Ministerial publicado no Diario do Governo, 1ª serie, de 10 de Maio de 1945 (…): Livraria Tecnica Buchholz.Lda, Lisboa. (Note by E. Meyer)

** The oficial name, according to Spanish documents and OSS, WASH SPDF Docs 5101 5135, was Buchholz, Libreria y Exposicion S.A., The blocking decree was anuled by Spanish government in 1949: ORDEN de 11 de noviembre de 1949 por la que se dispone que la Compañia Librería y Exposición Buchholz, S. A., de Madrid. quede exceptuada de las disposicioes que establece el bloqueo de bienes de propiedad extranjera contenidas en la Ley de 17 de julio de 1945 y legislación complementaria.(Signed) MARTIN ARTAJO. (Note by E. Meyer)

      From Information of OSS, Art Unit, dated 20 August, 1945, Individuals involved in suspicious Art activities, Iberian Peninsula: «50, Avenida da Liberdade, Lisbon. Founder of Livraria Buchholz, New German Bookshop with Portuguese partner, Henrique LEHRFELD (Black List). Former Berlin art dealer claiming to be refugee. Is suspected for working for high Nazi authorities and to have handled looted art works.»

      BUCHHOLZ’s cloaking activities in Spain involved the exhibition of second-rate specimen of second-rate artists. As late as 1999, as a token of their gratitude. Spanish authorities and intellectuals still shielded this smuggler:


Edgar M. Bronfman, Chairman

(From) Kenneth Klothen, Executive Director, l (To) The Honorable Enrique MUGICA HERZOG

December 12,1999

Spanish Commission on Holocaust Assets

Concha Espina, 8. 7 lzda

28036 Madrid


Dear Mr. Chairman:

      It was a great pleasure to meet with you and your colleagues in Washington. Pursuant to that meeting and our very productive discussions, I am writing to forward to you some of the questions that we would like to pose to Professor MARTIN ACEÑA and the other members of your research team for their insights.

      As you know, our work is divided into three major research categories: art and cultural property; gold, and non-gold financial assets,. We have canvassed our research staff and have received questions from them.

These include:

1) We would like to know more about the activities of Alois MIEDL in Spain. MIEDL is the art dealer who crossed the French-Spanish border with works obtained from the Goudstikker Collection. Does the Spanish Commission know anything about the fate of these works imported by MIEDL?

2) Has the Spanish Commission obtained information about the post-war activities in Spain of art dealer Karl BUCHHOLZ in Spain? He was an important dealer who also did business in the U.S.

3) Do Spanish officials know anything about the activities of Alfredo HIRSCH, and an individual surnamed ZANTOPF (according to some reports, the same person)? During the war years HIRSCH was an art dealer in Spain.

4) Does the Spanish Commission know about an auction of Old Masters organized by a German national in Barcelona in 1943? (See explanatory notes: Auction of Old Masters in Barcelona)

5) The Eizenstat report described the financial transaction between Spain, Chase, and First National Bank with ,regard to the telephone system. Is the Commission aware of other transactions?

6) Were any assets entering the United States that were used as collateral in financial transactions transferred from Central Banks of neutral countries through Spain during the relevant time period?

7) If so, what was the form of these assets?

8) Does the Spanish Central Bank possess records, or correspondence with the US Federal Reserve, regarding the transfer of assets from Spain to the United States during the relevant period?

9) Has the Spanish Commission addressed the issue of whether any assets looted from Holocaust victims may have ended up in the hands of individual Spaniards?

10) Did the Commission address the issue of whether gold, and other assets, may have been smuggled into Spain illegally?

11) Is the Commission aware of information in Spanish archives that could shed light on the relationship between the Falange Party, the then-government of Spain, and German Reich financial institutions? If so, was either a recipient of looted assets?

12) Is the Commission aware of documents concerning the following individuals or organizations and their involvement with looted assets:

a) Jose CANCELLER, Minister of Foreign Affairs

b) Aznar & Co. : ,

c) Johannes CHARLES (also known as Baron Jean Charles)

d) August T. GAUSBECK (founder of Banque Charles & Co., in Monaco in 1944. It had a branch in Barcelona. There is information that this bank had a close relationship with the Reichsbank).

e) Axis Embassies and legation offices in Madrid.

13) Is the Commission aware: of Argentina or other Latin American nations serving as a transit point for looted assets tnmsshipped from Spain and destined for the United States?

      If your Commission has no information relevant to these questions, would it be possible to offer us some guidance as to how we might:pursue research into these issues in Spanish archives?

      I very much appreciate your generous offer of assistance and hope that the cooperation between our, two Commissions can serve as a model for similar cooperation among all such Commissions as we strive to discover the truth about this terrible period in our recent history.

      Finally, I look forward to the ’day when, as you suggested, we will «almorzar bien en Madrid.»

Sincerely (signature)


Executive Director.»

     In view of the research results and conclusions, the efforts of Spanish Commission (BOE num. 166 Sabado 12 julio 1997) has been, since that date, to put it midly, shameful. Keeping on this mummery, Mr. MÚGICA and his Commission recommended Spanish Government to provide «adecuate assistance» to a non existent organization: the Organización Mundial Sefardí:

      «II.–Una vez afirmada la ausencia de responsabilidad del Estado español, la Comisión, habiendo cumplido el mandato recibido de acuerdo con el Real Decreto 1131/97 de 11 de julio, considera su deber terminar estas Conclusiones adhiriéndose a la creciente corriente de opinión en la Comunidad Internacional que vuelve a tomar conciencia del drama del

Holocausto judío.

      Por ello, y teniendo en cuenta la política de España en favor de las comunidades sefardíes, recomienda al Gobierno, desde su propia legitimidad democrática y por el sentimiento humanitario de los españoles, que aporte la ayuda que juzgue más conveniente a la Organización Mundial Sefardí, de la que son miembros numerosos conciudadanos españoles. Madrid, 5 de marzo de 1998.

El secretario de la Comisión, Fernando de GALAINENA.

VºBº el presidente, Enrique MÚGICA HERZOG *

      The amount promised , not as restitution, since Spain, according to Comisión Múgica final report, denied any involment or responsabilities in Nazi looting, was assigned, months later, to a non identified sephardic NGOs:

      En la Sección 12 (Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores), Organismo 103, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Programa 134.A (Cooperación para el Desarrollo) se modifica la denominación del concepto 497, de tal manera que donde dice: «Organización Mundial Sefardi», debe decir: «Subvenciones a Organizaciones no Gubernamentales para ayudas a sefardíes víctimas de la persecución nazi». (BOCG. Senado, serie II, núm. 112-g, de 14/12/1998 p. 970)

* In 2012 Israel bestowed the Shmuel Hadas Award upon Enrique MÚGICA HERZOG.


      From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas (The Roberts Commission), 1943-1946:

      «BUCHHOLZ. One suspected of serving as cloak for Nazi interests in the New German Bookshop, 50 Avenida Liberdade, Lisbon. It was opened in late 1943 by a German refugee, a certain BUCHHOLZ, in partnership with a Portuguese named LEHRFELD, who put 200.000 into the business. He brought with him half a million marks worth of books, pictures and sculpturs from Germany, and sold at high prices. It is said that GOEBBELS and RIBBENTROP used him to open bank accounts for them in places they considered safer than Argentina, and that as far back as 1938, BUCHHOLZ was selling «confiscated» art pieces for the benefit of the Nazis. Swiss dealers were in touch with him a year ago, but no recent information has come concerning him. (From Foreign Economic Administration Preliminary Report, May, 1945, «Looted Art in Occupied Territories, Neutral Countries and Latin America.» p.28)

       From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas, Geographical Card Files on Possible Art Looting Subjects:Portugal:

BUCHHOLZ, Karl Horst.

      New German Bookshop. 50 Avenida da Liberdade, Lisbon

      German. Married. Passport No II.4520-44, II-4520-43 BL, 4520-43 Berlin V (6).

       Address: Leipzigerstrasse, Berlin; Budapest; Buchholz Gallery New York (4).

       Occupation: dealer in books and works of art.

Description: About 40 years old, fairly tall, rather good looking, a nice prosperous German. Born about 1904 (4); August 26, 1901 at Gottingen. German subject (6).

      Backgound: Claims to be a refugee having one Jewish grandmother. However, he brought with him some half million marks worth of books, pictures and sculpturs. Has a splendid shop with high prices.

      Present activities: Opened a shop in late 1943 (…). Appears to be working for RIBBENTROP and GOEBELS personally, acting as an outlet for their wealth. Now has German woman as secretary who reports back to RIBBENTROP or GOEBELS on sales posibilities. Subject is said to have a brother in US, now an American citizen, who also has a book and art shop. Subject has been sending books and confiscated or looted works of art to the brother (1) Is reported to have received photos of pictures now for sale in Switzerland and is in touch with dealers and refugees (2). Subject travels constantly and his shop is reported as intermediary for the sending of looted goods to South America. A young woman, daughter of a German teacher in Lisbon, is said to be working there, and reported to be anti-Nazi, might be willing source (3).Is reported to have received photos of pictures now for sales in Switzerland (…)(2)

Pictures mentioned are:

Italian Master (XVI Cen), La Dama au Petrarque, 90,000 Swiss francs (sic).

Antonio Moro, Charles V, 86×66 cm. 38,000 Swiss francs (sic).

Franz Snyders, Natures Mortes or Still Life, 22,000 Swiss francs.

(1) OSS Report, A24221, Date of inf. 1 Feb. 1944

(2) OSS Report, A42548, July 1944

(3) OSS Report No H-7707. Date of info, July, 1944. Rpt’d 11-10-44

(5) HX-347 29 Jan. 45 (from Wash 9-4-45)

(6) 2250 of 12-4-45, and 23800, 23700 of 28-4-45.

      From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas, Geographical Card Files on Possible Art Looting Subjects compiled 1943-1946:

      «A Miss BRAUN and Ivonne KALLEDAY run the shop in absence of subject» (1)

(1) HX-168 Lisbon 9/6/44.

      From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas, Geographical Card Files on Possible Art Looting Subjects: Portugal:

      «His Berlin partner, Herr HUELSEN, and he are anti-Nazi, and they frequently exhibit «condemned» works of art for which they were attached by Nazi press, warned by RbK and fined RM 5000. But another source says he sold art works by the «degenerate artists» from German museums in 1936. In 1938 some things that had passed through his hands were at FISHER’s sale in Lucerne; considered subject was employed by Nazi government as agent in this affair (4). Also opened branch in Budapest as well as Lisbon (4).

      His brother’s shop in U.S. in either New York or Washington; in collaboration with subject reported to have sold works from German Jewish collections and paintings by German Jews. Bulchholz Gallery in New York, now owned by Curt VALENTIN, former partner in Berlin, said to be anti-Nazi and to have severed all connections with BUCHHOLZ (4).

      Price of pictures on sale in Switzerland quoted at 190,000 Swiss francs, 138,000 Swiss francs, and 22,000 Swiss francs (4). Photographs of these three pictures on view at Buchholz Gallery in Lisbon (4).


      Travels between Lisbon, Madrid and Stuttgart and Barcelona (staying at Hotel Ritz) (6).

J.C. ALEXANDER, alias Wilhelm ALENDORF is representative of Bulchholz Booksellers (6).

(4) Vaucher draft list of dealers 17-3-45 (German)

(6) C/12151/23 28-4-45 attached to 2250 of 12-4-45

      From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historical Monuments in War Areas, Geographical Card Files on Possible Art Looting Subjects:Portugal:

      «(BUCHHOLZ). Had a bootleg gallery, dealing in art books, and also in paintings, etc., on the Leipzifer Strasse. In 1936 he had a number of works by forbidden artists for sale. In 1938 the Museum of Modern Art (NYC) bought a number of such things from him through Kurt VALENTINE (sic). They were from German museums, and were sold at ¼, 1/3 or even 1/10 the market price. A year or so later, the balance of the things were sold at the Lucerne auction of all the modern things taken from the German museums.

      In other words, BUCHHOLZ was used by the German government as an agent in 1938.

      A list of what he is offering now would make it possible to decide whether he is an agent now or not.

      VALENTINE (sic) says BUCHHOLZ went to great risk to protect VALENTINE (sic) in the early days of the regime, but failed. VALENTINE (sic) had great faith in him until he saw him Paris in 1938. He (BUCHHOLZ) opened a bookshop in Lisbon two years, something he could not have done without the consent of the German Government. He also opened one in Bucharest.» (V.F to M.D., Nov 2, 1944*

* See the excellent study Bridges from the Reich: The Importance of Émigré Art Dealers as Reflected in the Case Studies of Curt Valentin and Otto Kallir–Nirenstein by Jonathan Petropoulos to evaluate the real connections between VALENTIN and BUCHHOLZ and VALENTIN with the Third Reich. See also UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. Case No.: 09 Civ. 3706 (CM). MARTIN GROSZ and LILIAN GROSZ, Plaintiffs, against THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, Defendant,: PORTRAIT OF THE POET MAX , HERRMANN-NEISSE With Cognac-Glass, SELF-PORTRAIT WITH MODEL and REPUBLICAN AUTOMATONS, Three Paintings by George Grosz, Defendants in rem. DECLARATION OF JONATHAN G. PETROPOULOS (Note by E. Meyer)

      From Ardelia Hall Collection, Restitutions Research Records, Goering Hermann Gifts Received 1939-1941:

«Buchhandel. Buchholz, Berlin….   507.95 (RM)»

«Rechnungen Buchholz, Buecher

a) 5 Dez. 1940…………………. 352,35

b) 6 Dez. 1940………………….    6.00

c) 14 Dez. 1940…………………  10.00

d) 17 Dez. 1940………………..   32.20

e) 17 Dez. 1940…………………  82.00

c) 20 Dez. 1940………………..   25,40

……………………………………. 507.95

       From From Ardelia Hall Collection, Restitutions Research Records, 1945-1950 Reichsminister Accounts for Loans of Artwork:

      «Abschrift zu IA 1125-01/5.39/1151-1,11.

      Aufstellung der bei Verwertung der Erzeugnisse entarteter Kunst gezahlten Vermittlungsgebuehren.


Tag der Anweisung Empfänger Betrag

25.1.1939…………………………Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin     ……………………………. 3.708,65 RM

4.3.1939…………………………Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin …………………………         1.143,96 RM

5.4.1939 ………………………  Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin  ………………………………      76,98 RM

5.4.1939 ……………………..   Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin ……………………..              1.724,– RM

4.5.1939  …………………….. Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin………………………………….    175,– RM

9.5.1939 ……………………… Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin ………………………………..      950,– RM

10.5.1939    ……………….    Karl BUCHHOLZ,

Berlin  ………………………..             799,45 RM

……………………………………       8.578,04 RM

gez. Dr. BRIEBACH «

       From From Ardelia Hall Collection, Restitutions Research Records, 1945-1950 Reichsminister Accounts for Loans of Artwork:

      (Commissions paid by the Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda to art dealers involved in selling «degenerate» art looted by Government.)

       » Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda

      Geschäftszeichen (In der Antwort ausgeben) BK 9036 E/28.11.39/13-8,13

      An die Privatkanzlei des Führers z. Hdn. von Herrn Gruppenführer Schaub in Berlin

Berlin, 30 November 1939


» Zur Durchführung der vom Führer gewünschten Vergütung an die durch die Beschlagnahme entarteter Kunst betroffenen Galerien wird gebeten, aus dem Verfügungsfonds des Führers an die Reichshauptkasse zu Gunsten des Reichsministeriums für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda zu überweisen:

1.) Den Gegenwert in Reichsmark fur die dem Sonderkonto «EK» zwecks Neuankäufen für die .Reichskanzlei an Kunsthändler Haberstock abgezweigten Devisen = RM 81.727,03

2.) Provisionszahlung an die Galerie FischerLuzern für die Versteigerung dortselbst am 30.Juni 1939 und aus Nachverkäufen in Summa von £ 2.898,98 = RM 33.631,09 nach dem Tageskurs vom 1.7.1939 berechnet 1 £ = 11,67 RM.

3.) Verauslagte Provisionen für die mit den Verkäufen entarteter Kunst betrauten deutschen Kunsthändler HABERSTOCK-Berlin, BUCHHOLZ-Berlin, BÖHMER-Güstrow, Dr. GURLITT-Hamburg RM 3.995,63

(siehe Anlage Ziffer 2)

4.) Kosten für persönliche und sachliche Aufwendungen im Zusammenhang mit der Abwicklung entarteter Kunst im laufenden Rechnungsjahr (Dienstbezüge, Dienstreisen, Transporte, Lokalmieten usw.) RM 13.583,34 (siehe Anlage Ziffer 3)

RM 132.937,09

Die unter Nr.3) und 4) genannten Beträge sind die bis zum heutigen Tage entstandenen Unkosten. Die mit der weite­ren Abwicklung entstehenden zusätzlichen Kosten werdon nach-gereicht.

(…) «

      From Records of the External Assets Investigation Section of the Property Division, OMGUS, 1945-1949. Safehaven Reports And Interrogations Of Top Nazis : Schellenberg


Q. Do you know a man by the name of BUCHHOLZ?

A. BUCHHOLZ, if I remember correctly, was a member of the Amt Mil.

Q. In what country did he operate?

A. I believe he was active for the counter-espionage in France and Italy.

Q. Who was his superior?

A. The chief of Frontaufklaerungsleitstelle  III West, Col. GARTHE.

Q. Do you know anything specifically about his operations?

A. Previously I never knew that a BUCHHOLZ existed. Only very recently, in the last days of my freedom and during my time in prison, I heard his name and heard that he was not a very good type of person.

Q. Whom did you hear this from – from people who interrogated you or from other Germans?

A. Other Germans.

Q. Do you recall who told you about BUCHHOLZ?

A. It was a co-prisoner in England who was formerly a subordinate of mine, by the name of Rittmeister von LEDEBUR.

Q. Didn’t he tell you that BUCHHOLZ had been doing?

A. No, he only asked me if I knew BUCHHOLZ who was supposed to be a man who had great expenses and spent a lot of money.

Q. What were your connections with the New German Book Shop in Lisbon?

A. No connections.»


BUCHHOLZ, Karl. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Posen, 9 November, 1912.

BUCHMANN, Max. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUDDE, Heinz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Stiekelkumperfehn, 22 May, 1923.

BUENTE, Rudolf. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Bolsa 1, Sevilla. Born May 4, 1909 at Zeven. Married with three children in 1946. Connected with Corchos de Andalucía S.A. Member of NSDAP since 1934. Wife, Ruth, also an active Party member.

BUERG, Georg. Mining engineer, friend of Walter MOSIG.

BUETTNER, Arno Richard. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Transport agent since 1936 for German Embassy. Address: Diego de Leon 28, Madrid.

BUGGE, Hans. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Businessman. Addresses: Hermosilla 95, Madrid. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 780. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Working from 1928 to 1936 in Spain for ERHARDT.

From Preliminary Interrogation Report (CI-PIR) No 134, dated 13 September, 1946:

Personal data:

1 Jan 1905 Born in Kiel, Gemany.

1921 Graduated fron the Oberrealschule In Kiel.

1921-1925 Worked for Sartori & Berger in Kiel as an apprentice merchant.

1925-1928 Worked for the firm Schellemann and M. Petersen, both in Antwerp, Belgium.

1928-1936 Worked for the firm Ehrhardt in Bilbao and Barcelona.

1936 At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, he went to Bremen with his wife, Carmen IRIARTE, whom he had married in Bilbao in 1933.

1940 Drafted irto the antitank reserve, out soon transferred to GFP Gruppe 603.

Jun 1940 Gruppe noved to Fontainebleau. BUGGE promoted to Gefr.

Dec 1940 Promoted to Uffz.

Oct 1941 Transferred to Abw I-M, Berlin.

Nov 1941 Assigned to I-M, KO Spain and sent to Morocco.

Nov 1942 Recalled to Germany fron Morocco because of illness and hospitalized in Tuebingen.

Jan 1943 Returned to I-M, KO Spain, where he stayed in Madrid, evaluating reports of V-Maenner.

Mar 1945 Interned by the Spanish government.

Feb 1946 Repatriated to Germany.

Functions of I-M. KO Spain

      I-M was the largest of the Referate of KO Spain. This was natural, since there was little opportunity for observing enemy armies and air forces in Spain, but all enemy naval activity in the Mediterranean was easily observable. However, the greatest blunder of KO Spain was the failure to discovor the plans for the Allied invasion of North Africa, a matter which belonged to the province of I-M.

      Information on enemy naval movenents was sent to Luftwaffe units in Sicily (later Italy) and to the Mediterranean submarino commander at Genoa for action.

      See Report on I-M. KO Spain in STUBBS, Erwin.


BUGGUE, Hans. Mentioned as interned in Camp 76, Asperg on March 27, 1946.

BUKOWSKI, Sepp. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin.DOB. Leibnitz, 20 September, 1917.

BUNGE, Eduard Max. SD agent in Bilbao.According to Heinz LOESCH’s interrogation in Camp 76, September 1946, BUNGE was main stockholder of Marathon S.A, Aceros. Elcano 9, Bilbao and director and main stockholder (78%) of Moressin S.A., Baquelit-works, Santurce, Bilbao. Partner and connected with EHRHARDT. Connected with ARRIAGA (Spanish cloak man). BUNGE had a big state in Berango (Vizcaya) a great villa in Bilbao and lot of real state in Germany. His procurist is a Swiss named MILLER. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Aguirre 12, Bilbao. Born Muehlheim a Ruhr, 7 Aug. 1893. Passport issued Bilbao. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

BURANDT, Hans Max Thomas. Repatriated from Bilbao, Spain in September 10 1946. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946.

      From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Commercial Attache, German Consulate, Barcelona. Born on 21 December 1893 in Veracruz. He was deported as No 1 priority. From reliable sources it was reported that he was a party member before 1933. An old SA leader and is considered a fanatic nazi. Subject released to Wiesbaden, Martinstr. 10, c/o Mrs. M. HASSELBACH. DOB. Veracruz, 21 December, 1893. A-593 Agents’ List and I Priority List.

BURBACH, Friedhelm alias RUDI . In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. . Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. German consul general, Bilbao. Former chief of Auslands organizations, Spain. Address: Aguirre 12, Bilbao. After war he eluded expatriation in Traspaderne and Villaperlada (in a place called La Granja), where he was named RUDI el aleman.

BURBULLA, Karl. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: calle Larrañagal, San Sebastián. Born December 27, 1901 at Thorn, West Prussia. Married with three children in 1946.. Employee by BERNHARDT and later worked for Transportes Marion, at Irún. Reported as nazi and as having worked for SD at frontier.

BURCK von. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Madrid.

BURG, Georg. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Sobradelo, Orense. Born May 20, 1906 in Peciul-Nou, Roumania; German nacionality. Married to German, Erika WINKLEN. Mining engineer with Montes de Galicia. Reported to have stolen property from company.

BURGHARDT, Erich. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BURGHARDT, Oskar / Oscar. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Ercilla 39, 4 izq. Born Pforzheim on 7 March 1904. Passport No. B-944 issued Köln on 25.3.39.

BURGHAUSE, Paul. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

BUROSE, Theodor. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hotel Excelsior, Bilbao. Born Oldenburg, 21 March 1897. Passport No. 139 issued Valparaiso 9.3.39.

BUSCH, Erwin. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Kochneukirch, 20 July, 1926.

BUSCH, Gfr von. Referat I, IL, KO Spanien as of February 1945.

BUSCH, Hugo. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUSS, Gustav Adolf. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Employee of German Embassy. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, December 1944.

BUSENBECKER, Alfred. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUSS, Theodor. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

BUSSE, Liselotte. In Marine Perch file. Prime Secretary to the General DOERR. Still in Spain in 1946.

BUSSMANN, Ernst. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Rheine, 19 May, 1923.

BYDEKARKEN (fnu). Korv/ Kapt. I/M, KO Spanien.

Autor: Eliah Meyer

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Capitulo anterior publicado en Gatopardo:


Foto de Portada: Colegio Alemán de Barcelona: Ortsgruppenleiter Walter Bartoleit dando un discurso. Las fotos fueron tomadas del libro publicado en 1994: Colegio Alemán. Crónica  Barcelona 1894-1994

Publicado por Gatopardo el 11/04/2014 12:06.  Archivado en