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EBER, Edgar Manfred. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Bilbao. Chemist. Born 1910 in Wiesbaden, Germany.

EBEREN, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

EBERSPAECHER, Fritz. Chief of the Delegation of the Reichs Labor Ministry in Madrid, address in General Goded 11.

EBSEN, Agnes. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Entered Spain on 21 August 1944 on a collective passport with a group of German women. In charge of the bar of the Deutsches Heim. E-65 on Official List. DOB. Rendsburg, 27 February, 1913.

ECKERLING, Kurt Eberhardt, alias KATZ, alias ZADEK / ZAHDECK, alias WOHLRAB, alias Kurt KATZ-ZAHDECK and Ben ZAHDECK ROCCA. In other documents KATZ- ZAHDEK, Kurt alias Kurt ECKERLING. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Arrested April 4, 1946. In No 6 CIC Neuengamme. Repatriated from Spain on the Highland Monarch. B-84 on agents list and III Priority List. DOB. Moelln, 7 August, 1905 (1915 in some documents).

He said that he was a director of a French importing and exporting concern with credits in Spain amounting to approximately 25,000,000 francs. He was escorted to Bilbao from the Logroño prison and was then released. In Bilbao he had an automobile at his disposal, stayed at the Hotel Carlton, and lived lavishly. Prior to his departure he gave certain information to the American repatriation representative on an alleged passage to the United States of two Gestapo agents.

It is recommended that this individual be carefully interrogated. He made contract with Henri Noques S. A. Paris, Avenue Victor Hugo, based on a turnover of 25 million francs, but this was cancelled in 1943. ECKERLING arrived in Hamburg with very little money but had, he mantained, valuables in his luggage amounting to 4.500.000 francs. This was the remainder of the funds of the Republican Army (Servicio de Informacion Militar or S.I.M), and was handed to him by SANCHIS, now in Mexico. ECKERLING mantained that this was the property of the Spanish Underground (C.N.T). In a letter dated 15 May 1946 US authorities suggested to the Officer Commanding Nº 6 Civil Internment Camp, Neuengamme, that ECKERLING’s luggage should be impounded until disposal instructions were issued by the Foreign Office.

      Internee No 609584 British Civilian Internment Camp No. 6, (Hamburg) .

      Report of Interrogation by External Assets Branch, Finance Division, OMGUS. 29 May 1946:

» The subject stated that ha was born in Moelln on 7 August 1905; that he resided in France from 1927 to 1936; became a Spanish national in 1937 and was only rapatriated to Germany because he was considered an enemy of the present Spanish Government. Explaining the aliases, Eckerling said that he had been engaged in espionage and counter-espionage work in Spain as an antagonist of the FRANCO regime for years, hence has acquired these names for undercover operations.

      ECKERLING was so vague in his discourse -delivered in the pompous manner of the international spy of Hollywood creation – that the interrogators consider any statements of his as being subject to qualification or elaboration. He was unable or unwilling to give any information concerning the existence and cloaking of Germán asaets in Spain, although he claimed to have been violently opposed to fascism and to have fought against FRANCO and against the German influence in Spain.

In summation, but certainly not in coherence, ECKERLING’s admitted activities ran something like that which follows:

Carried false passport giving name as KATZ-ZAHDECK and birthplace as Strassbourg.

Entered Spain the last time in 1944 crossing the French border illegally. Fought against the Franco forces in the International Brigada from 1936 to 1939. ECKERLING claimed that from 12 March 1944 until his repatriation he was imprisoned in Spain for Zionist and anti-fascist activities. He added that he had requested repatriation to avoid execution or assassination. For eight months of his imprisonment he was held incommunicado in the Spanish General Seguridad. This term was followed by a stay in the Nan Clares de Laoch (right name is Nanclares de la Oca) concentration camp, then imprisonment in La Grona (spelling error: Logroño) from 22 June 1945 until 3 March 1946. To celebrate his exodus ECKERLING lived lavishly for three days before his repatriation at the Carlton Hotel where he squandered Pesetas 1.000 in «good living».

Getting further into the Hemingway role ECKERLING said that ha had been a construction enginear and had built the Avenida de la Luz (Madrid ?). From 1939 to 7 January 1941 he was hidden by from fascist by friends in Spain, and claimed to have contacted the U.S. Military Intelligence in 1940 and to have collaborated with this service. He said that he participated in the Deutsche Friedensnetz, organized in 1941 and operating in France, Spain and Sweden. ECKERLING‘s activities, so he claimed, have always been directed against fascism although ha admitted working with fascist organizations as counter-spy. Ha gave the names of a Major CLARK A.U.S and a Claude POPLIN both in Madrid as references as to his political reputation.

ECKERLING claimed that ha had belonged to the Servicio de Investigacion Politico y Militar (SIM) since 1937 and that ha had worked for an agent named PRIETE.The interrogators were referred specifically to an agent named RIQUELDO who is supposed to know everything in the financial line.

The subject said that ha had worked In Barcelona in chemical companies and export enterprises in counter-espionage activities. A Colonel SANCHEZ, recently arrested in Spain, was claimed to be a fellow agent of ECKERLING.

The Deutsche Friedensnetz, according to the subject, is under the command of one Manfred von SELLIER (alias SALZMANN).

An association known as Intercommerziale G.m.b.H. was said to be a cloaking device used by the SIM as a center of activity for counter-espionage, (i.e., a fascist company -his fellow agants work there to pick up information).

Tangier and Oviedo have since 1941, been centers of cloaking and camouflage activities, subject said that BALLWEG, German wanted for interrogation, is in Tangier.

Skipping facilely to the matter of the looting of objects of art, ECKERLING disclaimed acquaintance­ship with Alois MIEDL or other known looters. However, he named one Arnim SCHMIDT as being an art dealer whom he had met in Spain, but stated that SCHMIDT was Jewish, had been interned at Dachau and had only anti-fascist connections.

After the interrogation of ECKERLING, he asked that he be permitted to speak again with the interrogators. He was allowed to do so. At this second appearance ECKERLING urged that one Francisco PARDO, Madrid, be contacted for financial intelligence, PARDO was said to be a SIM agent and secretary of Ministerio de Industria y Commercio, and as such he is an agent with comprehensive knowledge of German contracts in Spain. In MGAX(1) filed at Hamburg, ECKERLING declared am­biguously three automobiles in France under the control of the Maquis. He brought Swiss francs 550 to the Internment Camp.«

ECKERT, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ECKERT RAVENSTEIN, Paul Oskar . Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor. Owner of Metalgrafica Castellana, S.A. Made tin food containers for Blue Division in Rusia. According to some reports of unknown reliability in the American files he was a naturalized Spaniard.

EDELMANN, Emil. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

EDERBACH, Fritz Richard. Agent in Spanish Morocco . II-Unclassified in OSS records. Tetuan. Engineer. Born in Zwickau, July 24, 1908.

EDLER, Arnold. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Employed as technician at Arganda radio station, Spain. E-5 on Official List. DOB. Lieberose, 21 February, 1900.

EDLER von FILEK / ELDER von FILEK , Albrecht / Alberto. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Austrian or German agent. B-114 on agents’ list. Wife, Mercedes. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. DOB. 27 May, 1889. Involved in several frauds.

EGE, Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 8/8/1905 in Friedrichshafen. Address in Germany, 1946: Friedrichshafen a. B. (French zone).

EGER.Gefr. I-M, KO Spanien, Spanish Morocco, Ceuta (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).

EGER, Kurt / Albert / Dietrich / Ernst Albert.. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Repatriated from Bilbao.Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-107 and IV Priority List. Worked for IM KO Spain. Born April 12, 1907 at Chemnitz, Germany. Was stationed at Coruña. First priority to be interrogated.

EGETMEYER Karl alias Karl GROSS, . In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. Business with Cie. Europeanne et Americaine de Commerce. Address: Calvo Sotelo, 37 and Alcala, 97, Madrid. Worked also in San Sebastian. Born about 1908. Left for Germany 22 February 1945 but may have returned to Spain.

EGGENBERGER, Urbano. Agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Commercial agent, representing several German machinery and hardware firms. Address: Paz 5, Bilbao.

EGGERS, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

EGLE, Karl. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Minerales de España. Employee. Gran Via 62, Bilbao. Born Konstanz, 8 November, 1908. Passport No S/1906 issued Sevilla 11.6.1938. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

EHLERS, Frl. I-M, KO Spanien (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

EHLERT / EHLERS, Friz Otto. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. SD agent classified I-B and IV-B in OSS records. Still in Spain in 1946. Chief of Arbeitsfront. Officer. Journalist-correspondent of Eildienst. Landesgruppenobermann of DAF. Born about 1894. Address: Covarrubias 26, Madrid.

«Sevilla 18, 6 tarde. El jefe del Frente del Trabajo Alemán en España, EHLERT, ha llegado a las 3,30 de esta tarde, en el avión correo de Madrid. Fue recibido por el cónsul de Alemania en Sevilla y otras personalidades. (…) A las nueve y cuarto de esta noche han llegado los grupos deportistasde las Juventudes Hitlerianas. Vienen en tota], 72, entre los que figuran 28 muchachas. El recibimiento ha sido verdaderamente entusiástico. En la estación formaron una centuria de cadetes y otra de flechas del Frente de Juventudes de Sevilla, organizador de los actos en honor de losilustres visitantes, declarados huéspedes de honor. Todas las autoridades y jerarquías del Partido, representaciones de la Sección Femenina, flechas navales y otras comisiones se concentraron en la estación, para dar la bienvenida a los jóvenes deportistas alemanes. Estaban también representaciones alemanas, entre ellas una muy lucida de la Juventud Hitleriana y del Frente de Trabajo alemán. Al descender del tren los camaradas alemanes, se entonaron los himnos. Después, en la gran explanada inmediata a la estación, formaron las fuerzas del Frente de Juventudes y los deportistas alemanes, con sus jerarquías a la cabeza. El jefe provincial del Movimiento, con el delegado provincial del Frente de Juventudes y otros mandos, saludaron a los expedicionarios. El jefe provincial pronunció unas palabras de afecto al Führer y a la gran Alemania, contestándole el jefe del grupo de los deportistas alemanes y una jerarquía del Frente de Trabajo alemán. Seguidamente desfilaron por diversas calles hacia la Escuela Nacional de Mandos del Frente de Juventudes, donde se ha preparado alojamiento a los muchachos. Las muchachas se hospedarán en el Hogar Alemán (…). Durante el desfile se vitoreó con entusiasmo al Caudillo y al Führer. (ABC, 21 Octubre, 1941)

EHLERS, Anakathrin. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Secretary to Walter GIESE. Address: Ciudad Jardin 4, Vigo.

EHLERS, Detlev / Detley. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Addresses in Madrid and Barcelona, calle Moya 4. Hauptsturmführer Hitlerjunge. Decorated by FRANCO as Caballero de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas con Encomienda. (BOE, 26 Octubre, 1941).

EHLERT, Fritz Otto. Chief of DAF in Spain. SD agent classified B. Journalist. Address: Zurbano 34, Madrid. He hid from Allies in Traspaderne (Burgos).

EHLIS, Hans. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ironmongery merchant. Address: Paseo de Gracia 105, Barcelona and Pintor Fortuny 4, San Cugat del Valles, Barcelona.

EHN, Joseph. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Tangier, II-Unclassified in OSS records. Mechanic.

EHNIMB, Hermann Leo. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 25/3/1886 in Koenigsberg. Address in Germany, 1946: Hofgut Schanze, Bad Schwalbach (American zone).

EHRHARDT, Eugen. Erhardt y Cia. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Gran Via 62, Bilbao. Born Bilbao 18 Feb. 1887. Passport No. 58/38 issued Bilbao 4.8.38.

EHRHARDT, Otto. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Industrial Fomes. Pando 4-2° izq., Portugalete, Bilbao. Born Berlin-Lichtenberg, 28 Feb. 1902. Passport No. 162/39 issued Bilbao 17.8.39.

EHRHARDT, Franz. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

EICHELMANN, Ernst . Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Kaunowa, 20 May, 1928.

EICHEN, Karl von den. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. Born April 12, 1901 at Grossehoefe, Duesseldorf. Enginee, employee of Junkers, Dessau. German Embassy sent a Verbal Note to the Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs on April 4, 1945, in support of the application for a working permit in Spain.

EICHLER, Fritz. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). German consulate in Barcelona.

EICHLER, Hermann. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

EICHNER, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

EICKOFF / EICKHOFF, Wilhelm / Guillermo. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain.In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Plaza M. Ensanche 9, Bilbao. Born May 1878 at Eversberg. Manager of Erhardt and Cia. On Proclaimed List. German consul in Bilbao up to 1938. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Gran Via 60, Bilbao. Passport No. 924 issued Berlin 28.9.36.

EIJO Y GARAY, Leopoldo. Obispo de Madrid-Alcala, Obispo de Tuy, Obispo de Vitoria.

From Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina: «Esta Unidad de Investigación siguió buscando pruebas fidedignas que confirmaran el apoyo brindado por España a ciertos personajes vinculados al nazismo. Hubo suerte en el esclarecimiento de este hecho cuando se consultó algunos materiales mecanografiados que se conservan en el Banco de España. Nos referimos en concreto a las Actas de las sesiones celebradas por el Comité Permanente del Instituto Español de Moneda Extranjera (IEME). En este tipo de reuniones, que por su carácter confidencial y secreto nunca trascendieron a la opinión pública, se discutían, entre otros asuntos, todos los aspectos relacionados con peticiones de viajes, autorizaciones de visado y venta de moneda. Aquí se ha encontrado pruebas claras que vinculan a ciertos miembros de la Iglesia católica en la protección de «refugiados políticos» del nazismo perseguidos y/o reclamados por los aliados. En ese caso se encuentra el Obispo auxiliar de Madrid-Alcalá que, según constan en las actas del IEME del 23 de septiembre de 1947, hizo una «petición a favor de los Sres. Barón de Groman y Olaff Andersen para el pago en Pesetas de sus pasajes a la Argentina». El IEME «visto el carácter de refugiados políticos de dichos señores», acordó autorizar la cesión de las divisas necesarias para el pago de los pasajes solicitados, con la salvedad de que éstas fueran cedidas sobre la base del cambio comercial y con la condición de «utilizar para el viaje barco español» (AHBE, Departamento Extranjero, IEME, Caja 3. Secretaría, Actas del Comité Permanente 1947-1948). Consultando la revista que publicaba el órgano de la Acción Católica Española, se ha podido identificar al referido obispo como monseñor EIJO Y GARAY, quien gobernó la diócesis durante aquellos años (Ecclesia, no. 300, 1947).«

EINHARDT / EINHART, Hubert. Managing Director of Einhart & Co., confidential agents for the Reichsselle fuer Milcherzougnisse, Oelo und Fette. Close to German Foreign Office.

Address in Spain: Hotel Palace, Madrid and Calle Daniel Urrabieta 5, Colonia El Viso, Madrid. Born September 12, 1899 in Hamburg.On Proclaimed List and in US list of hardened nazis for repatriation.. In list of German business men working for the Reich to be considered for repatriation. Einhart & Co., were the agents for Goering’s 4-Year Plan in Spain (Vierjahresplan), with Branch offices in Madrid and Lisbon. EINHARDT visited the United States in 1939 and figured on the financial of the deal in the Canal Suez transactions. Reported in Spain and Portugal.

EINHARDT, ENGE, and LA GASSE were supposed to be involved with the man who acted as Hermann GOERING‘s front in the transactions to acquire Suez Canal stock, value 50 million RM (deposited at the Bank of Monaco).

Enclosure No. 2 to Third Person Note dated March 22, 1946, on the subject of «Purchase of Suez Canal stocks by German Interests»:

Hubert EINHART: Subject was interviewed on 18 February 1946 by officers of the American and British Safe Haven Section.

Subject was questioned for three hours concerning his life history, his commercial history, and his interests alleged or otherwise in various businesses and commercial transactions in Spain. The matter of his alleged participation in the transfer of 50 million HM of Suez Canal shares was brought up during the interview.

During the preliminary questioning of EINHART with respect to the establishment of the firm of Einhart & Cia., its personnel past and present, etc., and before the Suez case was mentioned, EINHART was asked whether a Dr. or Mr. KEMENA is or was ever an employee or representative of his firm. He immediately denied that any person with that name had ever been employed by him. After repeating the name aloud several tinea, he recalled that he had once met a KEMENA at the Hotel Palace in Madrid. He believed this was in 1943. KEMENA, he said, was a «blow-hard» and practically the entire conversation at this one chance meeting was devoted to a one-sided discourse on his family connections and his own importance. He indicated most clearly that he did not like the man and suspected that he was probably engaged in some shady affairs.

Later when he was asked what he knew of the sale of a considerable amount of Suez Canal shares, he again went through the act of repeating aloud the name (Suez Canal) several times as if to prompt his memory. He eventually recalled that on a trip to Paris during the occupation – about three years ago-he had heard considerable talk of Suez Canal shares. His recollection was dim but he was quite certain that KEMENA was in some way involved in the matter. EINHART himself had been approached in a Paris cafe or restaurant by a French «corredor de bolsa» who endeavored to interest him in the sale of Suez Canal shares in Spain. He did not remember the Frenchman’s name or how they happened to be introduced. He said he turned the offer down flat as he was not interested in engaging in such transactions and could not see how the sales could be satisfactorily camouflaged. KEMENA did not at any time discused with him the sale or purchase of Suez Canal stocks and it was not KEMENA who introduced him to the Frenchman. However, he did hear lots of talk about Suez Canal stocks and it was apparent that Kemena, working, under MATZKE, was involved. Later he learned that KEMENA was dropped by Matzke due to certain irregular activities of the former. He ran into KEMENA on one or two occasions while he was in Paris but had no dealings with him; he also knew MATZKE slightly, but had no business connections with him either» MATZKE was a protege of POSSE, whom he described as a good and honorable man. POSSE was a sub-secretary under SCHACHT. EINHART referred to MATZKE as «Dr.» MATZKE. He laughed when the interrogator referred to KEMENA as «Dr.» KEMENA»

EINHART was of the belief that the Suez Canal stock existing in Paris at the time had been acquired by the Germans in Paris or elsewhere in France, said not abroad. He understood from what he had heard while there that a considerable amount of stock had been sold to Russian interests. He recalled having heard that a Belgian, who later went to Monte Carlo, had been deeply involved in the Suez affair. He did not remember the Belgian’s name and doubted if he ever knew it.

When questioned regarding a possible purchase in Spain of a large quantity of Suez Canal shares, and the transfer of the shares to France, he denied any knowledge of any such transaction or transactions. He said it was inconceivable that Suez Canal shares would have been purchased in Spain during the war because of unfavorable exchange conditions, and added that any movement of shares would have been, and were, from France to Spain and not the opposite. He then recalled that a Spanish police agent (he did not know his name) had been engaged in carrying shares by automobile from France to Spain at Irun. And that a «corredor de bolsas» of San Sebastian was said to be involved in the sale of Suez Canal shares. He could not identify this man except to say that he is a Spaniard of medium height who invariably wears a scarf over his head during all seasons of the year

EINHART was told that we had reliable information to the effect that his firm participated in Suez Canal transactions.This he emphatically and categorically denied.

Upon termination of the interview EINHART stated that he possibly might remember more of the Suez Canal affair in which case he would provide us with any additional details that came to mind.»

In a letter addressed to the Allied Control Commission, dated 2 March 1946, EINHART stated: «As to the Suez Canal shares I likewise confirm that I have never been involved, either as a buyer or as intermediary, in any transaction oí’ this kind. I remember to have heard about three years ago that French-owned Suez shares changed hands into Spain and I am trying to find out details.»


EISELE, Otto. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Gruppenführer SS.

EISENBERG, Hans. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

EITZEN, Meino von. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Gruppenführer NSDAP at Vigo. Branch manager of Deposito Español de Carbonesde Tenerife, Vigo. Born 1902. Address: calle Victoria 34,Vigo. Internedat CaldasdeMalavella, November, 1944.

ELLER, Ferdinand Richard Bruno. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Munchen, 4 October, 1910.

ELLINGHAUS, Hans. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Madrid. Born April 20, 1904, Cologne.

EMMERICH, Johannes. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ENDEMANN, Erich . Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Bochum, 27 September, 1922.

ENDISCH, Charlotte. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Son Wolf Dieter ENDISCH. E-66 Official List. DOB. Meiningen, 10 December, 1921.

ENDRES. Abwehr in Spain.

ENDRISS, Friedrich. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Local chairman of DAF, Bilbao.

From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Maria Diaz de Haro, 29, 1o izq., Bilbao. Born Stuttgart on 25 April 1896. Passport No. 59/36 issued Bilbao on 27.7.36. Member DAF.

ENFRES KNOPP, Jakob. German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: calle Provenza 197, Barcelona. Business man c/w German Commercial attache.

ENGE, Richard M. Condecorated by FRANCO «Caballero de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas con Encomienda» (BOE, 11 Septiembre de 1940). Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born in 1885. Address in Germany: Berlin-N, Bastianstrasse 22. Interrogated July 2 1946. Assistant Commercial Adviser in German Embassy in Madrid since October 1933. Not in London lI. His daughter married Javier GOMEZ DE LA SERNA (calle Tambre, 6 , El Viso, Madrid). Enge denounced: IHLKE and SAUL, commercial and technical managers respectively of Cia de Lanas; FEHLEISEN (smuggling activities in Iberia Mercantil, formerly subsidiary of Sofindus); Werner SCHLUETER, smuggler in chemicals, drugs and «secret things» (sic) and BERNHARDT Gold and … traffic, denounced by Enge.

ENGE, EINHARDT and LA GASSE were supposed to be involved with the man who acted as Hermann Goering’s front in the transactions to acquire Suez Canal stock, value 50 million RM (deposited at the Bank of Monaco).

ENGEL, Gerhard. Major. Hitlers Army Adjutant. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

ENGEL, Hans Werner von. Technical adviser to Ansel MAYR. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

ENGEL, Joseph (Jose Maria) . Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

ENGEL, Karl. Reich Regierung Adviser. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

ENGEL, Kurt Wilhelm. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Born 1911 in Frankfurt. Address: Calle Paris 197, Barcelona and Calle Virgilli 24, San Andres, Barcelona.

ENGEL, Otto Leonhard. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 9/11/1919 in Thurow, Pommern. Address in Germany, 1946: Hetbert Howardastrasse 15, Homberg/Hochheide, Niederhein (British zone).

ENGEL von GRIESBACH, Kurt . German agent classified A. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, March 1945. Address: Balmes 392, Barcelona.

ENGELHORN, Hans. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Muntaner 101-103, Barcelona. Born February 10, 1888 in Mannheim. Specialist and part owner of Boehringer. NSDAP member.

ENGELSBERGER, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ENGERER, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records)

ENKISH. Agent in Spanish Morocco and Melilla. Classified II-D in OSS records. Mining engineer.

ENLERT FRITZ, Otto. German agent classified B. (OSS records).

EORY, Fritz. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Export and import business in Tetuan and Tanger. Address: 46, rue Dr. Fumey, Tangier and calle O’Donnell 9, Tetuan.

EORY, Wilhelm. Agent in Spanish Morocco . II-Unclassified in OSS records. Engineer, Calle Luneta 21. Austrian. Married to a Jewess.

EPPELSHEIMER, Wilhelm Jakob Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 31/10/1914 in Kochem bei Mosel. Address in Germany, 1946: Beringstedt, Holstein (British zone).

ERBEN, Otto. Agent classified III-B in OSS records. Teacher of English, French and German. Commercial agent. Address: Av. General Franco 31, Tenerife.

ERBER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ERHARDT, Eugen Albert / Eugenio Alberto. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Partner in Erhardt y Cia, Bilbao. Address: Plaza Ensanche 9, Bilbao and Gran Via 62, Bilbao. Connected with SD section in charge of sending and running agents in America.

ERKER, Madame, nee KAZAMAJOU, alias BEDIAH, alias CARMI, alias HOFFMANN, alias OSIRIS. From Records of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas, 1943-1946. Card File on Art-Looting Suspects, compiled 1943 – 1946:

Address: 22 Lungo Adige Re Teodorico 22, Verona.

Member of VI Z, Italien. Arrested at Milan 26 Apr 45 by Italian partisans; given to French, who released her to work for them; re-arrested by FSS at Genoa 10 Nov 45. Interrogated by CSDIC Nov-Dec 45.

Went to Spain in Apr 44 with a Padre whom she had met through SCHMIDT. Waited at Hendaye for two agents from Marseilles, who turned out to be Roger (MOURAILLE) and his mistress (Julienne GUICHARD) who worked for the Sipo and SD. Had a fine collection of jewellry with them, precious stones and pictures, including a Rembrandt. Later, in the summer, subject gave them some jewellry, as instructed to do by SCHMIDT, in payment for their work. Subject believed they were chiefly concerned with paying other agents.

ERLER, Oswald. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ERNER, Bruno. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Employed at the San Pablo airfied, Sevilla.

ERNST, Arno. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ERSTLING, Hermann. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Electrician for German Electrical Co. Born, December 18, 1902.

ERTELT / ERTELD, Walter. German agent classified D. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Expelled from Portugal March 1945. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 9/1/1910 in Wandsbek bei Hamburg. Address in Germany, 1946: Fischhauserweg 9, Berlin N 20 (French zone).

ESCH, Friedrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

ESSBERGER. Connected with MESSNER and part owner of Depositos de Carbones de Tenerife; owner of a fishing and shipping interest in Spain and considered an ardent Nazi Party member. Owner of John T. Essberger company, Hamburg.

ESCHERICH, Klaus Udo Horst . Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Brieg, 28 September, 1923.

ESCHWEILER, Max . Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946.Po. No. 0781. Mentioned as interned in Camp 76, Asperg on March 27, 1946. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. In Milan from 1933 to 1938 working for Bayer C.O.F.A. S.A. In 1945 hold executive position in Bayer, Barcelona (I.G Farben controlled) of which he was procurist. Also hold power of attorney. NSDAP. Head of the Frente de Trabajo Alemán in Barcelona.

ESDERS, Wilhelm. From OSS Secret IntelligenceSpecial Funds Record 9409: Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco, Melilla. Classified II-B in OSS records. Radio operator. I-M, KO Spanien, Ceuta (named in STUBBS and BUGGE‘s report on I-M Spain).

ETERKERMANN, Erick. From OSS Secret IntelligenceSpecial Funds Record 9409: Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Machine fitter.

EUWENS, Josef. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico. Address: calle Vergos 25, Barcelona. Born about 1901 in Germany. Arrived Barcelona from Buenos Aires in 1935. In Germany during Spanish Civil War. Returned in 1939. Until 1945 he was secretary of the Cia. Inmobiliaria del Centro, S.A., in which he was a sheareholder. Also asociated with Drumen, S.A, Portugal.

EXNER, Johann. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Plaza Vasconia 1, Eibar. Born July 24, 1902 at Berndau, Silesia. Married a Spanierd. Three children in 1946, all born in Spain. Sales manager for Armas y Municiones.

Autor: Eliah Meyer

Para leer y descargar completo  desde  «THE FACTUAL LIST OF NAZIS PROTECTED BY SPAIN».pdf

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Foto de portada: después del bombardeo, Londres, 1940

Publicado en Gatopardo el 12/04/2014 04:20.