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IHLKE Commercial manager of Cia de Lanas. Smuggler

INDLEKOFER, Werner. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Ergingen, 26 March, 1912.

INGENBAUHAUS, Karl Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/11/1922 in Duisburg/ Meiderich. Address in Germany, 1946: Ohlsbach Offenburg, Baden/ Baden.Radio operator. Subject worked for the Bureau Plankert where his main job was to monitor French and English band waves of which he sent the text of the messages through Madrid to Berlin for decoding. Subject released to Ohlsbach near Offenburg/Baden.

ITZELY, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).


JABLONOWSKI / JABLONOFSKI, Else Minna Margarete. Wife of Walter JABLONOWSKI. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 12 July, 1894. B-206.

JABLONOWSKI / JABLONOFSKI, Walter Oscar Adolf. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Cryptologist. Runs an electric shop. Address: Francisco Gourie 103, Las Palmas. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946 but also Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Hohennalza 21 September, 1897. B-205.

JACHT, Karl. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). DOB.20.12.1892 in Münster, Westfalen.

      SS-Nr. 59446

12.08.1938 SS-Obersturmbannführer

00.11.1942 Höherer SS- und Polizei-Führer, Waffen-SS

00.01.1944 SS-Dienststelle Heißmeyer, Waffen-SS


JACKEL, Anton. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JACOB, Manuel. Representative. Henao 6, 4o, Bilbao. Born Bilbao on 27.12.05. Passport No. (not given) issued Bilbao 24.7.36.

JACOB, Otto. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JAEGER, Dr. Cónsul General de Alemánia en Barcelona 1940.

JAEGER, Ernst. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Carbonero y Sol 18, Madrid. Married. Two children in 1946. Managing director of German Chamber of Commerce in Spain. Member of NSDAP.

JAEGER, Hans Karl. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor of biology. Born 1890 at Weingarten, Germany. Address: Bella Vista, Dos Hermanas, Sevilla.

JAENICKE, Ernst. Berlin Press Chief. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JAHN, Max Gotthelf. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0092. Born on 22 February 1891 in Drachenberg/Selesia.

      Subject was employed with the German Foreign Office as follows:1931-1933: Kanzler at the Embassy in Bangkok; 1937-1938: Consulate General, Brisbane Branch Office; 1938: Returned to Germany; 1943: German Embassy in Madrid, then recalled to the Foreign-Office in Germany; 1944: Returned to Madrid. Subject released to Ludwigsburg, Holbeinstr. 61.

JAHNKE, Karl. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Reichbank counsellor.

JAKSCH, Arno. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANENSCH, Edmund. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANK, Gustav. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANK, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANKE, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANNER, Dr. Hans. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Instructor at a German College in Madrid. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

JANSEN, Christoph. Manager of Depositos de Carbones de Tenerife. Connected with MESSNER.

JANSKI, Eric / Erich. German agent classified B. Listed as B160. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Expelled from Spanish Morocco, September 1944. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0758. Tailor. Address: Alonso Cano 65, Madrid.

JANSON, Albert Ludwig. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Eisenach, 17 September, 1912.

JANSSEN, Peter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JAUSCH, Werner. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Colmnitz, 25 May, 1924.

JENTSCH, Paul. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Tresmafil S.A. Colon de Lareategui 36 -5°, Bilbao. Born Trebow (Ost-Sternberg), 5 Feb. 1894. Passport No. 866 issued Brüssel 26.11.37. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

JESCHAL, Albert Karl Otto. Repatriated from Bilbao. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. Born on 17 May 1910 in Frankfurt/Oder. Subject was a member of the German Embassy in Madrid where he served as radio operator in the Bureau Plankert.

      Subject released to Kotzenhof near Lenf/Peinitz. A-238 and IV Priority List. First priority to be interrogated.

JENKE, Willy. Abwehr. Vice-Admiral CANARIS‘ adjutant. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JESCHEK Ernst Franz. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/10/1920 in Huttendorf Kr. Hohenelbe. Address in Germany, 1946: Obere Torstr. 45, Markt Oberdorf 13b, Bayr. Allgau (American zone).

JESCHONNEK, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JESSEL, Friedrich / Fred SCHMIDT. Headmaster at German college, Malaga. Born about 1908.

JNDLEKOFER, Werner. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JOB, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOCKEL, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSSrecords).

JOHANN. Connected with KAPSS and AUERBACH.

JOHANNSEN, Heinz. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Formerly consular secretary at German Embassy in Washington.

JOHN, (fnu), alias JOHNNY. From Nuernberg Interrogation Records › … OCCPAC Interrogation Transcripts And Related Records › Schreiber, Aloys: Former police attache in Spain and Portugal. Recalled for disagreement with German ambassador. Worked with IVbA in 1942 and 1943. Was assigned to Sonderkommission LANGE in January 1944. Returned to Berlin January 1945. Became a member of an SS Einsatz Kommando, presumably in Hof. Married a German woman in Spain, divorced her later. Born about 1910, 1.75m, big hooked nose, deep scar on left cheek, swarthy complexion.

JOHN, Adolf. German agent classified A. Listed as A161. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German consulate, Barcelona.

JOHN, Walter. German. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Technician employed by the Spanish Government for weather station. A-989 on Official List. DOB. Dresden, 30 December, 1907.

JOHS, Max. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. A director of the Hitlerjunge, Madrid. Address: calle Fortuny 15, Madrid.

JONG, Jan de. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician. Engineer. Born Hamburg about 1885. Bilbao and San Sebastian.

JOORMANN, Engelbert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JORDA, Francisco. From Roberts Commission Card Files on possible art looting suspects:

      Spanish. Address: Hotel Albert Ier, Place Rogier, Brussels; 77 rue Bosnie, St. Gilles, Brussels (wife). Reported to have left for Switzerland via Germany, 31 Aug 44

      Background: Born Ginesta, Tarragona, 20 Feb. 1903. Married to Renee BAUDELET, Belgian; one son, Francois. Arrived in Belgium from St. Etienne, 16 Mar. 1921 .Occupation professed: hairdresser

      Left for Switzerland via Germany, 31 Aug 44. Attached to Abt. VI. Falangiste and Germanophile.

From Roberts Commission reports, Art Project m-z. British memorandum dated 29 December 1944:

      Subject: Possible Connection between S.D. and Stolen Art Treasures:

      SWEERTS, the Sipo and S.D. character now in 020, as you will recall, made a trip to Spain in July-august 1944 with one CHERUY who is now imprisoned in Belgium as an S.D. collaborator. CHERUY was recently interrogated primarily to check SWEERTS’ version of the Spanish trip. Generally their stories coincided.

      However both SWEERTS and CHERUY knew one SOLA Francisco (or Pietro) who was given by SWEERTS as an agent of Abt. VI, Sipo and S.D. Other 020 characters of S.D. fame who informed on SOLA are COLLET and GARITTE. In the course of his interrogation CHERUY gives the following information on SOLA which may be of interest to those persons in our organization interested in stolen art treasures.

      «It was SWEERTS who introduced CHERUY to Pietro SOLA and Francisco JORDA. These two eminent figures of the racketeering world were described as buyers for the wine importing firm of WEIDEMANN in Antwerp. However, they were catholic in their business interests, and willing to engage in any transaction which offered a quick return. They were Spanish subjects and lived in the Hotel Albert Premier, place Rogier, Brussels. CHERUY is unaware of any connection they may have had with the SD. When CHERUY met them they were proposing a deal whereby SWEERTS would arrange for their wine to be brought across the Belgian frontier in German military lorries to avoid customs duty. He does not know whether SWEERTS was able to follow up this proposition. They were also interested in the commercial aspect of Old Masters, and once asked CHERUY to sell a Rambrandt for them. He saw them in the company of a German Doctor (name unknown) and of a well-known Belgian art expert. Sometime between May and July they went with the latter to Monaco with a collection of pictures. They sometimes asked him to sell French francs. On one occasion

     JORDA asked him to change a hundred thousand French francs at the Brussels Bourse. He saw them for the last time sitting in a car outside the Bourse some four or five days before the arrival of the Allies. They told him that they were off to Switzerland.»

From Roberts Commission reports, Art Project m-z. British memorandum dated 6 January 1945:

      Subject: Possible Connection between S.D. and Stolen Art Treasures

     Reference: Memorandum to V/48 this same subject, 29 December 1944

      An XB report of 3I December 1944 from Brussels gives additional confirmation that Pietro SOLA and Francisco JORDA, very possibly an S.D. team trafficing in famous paintings, may now be in Switzerland having arrived there from Belgium via Germany.»

JORDAN, Paul. Engineer. Madrid. Born about 1915.

JORDER, Gerhard. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORDER/ JOERDER, Hanna. Repatriated from Bilbao. Sister-in-law of Hilde JORDER. DOB. Trieburg, 22 May, 1924.

JORDER, Hans. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORDER / JOERDER, Hilde. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Kehl, 7 November, 1910.

JORDER, Otto. Dr. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Director of the German Cultural Center, Pamplona.

JORDER, Peter. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORG, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOST, Heinz Maria Karl. SD officer and original Chief of the Ausland-SD, Amt VI (Department VI) of the RSHA. Commander of Einsatzkommando A (29 March – 2 September 1942). SS No 36243. Joined SS 25 July, 1934 NSDAP No75. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JOSWIG, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOUSTRA, Hauke Bert PATTIST. Waffen SS officer. War criminal. Born 1906. Sentenced to life imprisonment by the Leeuwarden Special Court (Aussenstelle Assen) , 30 September1948, for atrocities commited near Hoogeveen between 15 November 1944 till 15 February 1945. Captured 6 May 1945 in Veendaal. He escaped 22 November 1946. Living in Ribadesella, Oviedo since 1956. He received Spanish nationality 30 March 1968 (the Minister of Justice who signed was Antonio Maria de ORIOL y URQUIJO) (B.O.E. No 188, 6 Agosto 1968). Spain denied his extradition till 1983 (being Spanish Minister of Justice Fernando LEDESMA BARTRET).

JUERGES / JÜRGES, Heinrich. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

JUGLER, Wolfgang-Dietrich. Born 7 March 1922. Died 1 Octubre 2011 in Marbella. Platoon CO-Ustuf 1st SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

JUHNKE, Kurt Artur. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 26/12/1914 in Berlin-Moabit. Address in Germany, 1946: Theaterstr. 12, Bieberach bei Augsburg.

JUNEMANN FICHTNER, Heinrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Pintor Sorolla 4-6, Valencia. Born April 16, 1904 at Meissen. Married to a Spaniard. Three children in 1946. Manager of Valencia firm Vda. de Ramón Huguet Diago. Member of DAF. Still on Proclaimed List in 1946.

JUNG, Hermann. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/8/1901 in Rheinbrohl am Rhein. Address in Germany, 1946: bei Johannes PFAFF, Kleinblankenbach, Unterfranken (American zone).

JUNG, Kurt Karl Herbert. Listed as arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946 but listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946.. German. DOB. 1/3/1911 in Hanau. Address in Germany, 1946: Bachstr. 23, Hanau (American zone). German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.

      He was technical instructor of weather station at Santaeugenia de la Rivera near Vigo. He received his pay from FINK, german agent and cashier of the German Naval Attache. He also turned over large quantities of valuable material at the end of the war to the Spanish Government without compensation and has signed a statement listing nine definite items wich were surrendered. Since the end of the war he has been working in Madrid with the Spanish Air Ministry receiving 2,000 Ptas a month.

JUNGE, Margarete Hermine. German. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Former customs house employee. E-76 Official List. DOB. Wilhelmsburg, 21 November, 1902.

JUNGFLEISCH, Peter. Representative. Ercilla 39, Bilbao. (believed to be in German Army). Born Düppenweiler on 25 June 1906. Passport No. 22/39 issued Bilbao on 21.2.39.

JUNGHANS / JUNGHANNS, Walter. Gestapo agent classified B. Listed as B162. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of Bar Erika, calle Silva 16, Madrid. Address: Desengaño 6, Madrid. Engaged in sabotage of Allied ships with bombs hidden in fruit and vegetables cargos brought from Spain to UK.

JURIS, Karl. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

JURSCH, Ott. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JUST BAUMAYER, Wolgang. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Paseo de Gracia 56, Barcelona. Chemical technician with Flix. Member of NSDAP.

     From OSS, WASH SPDF, Docs. 526/550: » According to the Embassy records one Dr. Wolgang JUST is Administrador Delegado of Flix. A credit report states that he was born in Germany and came to Spain in 1940 to take an important position with Electro Quimica de Flix. He is a Nazi and according to the commercial report has funds on deposit in Barcelona banks and in shares, probably of the Flix corporation. He is not known to own real property.

      A report obtained from Attache Medalie’s office evaluated as A-2 states that one Wolfgang JUST who was born in Leipzig on July 31, 1901, arrived in Barcelona from Flix on February 10, 1941. He has passport or residence card No 26/Y issued at Leipzig on September, 1944.»


KAAP, Erich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 1 December, 1898. A-748.

KABORTH / KABOTH, Kurt. German agent. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Former Lufhansa mechanic. E-127 Official List. DOB. 16 December 1906.

KACHELECK, Bernhard. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Urquijo 86, pral. izq., Bilbao. Born Hammer, 25 April 1899. Passport No. 40/38 issued Bilbao 5.7.38. Member of DAF.

KACZMAREK, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KADNER, Rudolf. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Benito Gutierrez 9 (1935) and Serrano 17, Madrid. Born Schmederberg, Saxony, November 21, 1897. Divorced Jewish wife on order of Nazis. German art dealer and bookseller. Book-store in Madrid.

      The shop was a secret Gestapo meeting place. In contact with members of NSDAP. Opened a big store in Madrid and a farm outside of Madrid. He received money on loan from the German Embassy in Madrid (about 150,000 pts.) endorsed by Gesandschaftsrat PETERSEN Related to a Mr. LICHTENSTEIN, TUCHOLKA ENGE, R.M. and PETERSEN. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Chief of services of the Library and Book center attached to the German Embassy, Madrid. Owner of a state in Navacerrada, Madrid, where several nazis comrades hid from Allies: see HOFFMANN and KEMPE.

KAEHLER, Gunther / Günther. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KAEHLER, Helmut Theodor. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Instructor in German School, Bilbao. A-705 on Official List. Wife: Gertrude Hertha Maria; children: Dieter, Ingrid. DOB. Luebeck, 20 June, 1907.

KAEHLER, Kurt. GIS agent in Valencia and Barcelona. Representative for German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft).

KAESEBIER-JUNGE, Heinz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 17 September, 1914. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-244 and IV Priority List. . First priority to be interrogated.

KAETEN, Ludwig. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Koln, 1 September, 1911. A-245 and IV Priority List.

KAFKA, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAHIERSCH, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAHLEN, Fritz. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee, PLANKERT’s office. A-246 on Official List. DON. Halberstadt, 10 October, 1916.

KAHLENBERG, Paul. Commander Censure section. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KAIE, Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/8/1887 in Helze/ Hannover. Address in Germany, 1946: Buergemeisterwall 57/1, Nordheim/ Hannover (British zone).

KAISER, Lt., Agent from HWK related to diamonds and jewels smuggling in Barcelona.

      Connected with THEBE, URBANECK, WENDEL, KÖNNEKE, Consul RÜGGEBERG and German jeweler Rudolf BAUER

KAISER, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Ernst. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Heinrich Wilhelm. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Herford, 7 February, 1925.

KAISER, Marcel. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KALBHENN, Philipp. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KALCKSTEIN, W. von. Commander Abwehr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALK, Heinz. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALLAB, Fritz. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALLAB, Hermann. German agent classified B. Listed as B163. Official of Amt Vl in Spain and operated on the Franco-Spanish border. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0773.

      Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Until 1930 in Buenos Aires working for Staud & Co. and until 1935 for Menneshamm in Concordia, Panama and Santa Fe. In 1936 in Peru for Dobbertyn of Hamburg. In 1941 for Rowak in Berlin. Sent to Spain as employee of Sofindus but mainly working for the Abwehr.

From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949:

       «SD Agent. Born on 7 August 1910. Since 19141 subject was manager of the branch office of the firm Sofindus in Madrid. Since July 1941 he was employee of the RSHA, Division 4. The reason he was employed with the Sofindus firm was to cover his activities with the RSHA. He was during the war a very capable and fanatic agent, of the SD. Subject released to Purchbach am Woerthersee, Haus Heimgarten.

KAMERBEEK, Willi. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Andernach, 29 October, 1916.

KAMLL, Ludwig Flaks. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Teacher of German at Airforce Academy of Los Alcazares, Cartagena, Murcia.

KAMM, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAMMANN, Guillermo / Wilhelm. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Muntaner 461, Barcelona. Director of Faust y Kammann S.A. Acting Nazi leader. Vice-President of the Asociación de Enseñanza Alemana in 1934.

KAMPF, Rudi Otto. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 22/12/1912 in Dresden. Address in Germany, 1946: Rankestr. 44 II, Dresden (Soviet zone).

KANAMULLER, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KANTHAK, Kurt. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. W/T operator.

KAPPS. Connected with AUERBACH and JOHANN. Interest in a gas company in Madrid. His cloak man was a Spanish lawyer: DOVAL who worked for Banco Vizcaya.

KARDEL, Julius. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Av. del Ejercito 36, 2£, Algorta. Born Hamburg on 8 August 1891. Passport No. 50/41 issued Bilbao on 25.5.41. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KARGER, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KARL, Alfons. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KARN, Ludwig. Commander Engineer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KARRAIS, Max Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 3/8/1917 in Bamberg, Bayern. Address in Germany, 1946: Buchkastr. 6, Dachau bei Munchen (American zone).

KARSTADT / KARSTANDT, Hugo. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calle Calvo sotelo 2, Miranda de Ebro, Burgos. Born Öhringen (misspelled in all documents Chorinden or Creinden), Prussia, March 14, 1894. Engineer with Fefesa. Member of NSDAP, SA and NSV. Passport No. 6343 issued Hamburg 26.8.42.

KARSTEN / KAETEN, Ludwig. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KARSTEN, Karl. Capt. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German administrative service. Born about 1901. Businessman in Antwerp prior to war. Has been in S. America, France and Africa. Lives in Spain.

KARSTEN, Rudolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

SEBIER, Heinz. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KASSLER, Rolf. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Vice-consul.

KASTIN. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Pamplona.

KASTNER, Albin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KATZ, Manfred alias Charles BOYER, alias Alfredo THOMAS, alias Marcel BERGER, alias TOMAS. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German agent classified A. Listed as A164. Address: calle Corcega, Barcelona and 45, Rue du Rempart St-Etienne, Toulousse.

      Connected with GABISON. From Roberts Commision, Card Files on Suspect, p.1353: Instrumental in making first contact with MIEDL. Friend of SZKOLNIKOFF, white Russian smuggler. Subject was held in connection with the murder of Michel SZKOLNIKOFF, murdered June 9, 1945 near the town of El Molar (Madrid). Subject collaborated with a group of German agents headed by Bertie KOPKE and Don GREGORIC / GREGORIO, who met at the Bar Vienes. Has smuggled many cars into Spain from France through Puigcerda and Andorra. Has acted as double-agent for the French. KATZ bought whatever precious stones were offered. Connected in 1945 with DAVID, Max KAPLAN and one PEREZ, a jeweler.

      Born July 2, 1909 at Nidda. German Jew. 1’72m, brun, visage oval. At the end of 1942 subject was imprisoned at Foix by the French for security reasons, but was released in February 1943 on intervention of Germans. After this worked with Germans at Toulouse, spezializing in informing on patriots. He received a large sum of money for denounce members of Resistance. Several times subject was used as envoy by Germans to Spain and Portugal, during which time he transported into Spain objects stolen by the Germans in France. For this service subject received a large fortune (several million francs). In Spain subject got in touch with the Allies and informed on the SD in Toulouse in an effort to clear himself. After May 1944, subject remained in Spain with his family (mother, father, two sisters, one of them married with three children and his brother in law). KATZ’s brother, who was living in Hollywood applied for visas for his family.

KAUFMANN, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAUFMANN, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAUTSCHKE, Fritz Georg alias FEHLEISEN, Fritz, (Federico). Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 2/2/1898 in Goerlitz). Major. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Employee of Focumin and German agent, employee for transportation matters. Notwithstanding, he certified and undersigned under oath, before US authorities, that he never was connected or had had any connections with I.G. Farben, Sofindus or Flick.

      In Spanish list. Address in Germany: Baldingerweg 4, Ulm (Danube) (American zone).

KAUTZ, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAVEL, Georg. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Reichbank counsellor.

KAYSER, Eberhard. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Rodriguez Arias 32, Bilbao. Born Hegnach, Waiblingen, on 8 December 1889. Passpart No. 5/34 issued at Bilbao on 20.2.34.

KEDING, Karl. Clergyman. Berlin-Oberschoenweide, Frischensstrasse 7. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KEERL, Frank. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

KELLER, Korv. Kpt. I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras and Tangier. (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain)

KELLER, Emil. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Ex-legionaire. Ex vegetable merchant in Marrakech, French Morocco. Born July 5, 1905 or 1906, Entingen or Munich. Lives in Sevilla.

KELLER, Georg Anton. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In Tangier, 1943. In Madrid, 1945. Born about 1908.

KELLERMANN, Wilhem. Sonderfuhrer. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Born 1904. Address in Barcelona.

KELLNER, Hans. German agent classified A. Listed as B165. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Abwehr agent. About 47 years old in 1946, muscular, with brown hair and a dark complexion. He was an RSHA official employed by II-F KO Spain until 1945 in Barcelona. Worked as secretary for Hermann GOERITZ. Internment postponed on account of illness, March 1945. Address: Freixa 6, Barcelona (home) and Consejo de Ciento 264, Barcelona (office). Posed as commercial representative.

KELLNER, Kurt. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KEMENA, Dr. A member of the firm Einhart & Co., in Madrid. Native of Dusseldorf where he engaged in the tin business. Member of the Gestapo. His mother owned the Baltik Cigarette Manufacturing Company.

      Information from POSSE, Reichskommisar for Unilever in all Germany and foreign countries: KEMENA was wit MATZKE in Unilever in Paris until 1941 0r 1943 when they separated.

KEMKES, Heinz. Dr. . Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KEMPE, Richard. Dr. , Gestapo agent. Still in Spain in September 1946. Secretary to the German Embassy. From a US report: «He was one of the most dangerous Nazis in the Embassy. He protected criminal Party-members against Spanish police. He was an agent of the Wehrwolf (We have found the Wehrwolf-plan for Spain) KEMPE, since the collapse, is hiding in Spain, probably with the assistance of the brothers VICENTE«. Hidden in Navacerrada, at KADNER’s house. Responsible for the deportation of German anti-nazis.

KEMPF, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KENDZIERSKI, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KENSY, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KERBER, Otto. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Demag S.L. Maria Diaz de Haro 22, 5o dcha., Bilbao. Born Donndorf 28 Jan. 1901. Passport No. 12/34 issued Bilbao 2.4.34. Member of DAF.

KERGEL, Erwin. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . German Embassy employee engaged in setting up Arganda Radio transmitters. A-257 on Official List. DOB. Berlin, 29 December, 1902.

KERN. O/Fw. I-M, KO Spanien, Ceuta and Tangier (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KERNWACHS / KURNWACHS, Karl Theodor. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KERSCHER, Sebastian. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KESSEL, Wilhelm. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/6/1922 in Achen. Address in Germany, 1946: Bad Lippspringe, Westfalen (British zone).

KESSLER, Alfred Christian Friedrich. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Arrested April 4, 1946. B-222 Official List and III Priority List. In No 6 CIC Neuengamme. Internee No 609624. B-222 on Official List. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. Report of Interrogation by OMGUS, External Assets Branch, dated May 28, 1946: The subject was born at Hagen/Westphalia, Germany, on 21 December 1898, and went to Spain in 1928, remaining there until the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. He married the daughter of Maria SEMINARIO, a Peruvian citizen with a personal fortune in Spain estimated to be Pesetas 400,000. She and KEESLER’s wife, Anna Luisa HILBEK / HILBCK, are living at the Lima Country Club, Lima, Peru.

      Upon leaving Spain at the beginning of the Civil War, KEESLER made a visit to Germany which lasted some four weeks. Without returning to Spain the subject and his family went to Peru, passing through Switzerland, France, Argentine and Chile. KESSLER claimed he spent the years of the Spenish Civil War in Argentine and Peru, remaining in the latter place until 1939.

      On 14 August 1939 the interrogatee returned to Spain from Peru. He insisted that his only occupation was assisting in the management of a chicken farm, the Avicola Peruana Sociedad Ltda», near Alcala de Henares/ Madrid. He added that he had returned to Spain to determine the condition of the chicken farm, and that he had a round trip ticket. This farm was the property of KESSLER’s mother-in-law. He alleged that she had provided him with .000 or .000, English pound sterling 1,600, and a letter of credit to the Banco Aleman Transatlantico for 0.

      KESSLER claimed that he sold the farm, shortly after his return to Spain, for Pesetas 100,000. He added that the outbreak of war prevented his return to Peru. He used the funds provided by his mother-in-law and acquired from the sale of the farm to pay living expenses in Spain up to the time of his repatriation to Germany on the SS Highland Monarch in March 1946. The subject’s declaration on MGAX(1) form indicated the following assets: Pesetas 353 and Peruvian Soles 300, on deposit in the Internment Camp; approximately Swiss francs 400 on deposit at the Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft Zurich, (stated to be funds transmitted by his mother-in-law for his subsistence), and approximately Pesos 15.000 credit at the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid, (also funds extended by his mother-in-law for subsistence).

      The advances by his mother-in-law were, according to the subject, the only funds he had in Spain. He denied having engaged in any business other than the sale of the farm in Spain. During the interrogation KESSLER made re­ference to the Swiss francs 400 – declared on MGAX(1) -claiming them to be funds sent by his family in Peru and intended solely for his upkeep. He explained that his family had telegraphed the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid, through the Lima branch authorizing his use of the Pesetas paid in for the farm and extending him credit.

      Confronted with the charge of working for German financial and commercial intelligence in close contact with the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Kessler denied this, insisting that a mistake had been made in identity of the Kessler accused. He added that a man named KESSLER, (no relation), had purchased the farm.

      The subject said that he believed that one Pablo KESSLER, son of a Conrado KESSLER, connected with the Ritz Hotel, Madrid, is the agent referred to in informa­tion available to the interrogators. Pablo KESSLER was thought to be an Abwehr agent.

      The farm in Spain was purchased from the subject by Conrado KESSLER through his lawyer, one Jose SOTO REGUERA, Madrid. The purchase price was paid to the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid.

      The subject has a brother, Alfredo KESSLER, who is a naturalized citizen of the United states, residing at 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Alfredo is engaged in the purchase and sale of stamps.

KESSLER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KESTING, Wilhelm. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Head of Nazi Party, Sevilla. Vice-consul in Sevilla. Civilian-Diplomat. Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born in 1893. Address in Germany: Arolsen, Waldeck, am Hebberg 174.

KETER, Robert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KEYDEL, Herbert Wilhelm. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 7/3/1919 in Lübeck. Address in Germany, 1946: Dummersdorferstr. 68, Luebeck (British zone).

KICKEBUSCH / KIECKEBUSCH/ KIEKEBUSCH / KLECKEIBUSCH / KIECHEBUSCH, Eberhard. From Offiziersliste 03.01.39: Hauptmann (E) 01.04.34 (z.V. des OBH des Heeres) Oberstleutnant (01.04.42). Lt. Col. Attache of German Embassy, Madrid. Born February 2, 1896, Guesen, Germany. Oberstleutnant. Abwehr KO Spanien. Referat I. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. Listed as A166. Post-war: He bought a state, Finca el Doctor, in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), valued 6.500.000 pts in 1959 (Agencia Cifra, 27 de febrero de 1959).

      Married a Miss. KUSSEROW.

KICKENWEITZ, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KIECHLE / KIECHELE, Emilio J. S . In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calvo Sotelo 21, Madrid. Manager and owner of Hispanense Industrial y Comercial. Representative of the Brünner Waffenwerke. In Madrid. Involved in a important transaction, most likely of machine-guns, between Germany and Spain around 1944. Sold Skoda arms to Spanish Government. Mentioned in cloaking activities by LINDENBERG. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KIEDERLE, Georg. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. E-78 Official List. DOB. Augsburg, 27 November, 1909.

KIEFER ROBLEDO, Luis. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Viriato 65, Madrid. Born Madrid May 31, 1906 in Madrid. Married to a Spanish-born German naturalized Spaniard in 1946. Three children in 1946. Engineer with Osram. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Nova, S.A. Ibaibide 15, 1o dcha., Las Arenas (Bilbao). Passport No. 7256 issued Madrid 27.6.34. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KIES Robert Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/12/1924 in New York.

KIND, Hermann. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Essener National Zeitung.

KINDLER, Friedrich / Federico. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician in San Pablo airfield, Sevilla.

KINDLING, Albert (Richard Albrecht) . German agent classified A. Listed as B168. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. In some documents appeared had left Spain in February 1945 but still there in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid. Son of Richard KINDLING.

KINDLING, Richard. German agent classified A. Listed as A167. German consul. Address: Felipe Sanchez 24, Vigo.

KINER, Fritz Kurt Max. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KIPP, Abraham. «Nacido en La Haya el 2 de junio de 1917, este ex-oficial de policía durante la ocupación alemana de Holanda fue condenado a muerte en ausencia en 1949, requiriendo ese país infructuosamente su extradición de la Argentina en 1988.

      Se embarcó en España con destino a Buenos Aires el 22 de agosto de 1948 en el vapor Ulasa. Presentó ante el Cónsul argentino en Madrid Pasaporte especial Nº 1732148 y contrato de trabajo para radicarse en San Carlos de Bariloche. El 1º de julio de 1949 solicitó Cédula de Identidad y más tarde, el 3 de diciembre de 1952, duplicado de ésta. El 30 de junio de 1960 presentó solicitud de Pasaporte para viajar a países de América y Europa Occidental. Declaró ser argentino naturalizado, casado, con lugar de trabajo en Cangallo 524.

      Posteriormente, el 16 de enero de 1968, solicitó un triplicado de su Cédula de Identidad declarando ser corredor mercantil con domicilio en Suipacha 472 – 1er. piso. El 09 de marzo de 1989 la División Información de Antecedentes del Juzgado Federal de San Isidro, solicita antecedentes y fichas dactiloscópicas de Abraham Kipp, ya que posee pedido de captura en planilla computarizada del sistema IDGE. En la ficha se observa que hay un pedido de captura del Juzgado Federal Criminal y Correccional de San Isidro. El motivo de dicho pedido es la Extradicción. Se hace referencia a un oficio del 11 de abril de 1989, en el cual la causa aparece caratulada como “EMBAJADA REAL DE LOS PAISES BAJOS S/SOLICITUD EXTRADICCION DE ABRAHAM KIPP”. El legajo fue solicitado por el Departamento de Asuntos Extranjeros y Culto – Superintendencia del Interior.» (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina).

KIRCH, Carlos / Karl. Barcelona. German agent classified B. Listed as B169. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Interned at Caldas de Malavella. February 1945. Running German netwoks in East Pyrenees.

KIRCHER, Frau Connected to VOESE, Walter.

KIRCHER Georg Kajetan. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 13/4/1902 in Wilhelm, Oberbayern. Address in Germany, 1946: Schmiestr. 14, Weilheim Obb. (American zone).

KIRCHER, Rudolf. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Frankfurter Zeitung.

KIRSCHNER, Eva. Repatriated in Marine Perch 14 June 1946.

KIRSCHNER, Hans. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Eichfeld, 9 June, 1921.

KISCHIT, Eduardo. German agent classified B. Listed as B170. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Lived at Pasajes.

KISTENMACHER, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KISTNER, Fritz Kurt. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Hamburg, 1920.

KLAEBISCH / KLAEBISCH Y AMAM, Alfred Hans Frank, alias HIDALGO. German agent classified B. Listed as B171. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Interned at Caldas de Malavella but released to La Granja, Segovia, to recuperate from a skin disease. Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Po. No. 0762. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Born 1890 or 1895, Hamburg, Germany. In Spain during Civil War. Address: Av. Gen. Franco 520, Barcelona.

      His father was partner in the firm A.G Meukow & Cie. in Cognac with an Englishman named SHEPPARD. During the war SHEPPARD took over whole company.

      In October 1943 KLAEBISCH, on instructions of the German Government, bought his father’s share in Meukow i. e. 68% of the capital and 40% of the trade marks. Down payment of 1.350.000 francs from a total of 6.000.000. This purchase was back/dated to June 1941 and the money paid into SHEPPARD’s account in France. KLAEBISCH had already drawn in 1946 from this company 2.000.000 francs.

      His partner, a friend of the family, named Harold BUTLER was French. In 1944, a firm was founded in Barcelona, called Dentichlor which was in the name of KLAEBISCH’s son-in-law, Jaime NIN-LLENAS. KLAEBISCH himself owned shares in the name of his wife, Gertrude BURCKHARDT and was owed 60.000 pts. by de company.

      KLAEBISCH stated that he put Jose Maria GOMEZ REVERA / RIBERA / RIVERA into the firm Dentichlor as a «cloak», giving him 65.000 pts. to come in. He then retired from active interest in the company and his son-in-law NIN LLENAS took over. The money he gave GOMEZ was never repaid.

      In March 1945 the firm A. Klaebisch, which he set up in Barcelona, was given to his daughter NIN-KLAEBISCH, but he was still on the books as a creditor for 62.000 pts. KLAEBISCH was connected with a Greek DRACOPOULOS in London.

KLAILE, Hugo. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch. German Embassy employee. A-265 on Official List. DOB. Schw. Gruend. 28 March, 1913.

KLASCHKE, Hermann. First Counsellor of German Government. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLAUS. V-Mann in Huelva, Referat I, IM, KO Spanien as of February 1945.

KLAUS, Hans. Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco,Tetuan. Classified II-B in OSS records. Mechanic.

KLAUS, Hermann. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Born about 1905. San Sebastian.

KLAUS, Martin. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee. A-268 on Official List and III Priority List. DOB. 30 September, 1911.

KLEIBER, Hellmuth. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Working for Nazi cabinet.

KLEIN, Heinrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLEIN, Johann / Joachim. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. 25 November, 1895.

KLEIN Otto. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Arechavaleta 2, 6o. Born Ettlingen, Baden; on 16 November 1895. Passport no. 1076/34 issued Barcelona on 28 December 1939. Member of DAF.

KLEINEMASS, Josef. Counsellor of German Government. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEINERT, Wilhelm. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Industrial engineer. Came to Spain in 1943. In Sevilla in 1946. Born September 3, 1883 in Berlin.

KLEINHOLZ, Hermann. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Born about 1885. Bilbao.

KLEMM, Otto Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLETT, Hubertus. Commander. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEY, Albert. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Stuttgart, 20 February, 1922.

KLEY, Gerhard. Dr. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEYENSTUBER / KLEINSTUBER / KLEYENSTUEBER / KLEUENSTUEBER, Ernst Arno Paul, alias Arnold KLAMBE / KLAMKE, alias TORRE. Oberstleutnant . German agent classified A. Listed as A172. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Born February 15, 1912, Kiel, Germany. Travelled in Balkans, Athens, Sofia, Lisbon, France and Stockholm.Assistant air attache of the German Embassy in Madrid. Head of the Abwehr KO Spanien in Spain since 1 July 1944. Interrogated at CIC 76 near Asperg on February 7, 1946. British Reports. Repatriated January 31 1946.

      Subject claimed to have been sent to Spain with the specific mission of smoothing strained relations between the Secret Service and the German Embassy in Madrid and consolidating intelligence activities in Spain. He was assisted by six officers of the German Wehrmacht:

(1) Max FRANZBACH, in charge of administration.

(2) Karl ZIMMER, assistant to FRANZBACH.

(3) Lt. Col. Eberhard KICKEBUSCH / KIECKEBUSCH, in charge of information.

(4) Col. ROHRSCHEID, in charge of counter-intelligence.


(6) Capt. Dr. SCHÖNE / SCHOENE, in charge of liaison with intelligence agents operating in Spain but not under control of the Madrid office.

      Subject declared that financial affairs were handled by FRANZBACH and ZIMMER. Normally the funds would be turned over to the Secret Service in Madrid by a courier from Berlin or by HEYDENRYNCH of the German Embassy in Madrid (…). The following assets remained and were turned to the proper authorities: (1) 5 boxes, each containing 5-10 Kg of gold, turned over to the Spanish police in May 1945; (2) 100.000 Pesetas and some foreign currency, turned over to the Spanish Foreign Office in May or June 1945; (3) 130.000 Pesetas turned over to the Allied Commission for Spain in December 1945 (…).

      Subject further stated that the Secret Service in Spain spent an amount averaging three to five million Pesetas per month. (Note by the interrogator: «It should be noted that this estimate of the organization’s monthly expenditures is more than thirty times higher than that given by Georg DÜSTERBERG, head of the Administration Section of the German Secret Service in Berlin until July 1944.»)

      He mantained that when he took over, total monthly Abwehr expenses were between 2 and 5 million, normal expenses being 3 million Pesetas.

      From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757.Subject: Referat II KO Spanien: born 1910 slender blond hair blue eyes

      Career: Since 1941 Leiter I-Luft/West, Amt Abwehr. Worked in German Embassy in guise of asst to air attache. Chiefly interested in I activities; II and III were hardly considered.

      Misc: May have been in Condor Legion in Spanish Civil War as flight officer. In Madrid until 5 Feb 45. Speaks some Spanish.

From OSS / CIA records declassified under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act:

      «(…) probably in I Luft Ast Hamburg in May 1941, when he accompanied an Abwehrkommando to Athens; visited Spain in the winter of 1942/1943 with Major (illegible in copy), whom he succeeded in January 1943 as Gruppenleiter I Luft Abwehr Ast; visited Rome and the Balkans in February 1943; attended conferences held by Admiral CANARIS in Sofia and Kavalla in July 1943, when he again visited Rome; visited Madrid and Lisbon in August 1943 and made several journeys to France, Barcelona and Madrid between November 1943 and February 1944; when in Spain he used the alias of Arnold KLAMKE; conferred with Karl Heinz KRAEMER in Stockholm in June 1944; replaced Kapitaen zur See Wilhelm LEISSNER alias Gustav LENZ as Leiter KdM Spain early in September 1944; LEISSNER being intrunsted to remain at the disposal of the new Leiter; promoted Oberstleutnant in July 1943, probably married; rather short; clean shaven; dark complexion; very serious facial expression; described as intelligent and taciturn; passport Number 8293/42 issued in Berlin on 24 December 1942 name of KLEYENSTUBER and passport Number II/1451/43 issued Berlin on 16 June 1943 under the name of KLAMKE

From Safehaven Report from the American Embassy Madrid, dated 6 February 1946:

      «Lt. Col. Ernst Arno KLEYENSTUBER, Chief of the Abwehr in Spain since 1944, voluntareed in October 1945 to aid in recovering the Abwehr assets through Gerhard LINDERBERG and commenced interviewing his subordinates in and around Madrid. The activities of the group resulted in the immediate return of the equipment and the funds.»

KLIEMANN, Richard / Ricardo. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Fuencarral 43, Madrid. Born Berlin, January 8, 1901. Married. Had two children in 1946. Technical business manager for Bilbao branch of Siemens. Leader of Nazi Party in Bilbao. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Gregorio de la Re­villa 14, Bilbao. Born Berlin on 5 January 1901. Passport No. 98/39 issued Bilbao on 7.6.39.

KLIKOW / KLICKOW, Reinhard Karl Heinrich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Neuenburg, 8 October, 1928.

KLINGE, Willi. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLINGENBERG, Ernst. In Marine Perch file. German Agent. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Employee. Address: calle de Larreategui 57, 4o izda., Bilbao. Born Lubeck, 18 May 1901. Passport No 41/38 issued Bilbao 14. 1. 1938. Member of DAF and Deutscher Verein, Bilbao. From Oss records, Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 3401-3450: General Pardinas 114, Madrid. General Manager of Baquera, Kusche y Martin, Plaza de las Cortes 3, Madrid

      On Board of directors of Nova, S.A., Sofindus, Hermann Gaertner, S.A.

KLINGENBIEL / KLINGEBEIL, Franz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Wolfshaven, 2 November, 1920.

KLINGER, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLINGER, Hans. German agent classified B. Listed as B173. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Living in Puerto de la Luz. At one time head of the NSDAP in the Canary Islands.

KLINKE, Hermann. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLINKERT, Pablo / Paul. German agent classified D. Listed as D174. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of Hotel Excelsior, Bilbao.

      From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Born Peilau Schloessel (Reichenbach/schl.), 11 Aug.1884. Passport No. 206 issued Nagold 17.2.37

KLINKERT Pablo. (son). German agent classified B. Listed as B175. Hotel Excelsior, Bilbao. W/T transmitter in Bilbao.

KLOCKER, Andreas. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLOESS, Ernst . Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 1/9/1911 in Frankfurt/Main. Two sons: Ernst and Johen.

KLOSE, Georg. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLOSE, Gustav. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Lawyer. Address: Alameda del Puerto 21, Neguri, Bilbao. Born Hannover-Waldhausen, 16 April, 1898. Passport No 191R/1269/37 issued Berlin 14.12.1937. Member of NSDAP and NSRB and formerly SA (1933-1937).

KLOSTERER, Clemens. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLUG, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLUMP, Herbert. Dornier designer. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KLÖPFER,Otto. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Winnenden, 19 April, 1920.

KNABE, Ernst. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KNACKER, Otmar. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNÄPEL / KNAPPEL, Walter Wilhelm August. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government. Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-991 and IV Priority List. Born 4 February 1903 at Borkenhagen (Pomm). Stationed at La Coruña. DOB. Berkenhagen, 4 February, 1903.

KNAPER, Alfonso. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician employed at the San pablo airfield, Sevilla. Address: Hotel Nuevo Suizo, Sevilla.

KNAPMAN Arthur Thomas: British. Recruited by the Abwehr in 1941 as a paid agent, KNAPMAN established himself first in Barcelona then in Lisbon from where, he later claimed, he was abducted by the Gestapo to spend the rest of the war in Dachau. It was later shown that his move from Lisbon to Germany had been voluntary. Nor was his claim to have spent the rest of the war in a concentration camp ever established as fact.

KNAPPE RATEY, Friedrich / Federico. SD agent classified A. Listed as A176. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Rafael Calvo 24, Madrid. Employed at Industrias Sanitarias Electro-Quimica. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, February 1945. Runner of agents, among them, PUJOL.

KNAPPE, Fritz. Agent in Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNAPPE, Pablo. German agent classified A. Listed as A177. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Expelled from Tetuan for internment at Caldas de Malavella, February 1945.

KNAUS, Robert. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: María de Molina 16, Madrid. Born January 21, 1900 in Vienna. Artistic painter who reportedly received order from HITLER for mural. Went to Spain about December 1943 to make studies for Haus der Deutschen Kunst, Munich. Exempted from military service by HITLER. Broadcast during war. Fanatic nazi.

KNECHT, Edmund. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNIERIM, Heinrich. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

KNITTEL, Gustav. Agent working for Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNOBLICH, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNOBLOCH, Hans J. Kindler von. Consul in Alicante. SD agent and agent working for I-M, KO Spanien, Alicante (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNOLLER, Isqried / Isfried. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-274 and IV Priority List. Born March 6, 1912 at Neu Aubing/ Munich. Employed at Barajas. First priority to be interrogated.

KNOLLER, Siegfried. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KNOPF, August Hans Richard. Listed A-635 I, I Priority. Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946.

      Born about 1899. DAF and NSDAP since 1930. Since end of May 1941 in Spain. Ingenieur Siemens Industria Electrica S.A, Barcelona and Firma Madrid. Worked in Cornella. In July 1942 he took over the technical management of the factory. (Ernst von SIEMENS, German director, visited the factory in April 1943). Ortgsgruppenleiter (Chief of the NSDAP) in Barcelona, which position he held until the autumn 1944, at the instance of THOMSEN, Party chief in Spain.

      Address in Germany Heimstaettenstrasse, 38 bei Sperber Nuernberg. In Flight X file. Hauptsturmfuehrer in RSHA AMT VI D since 1940. Offizier in Wehrmacht. Connected with THOMSEN, TESSMANN (Provisional chief of NSDAP in Spain), GEIGER, ARNOLD, ZIEGRA and HUWENS (Director of Banco Alemán Trasatlantico at Barcelona) Address in Germany Joachimstrasse 9, Berlin W15.

KNURA, Erich. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Minerales de España. Employee. Gran Via 62, 3o. Born Hamborn, 5 February 1911. Passport No 879/37 issued Dusseldorf 25.8.1937. Member of DAF.

KOBOLD, Friedrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Paseo del Generalísimo Franco 27, Palma de Mallorca. Engineer with Cía. de Gas y Electricidad. Reported to own more than a million Pesetas’ worth of jewels and to have acted as an intermediary for Jewish businessman, Claudio POMAR, owner of a jewelry shop Viana at Calle San Miguel 75, Palma.

KOCH, Friedrich. Cptn. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOCH, Heinrich. Cptn. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOCH, Ilse. Repatriated in Marine Perch 14 June 1946. Address in Germany Berlin SO 36, Puechlerstr. 17.

KOCH, Karl. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Former Customs inspector. San Sebastian.

KOCH, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOCHENBURGER, Philipp. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOEHLER, Franz. German agent classified A. Listed as B178. Barcelona.

KOEHLERMANN. German agent classified I-A in OSS records. German army, Cadiz.

KOEHN, Fritz. Agent in Spanish Morocco .III-Unclassified in OSS records. Address: Hotel Nacional, Tetuan. Head od the German Academy.

KOEKLER, Emil. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOELBLINGER / KÖLBLINGER. From Obst/Lt Friedrich DERNBACH’s CI Intermediate Interrogation Report (CI-IIR) No 57, dated 11 December, 1946:

      Lt. III-F Sachbearbeiter Nest Marseille.

      Career: 1942 with KO Spain. February transferred to Nest Marseille. Summer 1943 exchanged with ECKERT from Nest Rouen.

      Later belonged to an Abw Trupp.

KOENECKE / KOENNECKE, Rudolph / Rolf, German. SS U/Fuehrer. Krim O/Sek. About 42. years old in 1946, I.76 meters tall, slender, fair complected, with brown hair and blue eyes. He speaks German, English, and Spanish and lives in Madrid. He worked with the Office of Police attache in Madrid from 1941 to 1945. In 1942 he worked at the German Consulate in Bilbao for a short time. He was in the Condor Legion. Engaged in Wehrwolf activities. Address: Lagasca 72, Madrid.

KOENIG, Major. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid.

KOENIG / KONIG, Johannes. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Foreman (Unicolor). Address: Aguirre 9, Bilbao. Born Triesenheim, 16 February, 1884. Passport No 38/43 issued Ludwigshafen 24.5.1943. Member of DAF.

KOEPPELE. Friedrich von. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOEPKE DEMOY / KOPKE DEMOY , Albert / Bertie. Abwehr agent classified A. Listed as A180. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Av. Republica Argentina 70, Barcelona. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, November 1944. Business: his father owned a sausage factory at Figueras. Recruiting and running agents to Marocco and Argentina.

KOERBLER, Max. Dr. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOETTENDROP, Bernhard. Sergeant. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee. PLANKERT’s office. A-854 on Official List. DOB. Aheln, 27 April 1915.

KOHL , Herbert. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berterode, 4 February, 1924.

KOHLENBREIN, Robert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÖHLER / KOEHLER KOBLITZ , Ernst W. H. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Hamburg 4 November, 1910. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-276 and III Priority List. First priority to be interrogated.

KÖHLER / KOEHLER, Franz. German agent classified A. Listed as A178. Barcelona. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain.

KÖHLER / KOEHLER, Karl. Commander Censure section. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOHLER, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOHLER / KOEHLER, Paul. From Hans SOMMER’s CI interrogation: Amt VI agent. Deuxieme Bureau agent. Present Address: Pagomas*, Spain. Born: 1907 1.76m blond hair blue eyes.

      Career: Lived in Paris after 1924 and worked for the Pernod Co. Joined Amt VI in 1939 and was dismissed in 1942 for drinking. Joined the Abwehr and was sent to Nice in 1944. Joined the Deuxieme Bureau at the. start of 1945.

      Misc: Lives with a woman named Gil BAUGNIAS (BAUGNIES) in Pagomas*,

(Pagomas*: There is no such place, town or village in Spain)

KOLDIND / KOLDING. Abwehr agent in Spain.

KOLLOCH, Herbert. Engineer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOLZ, Erwin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÖNEKAMP, Eduard. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).Counsellor.

      «Even earlier, in December 1939, an official of the German Foreign Institute mentioned the connection between poverty and the desirability of destruction in a report about his trip through occupied Poland. This official, Dr. Eduard KONEKAMP, reported his observations on the first mass resettlements from the annexed western part of Poland to the eastern edge of the newly formed General Government:

      Many Germans probably see Jews in such masses for the first time…. [The ghettos] are among the filthiest things imaginable. Here the Jews vegetate in quarters that are sometimes as much as four flights underground. The prevailing hygienic and moral conditions here are ghastly.

      The kinds of «criminal Jewish types» milling about, his report continued, far surpassed the ones depicted by the Sturmer. But now «they are most vigorously enlisted to do labor, [and] those who do not appear for work are shot.» The latter assertion, however, corresponded to Konekamp’s imagined desires rather than the reality at the time.

     Konekamp, who after World War II was appointed Deputy Mayor of Stuttgart by the Allies, described in his 1939 report what were no doubt common German reactions when confronted with the poverty, exacerbated by wartime, of the Polish-Jewish residential quarters:

      The destruction of this sub-humanity (Untermenschentum) would serve the interests of the entire world. But this destruction poses an extraordinarily difficult problem. Executions will not work. Also, one cannot allow women and children to be shot. Here and there one can also count on the losses incurred during evacuations, and 450 are said to have perished during a transport of 1,000 Jews from Lublin…. All the agencies concerned with the Jewish question recognize the inadequacy of these measures. But a solution to this complicated problem has not yet been found.

      It took two more years until such visionary schemes of destruction, conceived by mid-level bureaucrats, were implemented. During this time German administrative practices produced conditions that made genocide appear reasonable and useful». Gotz Aly and Susanne Heim. The Economics of the Final Solution: A Case Study from the General Government. 

      (Translated by Norma von Ragenfeld-Feldman. Chapter 1, Part 1.)

KONINCKX / KONINCK / KONINECKX, Charles Georg. From Roberts Commission, Subject file: Menten: «Belgian, member of Brussels firm Gerard Koninckx Freres. In Spain during the war as buyer for the Groupement Confiturier de Belgique. He is associated with Adrian OTELET, Ximex Company (both on the Proclaimed List), engaged in trucking and smuggling between Spain. France, and Belgium. He gives the Ximex office as his business address. He is in contact with Heinrich BAUER, Jean DUVAL, and Hans ROHRBACH. Probably served as liaison between the OTELET organization and MIEDL. Said to have made a fortune on the black market with the Germans.

      Lives in San Sebastian at Calle de las Dueñas 3 with Marie HOEBACH (HORBACH?).

      Reported to have sold stolen works of art from France (see Roberts Commission. Subject files: Spain).

KÖNNEKE LENZ / KÖNNEKE Y LENZ, Johannes. Agent from HWK related to diamonds and jewels smuggling in Barcelona. Connected with KAISER, Lt.,, URBANECK, WENDEL, THEBE, Consul RÜGGEBERG and German jeweler Rudolf BAUER

KONRAD, Rudolf. Corporal. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Consular employee. PLANKERT’s office. A-281 on Official List. DOB. Hessen, 23 April, 1914.

KONTETZKI, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KONZELMANN, Lambert. German agent classified B. Listed as B179. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-employee of German consulate, Tangier. Expelled to Spain, March 1943.

KOPKC / KOPCKE DEMOY, Albert / Alberto. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Businessman. Born between 1895 and 1905 in Montmoreau. Businessman. Address: Av. de la Republica Argentina 10, Barcelona.

KOPPELT, Kurt. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOPPI, Friedrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORB, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORBER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORFF, Arnold von / Adams, alias ARNT. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calvo Sotelo 21, Madrid. Born January 5, 1905 in Aiswicken / Lettonia. Married. Representative for German firms Daimlar-Benz and Aktiengsellschaft. Member of NSDAP and suspected of being SD agent.

KÖRMANN / KOERMANN, Waldemar. Repatriated from Bilbao. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-282 and IV Priority List. DOB. Hoesl 16 October, 1913. First priority to be interrogated.

KORN, Wilhelm. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Espartero 36, Bilbao. Born Bochum on 1 January 1902. Passport No. 3/38 issued on 13.1.38 by Bilbao. Member German Club.

KORNWACHS, Karl Theodor. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Villingen, 30 March, 1911.

KORNWEITH, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORTH, Georg Wilhelm. In Marine Perch file. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/8/1896 in Kassel. Address in Germany, 1946: Alwinenstr. 6, Wiesbaden (American zone).

KORTING / KOERTING, Berthold. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Employee. Rodriguez Arias 31, 3° izq., Bilbao. Born Hannover – Linden, 18 Feb. 1911. Passport No. 130/36 issued Barcelona 11.3.3. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KOSCHITZKY / KOSCHINSKY, Hans Ingo von. Hptm. German. 39 years old in 1946, I.77 meters tall, slender, with blond hair and a fair complexion. He is married and has 2 children and speaks Spanish. He lives in Madrid. He was transferred to Madrid in 1943 as a liaison officer with the Spanish Schupo, but was attached to the Office of Police Attache. He was in the NSDAP and SS. Cover job: Manager of a hotel in Navas del Marques (Avila). Evangelist. He remained in Spain.

KOSCHMIEDER, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOSCHORRECK, Walter. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Importer. Address: Heroes del Alcazar 1, Burgos. Born Koenigsberg, 5 June, 1914. Passport No K233/35 issued at Koenigsberg. Member of NSDAP and DAF; SS from 1.4.1933.

KOSCIELY, Dominik. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946.

KOSICK, Albert. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Irun. Born about 1900.

KOSS, Albrecht, Georg Von. German agent classified B. Listed as B181. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Honorary attache at Embassy, but deserted about January 1945.

KÖSTER / KOESTER, Florentin. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Steele, 30 December, 1906.

KÖSTER / KOESTER, Rudolf. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOTITSCHKE, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOTTERHEIDT, Herbert. Former Delegate of Otto WOLF in Spain. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KOTTLORZ, Hans. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOWALSKI, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOWNATZKI, Erich. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

KRAEMER, Erwin. From OSS Secret IntelligenceSpecial Funds Record 9409: Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco. I-M, KO Spanien, Spanish Morocco, Melilla (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). Classified I-B in OSS records. Former member of Afrika Corps.

KRAFFT, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAFTHOFER, Johannes. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAMER, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAMER, alias LUDOVICO. From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757. Subject: Referat II KO Spanien: Obst/Lt. Leiter KO Portugal, Lisbon, 1941/1944. Lives in Wien (?). Born 1893. Complexion muscular, brown hair, Ruddy complexion, brown eyes. In 1944 married secretary Frl. SCHREIBER. Was removed that year and is said to have returned to Wien.

KRAMER, Bruno. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Duisburg, 26 March, 1908. A-1128.

KRAMER, C. F. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Director of shipyards in Brest and Bordeaux, also plenipotentiary of French Armament Staff. Came to Barcelona around October 1944.

KRAMER / KRAHMER / KRAMER, Eckart / Eckardt / Eckhardt Richard. Brig. Gen. German agent classified A. Listed as A183. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. General, , German Military Air Attache in Madrid. Still in Spain in September 1946. Reported to have helped MIEDL pass pictures over the frontier. Address: Pinar 20, Madrid.

      From Roberts Commission – Protection of Historical Monuments… Geographical Card File on Possible Art-Looting Subjects › Spain: «May have taken disposition of MIEDL paintings. Once reported in contact with Friedrich Ter Apel von LEIENHORST of Dutch Gestapo

KRAMER / KRAEMER, Eugen Ludwig. Importer and Exporter, Melilla, Malaga Vice consul Honorar since 1942. Extradition in February 1946, Interrogated July 2 1946. Not in London lIs.Smuggler. Connected with Continental Caucho and APP. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0083. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. March 1941 he set up in Melilla a trunk and suitcase factory and workshops. Value in 1943 30.000 pts. In 1944 he went to Madrid. Value of firm in 1946 about 1.500.000 and was run by Luis ALPUENTA. In Malaga free port he had goods worth 100.000 pts.

KRAMER, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAEMER, Walter Eugen / Eugen Walter. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Interrogated between February and May 1946. With interest in lead and graphite mines. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German consulate in Spanish Morocco. Businessman. Born 1894-1895, Stuttgart, Germany.

KRAMSCHNEIDER, Gustav. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRANZLEIN / KRAENZLEIN / KRAENSLEIN, Kurt. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Wolkischer Beobachter.

KRATZER, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Friedrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Serrano 57, Madrid. Born August 13, 1889 in Neues. Connected with Sofindus mining companies. Was Lt. in R.a.D and was connected with SS Headquarters, Berlin. Known to be German contact man.

KRAUS, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUSE (alias) SD W/T operator in Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, 1939-1941 1.80m muscular bald blue eyes

KRAUSE, Erich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Krampitz, 31 August, 1923.

KRAUSE, Hugo. Major. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In German army. Commercial agent, Barcelona.

KRAUSER, Major. Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco & Melilla. Classified II-B in OSS records. A Gestapo man in Tangier, classified I-B in other records. Formerly Military Attache at Tokio and Paris.

KRAWZYK, Robert. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Artiach. Alameda de Mazarredo 59, Bilbao. Born Rumelingen, Luxemburg, 15 July 1900. Passport No 58/1943 issued Bilbao 29.4.43. Member of DAF.

KREBS, Albert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KREBS, Paul. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Chief of Deutsche Bank.

      At the select committee hearings, Senator George Smathers of Florida made this statement: «It is my understanding that Dr. Hermann J. Abs, former director of I.G. Farben and a prominent financial figure during the Hitler regime, is the common denominator of this group seeking return of vested enemy properties of World War II.»

      «Senator Smathers also pointed out that the foreign agents’ registration statement for this project was signed by «the Wash­ington law firm of Ginsburg, Leventhal, & Brown, the Washington law firm of Boykin & De Francis, and the public relations firm of Julius Klein & Associates.» Those who signed for «The Society for the Promotion of the Protection of Foreign Invest­ments» were Dr. Paul Krebs, a Deutsche Bank director, and Hermann J. Abs, president of the board of directors of the society»

KRECKEL, Herbert. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KREH, Fritz. Capt. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In German army. Born 1903. Lives in Madrid.

KREIPE, Werner. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KREISTER, Major. Agent in Spanish Morocco . I-Unclassified in OSS records. Tetuan.

KREMERS, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRESS, Friedrich. Dr. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Leader of the Judicial Dept. of the Spanish group of the DAF. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Espalter 5, Madrid. Born September 10, 1894 in Frankfurt/Main. Married; two children in 1946. Director of Schering, Madrid. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From General Records Pertaining To External Assets Investigations Schering AG: General Records (1939-1946): «Manager of Productos Químicos Schering S.A and of the Board of Tarsia S.A (…). KRESS is reported to have been brought to Madrid through the influence of Nazy Party. He is a lawyer by profession and has intervened in all legal problems affecting the relations of local German nationals with the party».

KRESS, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRESS, Otto. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Wetzlar, 4 August, 1892.

KRESSNER, Karl. Kapitän. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KRESSER, Kurt Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 30/11/1921 in Sömmerda bei Erfurt. Address in Germany, 1946: Guttenbergstr. 2, Selb bei Hof, Bayern.

KRETSCHMAR, Kurt. German agent classified C. Listed as C184. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Mallorca 330, Barcelona. Associated in business with Carlos WOESSNER, who represented Bosch and D.K.W. motors.

KRETSCHNER, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KREUKLER MEHL, Leonard. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor at the German School, Sevilla. Born in Karlsruhe, Germany. Address: calle Brasil 13, Sevilla.

KREUZ, Erich. Agent in Spanish Morocco . II-Unclassified in OSS records. Ceuta. Heavy gun expert.

KRIESS, Katherina. Wife of Wolfgang KRIESS. Extreme National Socialist. Children: Hilga.

      Repatriated from Spain in Highland Monarch

KRIESS, Wolfgang. Teacher in the German School, Madrid. Ardent member of Nazi party . A-288 on Official List. Repatriated from Spain. In Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Not interrogated by default of communication between American Embassy in Madrid and U.S. Released May 1946. Political adviser in Berlin. Address in Germany, 1946: Hertenerstr 43, Recklinghausen. DOB. Berlin, 26 March, 1907.

KRISTEN, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KROGER (SCHONE), Alejandro. German agent classified B. Listed as B185. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Business man. Address: Torre Villa Maria, calle Marimon, Barcelona.

KROLL, Hans Dr. Repatriated from Spain by air (21 January, 1946). Po. No. 0755. Born on 18 May 1898 in Beuthen. Subject was Consul General in Barcelona. He was politically active before 1933 and was a member of the Reichstag before HITLER came to power. In 1936 he was transferred as consul for the Embassy in Ankara as Botschaftsrat and Geschaeftstraeger. He has directed economic relations with Turkey, and established a commercial treaty. He was considered an expert onTurkish questions. He was transferred to the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg on 12 April 1946. Wife: Gisela and children: Peter, Ingrid, repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.

KROLL / KROELL, Heinrich. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. W/T operator. Born about 1908. Clerk in the German Consulate, Tangier. Formerly in South America. Still in Spain in 1946.

KRUDENSCHEID, Heinz Karl. Corporal. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . German consular employee, Sevilla. A-857 on Official List. DOB. Hoesel, 20 February, 1919.

KRUEGER / KRÜGER, Hans. Sonderfuehrer. Chief of Referat II Sabotage KO Spanien in 1940. From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Abwehr II’s first representative in Spain, sent there early in 1940, was Sonderfueher KRUEGER. KRUEGER was instructed to set up an office in Madrid and to study conditions in general as well as possibilities for II operations in Spain. At that time; headquarters in Berlin had not yet devised a plan for carrying out its insurrection and minority program (J – work) in Spain. No sabotage activities were planned, principally because S and J were still separate departments of Abwehr II, and both KRUEGER and BLAUM who went to Spain in March 1940, were sent there on orders of the J section. Upon his arrival in Madrid, BLAUM reported to Freg. Kptn. LENZ, CO of KP Spain. (…)Later the entire staff of Referat II was incorporated into the Embassy as a section of KO Spain, Thus LENZ became KRUEGER and BLAUM’s superior (…) In 1941 KRUEGER was transferred to Tangier, where he was put in charge of a small independent KO organization.

KRUEGER / KRUGER, Hebert / Herbert. Representative of RSHA, AMT VI. A-293 Official List and II Priority List. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Krim Komm. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. German. About 34- years old in 1946, 1.60 meters tall, stocky, pale complected, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was Consular Secretary with the German Embassy in Madrid from the end of 1944 until May I945. He was trans­ferred to Amt VI and sent to Madrid on a special mission at the end of 1944. He was a member Of the NSDAP and SS. DOB. Halle, 12 December, 1910.

KRUGER / KRUEGER, Karl. Verwaltungsdirektor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KRUEGER, Otto, Dr. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Chief of the Guards, German Army. Photographic expert. Born about 1909 or 1910 in Magdeburg, Germany. Photographic expert. Madrid.

KRUEGER, Otto Gunter, alias KRÜBER BACHMANN, Günther O. DOB. 28/2/1926 in Gebesee bei Erfurt. Address in Germany, 1946: Siedlungsstr. 8, Gebesee, Ehrfurt (Soviet zone). Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946.

KRÜGER, Kurt Ferdirnand. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 14.11.1915 in Berlin Charlottenburg. Address in Germany, 1946.

KRUGHER / KRUEGER, Otto, alias KRUSE / KRUESE. German agent classified B. Listed as B187. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. With Import / Export business in rue Goya, Tangier. I-M, KO Spanien, Tangier (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KRULL, Josepf. Still in Malaga in Sept. 1946. Teacher

KRUMPEL, Karl Friedrich Ernst. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Alameda de Urquijo, 32 – 3s dcha. Born at Niederschmalkalden on 14 June 1896. Passport (no. not given) issued Bilbao on 23.5.36. Member of DAF.

KRUSE, Albin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRUSE, Ewald. German agent classified D. Listed as D188. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-Portugal. Whereabouts unknown in 1945.

KRUSE, Max Otto Ernst. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 5/9/1909 in Ueckermünde. Address in Germany, 1946: Fredericiastr. 11, Berlin-Charlottenburg 9 (US zone).

KRUSSE, Ewald. In Marine Perch file

KRUTWIG, Friedrich. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Representative. Rodriguez Arias 1, Bilbao. Born Bonn a. Rh., on 4 May 1892. Passport No. 59/38 issued Bilbao on 6.8.38.

KUBE, Paul. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 19 January, 1905. Wife Greta KUBE, nee KUHN.

KUEBLER, Fritz. German agent classified B. Listed as B189. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Madrid and Cartagena. In charge of SS Lipari.

KUEHLENTHAL, Karl Erich. Sonderführer. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Abwher KO Spanien, Referat I . In Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). Main source of information. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. Listed A-190. Embassy official. Born about 1907-1908, Coblenz, Germany. Arrived in Spain 1939 from France. Address: Eduardo Dato 16, Madrid and Fernandez de la Hoz 29, Madrid.

KUFNER, Andreas. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHAUPT, Günther / Günter Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/7/1924 in Oberhausen Rhld. Address in Germany, 1946: Akazienstr. 120, Oberhausen Rhld (British zone).

KUHL, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHL / KUEHL, Hubert. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KUHLFLUCK, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHLMANN, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHN, Margareta Ubler. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Minerales de España. Secretary. Address: Gregorio Balparda 68, 1o drcha., Bilbao. Born Frohstockheim, 4 December, 1907. Passport No D3361 issued Paris. Member of DAF.

KÜHNEL, Reinhardt. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Gera, 1 March, 1920.

KUHNER, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KULLMANN (fnu). From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757.

Subject: Referat II KO Spanien. SS Stubaf Police attache with German Embassy, Madrid, until 1945 lives Spain. Born 1905 1.80 m muscular blond hair fair complexion. Grey eyes

      Career: In reception room of Police attache WINZER. Probably concerned with issuing passports. Misc: Speaks Spanish.

KUMM, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUNNE, Hermann Julius. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Policarpo Sanz 34, Vigo. Formerly agent for Krupp trucks. Subject operated Kunne & Cía., small medical and surgical house with agencies in principal cities in Spain. It was thought that these agencies was a network for subversive activities. Close friend of Conrad MEYER. According to VORKAUF, subject was paymaster for espionage in Vigo. Opposed Allied negotiations with regard to German school and refused to turn over school funds. Not member of Nazi Party but considered dangerous.

KUNSBERG / KUENSBERG, Eberhard von. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). German legation secretary.

KUNZ, Josef. Decorated by FRANCO with the Encomienda Sencilla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (Decreto 29 julio, 1943).

KUPPERS, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KURBS, Heiner. Dr. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Press.

KURRER, Otto. Hptm. Acting Leiter I-H KO Spain from April 1941 to May 1942.

      Counter Intelligence Intermediate Interrogation Report, dated 27 September, 1945 (Interrogation Records Prepared for War Crimes Proceedings at Nuernberg, 1945-1947 ccpa INTERR. OTTO KURRER). Information given about personnel and activities Abwehr Spain up to May 1942:

      Abwehr I-H Spain: Nests had been set up in Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastian, Algeciras and Tetuan (Spanish Morocco) to gather information, and it was the function of the Abwehr I-H Leiter in KO Spain to extract all the military information contained in the Nests’ reports, collate it, edit it, and send it on to Berlin. (Before KURRER went to Spain, Nest reports had been routed directly from Madrid to Berlin without preliminary processing. Consequently, the I-H Office in Berlin was forced to wade through a great deal of useless information to glean the intelligence it was interested in.) KURRER, besides screening reports to make sure only military,naval, and air intelligence would he forwarded to Berlin, also briefed the Nests on the type of information they were to seek. Hitherto each Nestleiter had granted his agente considerable latitude in carrying out their assignments, and this absence of centralized control led to unsatisfactory results. It was not unusual for reports to come in stating that on a given dry a certain ship had arrived at Gibraltar and had departed at some later dato but failing to describe the activities or identify the passangers aboard ship. Once KURRER had oriented his Nestleiters, however, Berlin began to learn of Allied notables arriving in or leaving Spain and of troop movements probable destinations, and the number and types of weapons and supplies going to the British armies in the East­ern Mediterranean.

      Communications: The Nests sent their reports to Madrid once or twice a week, and in addition the stations at Algeciras, Barcelona, San Sebastian, and Tetuan had radio communication with the KO. Written reports were sent to Berlin by diplomatic pouch. Each report was put into an envelope marked with the code name of the section or individual for whom it was intended. This was then put into a larger envelope, marked Ausland Abwehr, which in turn was put in the pouch addressed to the Legations Rat. Thus the Embassy had no opportunity to read or censor the reports. Later, however in 1944, the RSHA began to intercept the reporta in Berlin, and the Abwehr could do no more than determine wheth­er a given report had been read (by using sealing wax on the envelope or by placing a piece of thread under the flap); they could not prevent the RSHA from reading them. In most cases the courier taking the pouch from Spain to Germany was a German officer, business man, official, or any other reputable person who happened to be going at the time. Messa­ges sent to Berlin by radio were confined to short or urgent ones.

      The man in charge of radio communication for Abw I in Spain was O/Lt von BAHRFELD, alias von BENTHEIM, who came to MADRID at the beginn­ing of 1942.

      Nest Madrid: KUEHLENTHAL was the head of the Nest in Madrid. His assistant and complete confidant was a man named KNAPPE. They ran all the agents who were recruited from Madrid and supplied information for Abw I-H, M, and L. KURRER knows that KUEHLENTHAL had placed at least one steward on each of the Spanish ships Cabo de Hornos and Cabo de Buena Esperanza plying between Spain and the US, but he does not know if these men were active agents or go-betweens. One of the press attaches in the Spanish Legation in London was working for KUEHLENTHAL who had supplied him with a radio, but KURRER dees not know anything of its use. At times KUEHL­ENTHAL would tell KURRER he had an agent going to England, but would not reveal the agent’s name nor what type of information he was best quali­fied to get. As a result KURRER was unable to draw up a list of specif­ic questions for the agent’s guidance and had to be content with inform­ation of general military value. Nevertheless, KUEHLENTHAL did supply more information than most of the people in Spain and was properly re­garded by his superiors in Madrid and Berlin as a valuable Nestleiter. His reputation for efficiency remained intact even when the RSHA took control in 1944.

      Nest Barcelona: Nest Barcelona was run by PAUL, alias don PABLO, a lazy individual who relied on his assistant KOEPKE to handle most of the agents. KOEPKE, thereforet would be more familiar with the activities of that Nest. Both of these men were assigned to Barcelona, at the outbreak of the war and presumably are still there, or at least somewhere in Spain. KURRER heard that in 1941 PAUL had considered sending a Spanish officer to South Africa as an agent in the guise of a monk. The officer was to go to Rome for an interview with the Pope and then proceed to South Africa. The objectives of the interview and mission are not known.

        Nest San Sebastian: FURCH, alias PUENTE, was the heed of Nest San Sebastian. His pri­mary duty was expediting the passage of persons and materiel across the border, usually in close cooperation with FUCHS, Leiter of Nest Biarritz, Besides helping agents cross the border without excessive interference from the Spanish police, FURCH facilitated the travel of GIS personnel and helped them smuggle whatever they wished out of Spain. (KO Spain frequently had no jurisdiction over some of these agents who had been hired by an Ast or Nest, yet FURCH was called upon to aid these people in crossing the frontier, too.) The major portion of this traffic was routed through the frontier town of IRUN. FURCH’s job was not too difficult as there was a working arrangement between the Spaniards and the Germans whereby either could cross the border, bag and baggage, without being subject to inspection by the controlling party.

      Nest Algeciras: The chief of Nest Algeciras was CARBE, alias don ALBERTO, who was concerned primarily with the Gibraltar area and was assisted by a Kptn KELLER, alias BODEGA. KURRER believes that operations were conducted mainly by recruiting agents from among the thousands of Spanish workmen who lived in Algeciras and conmuted to Gibraltar. CARBE also handled the negotiations with local Spanish authorities for the installation of infra-red equipment across the Straits of Gibraltar for the purpose of recording ship movements through the Straits. At one time these in­stallations were destroyed, possibly by Allied agents. CARBE was assisted in discovering the strength and armament of Gibraltar by Lt Col SANCHEZ RUBIO of the Spanish Intelligence Service. This station, KURRER believes, was closed sometime in 1944 because of pressure on Spain by the United States and Great Britain.

      Nest Tetuan: The Leiter of Nest Tetuan was Obst RUDOLF, alias RECKE, who was considered the best operator in North Africa. He used a great number of agents, mostly Arab and Moroccan traders. Each one supplied him with a small bit of reliable information, and because of the multitude of his agents RUDOLF was able to piece together a reasonably compre­hensive picture of what was going on in the area under observation. The bulk of the intelligence secured by this Nest was concerned with French Morocco and Algeria. From reading RUDOLF’s reports, KURRER is fairly sure that he never sent any agents to the US or England. In 1944, under Allied pressure, Spain forced Germany to close down this station, and RUDOLF was sent to KdM Stuttgart as Leiter I.

      GIS Connections with the Spanish IS: Collaboration between the Abwehr and the Spanish Intelligence Service was very close. CARBE and SANCHEZ RUBIO worked together at Algeciras and after the expulsion of the Germans from that area, SANCHEZ RUBIO reported activities in Gibraltar to the KO in Madrid. KUEHLENTHAL made daily visits to the SIS office in Madrid which was across the street from the German Embassy. He conferred mainly with Gen MARTINEZ DE CAMPOS and Lt Col PARDO on subjects unknown. In autumn of 1940 CANARIS held discussions . with FRANCO concerning an attack upon Gibraltar. In the next few months, on Spanish orders, airfields were built, fuel dumps were constructed, and artillery was placed in Algeciras. During this period two German divisions were brought down to the Spanish frontier and, in addition, two squadrons of the Luft­waffe were allocated to the operation. However, in March 1941, Hitler canceled the plan because he had decided to attack Russia.

Conclusions: Although KURRER’s information does not supply a completo picture, it furnishes a pattern of the activities of Abwehr I in Spain and, more im­portant, shows the extent to which the Spaniards collaborated with the Germans. (See diagram in explanatory notes about Abwehr).

RSCHNER / KIRCHNER , Hans. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KURTH, Georg. In Marine Perch file. Consul in San Sebastián.

KURTH, Helmut. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Ilustr. Beobachter, Munich.

KURS, Oscar. From OSS, WASH SPDF, Docs. 526/550: «He is employed bu Electro Quimica Flix and according to information submitted by the Consulate General in Barcelona he was born in Germany in 1887 and arrived in Spain in 1926 since which time he has been associated with this firm. He is said to be a Nazi and to be worth in excess of 100,000.»

KURZ BOSCH, Eugen. German agent classified B. Listed as B191. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of brush factory La Favorita. Address: Rafael Calvo 24, Madrid.

KUS, Engelbert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÜTER, Engelbert August aka PATER EGON. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Schwelm, 27 July, 1903.

KUTSCHMANN, Walter, alias Pedro Ricardo OLMO. Listed B/242 II, I Priority. German agent classified B. Listed as B192. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated by air 23 August 1946. Flight X. Ex-Kriminal Kommisar, Blankenburg Harz and former Gestapo chief at Bordeaux who escaped to Spain, August 1944, where the German Embassy demanded his internment, having been imprisioned at San Sebastián after having refused to return voluntarily by air to Germany.

      From a British report dated September 11, 1944: Subject arrived at Hotel Alameda, Zarauz, near San Sebastián on September 1st, 1944. Carried with him at all times a large and apparently heavy leather suitcase. Left September 5, 1944, in his car, plus enough luggage for several years: 7 suitcases of various sizes and a small black case which looked like a grammophone or radio. Card attached to one of the cases read: «Walter KUTSCHMANN. Kriminal Kommissar, Blankenberg, Harz, Herzogstrasse 17». Description: Medium height and build; about 33 in 1944; fair hair; rather square face with straight nose; brisk military walk. Car. No 4814, AEI.

      From a British report dated October 26, 1944: «In Spain and is hiding from the Germans. He is a gangster of the worst type and boasts that he was personally responsible for the death of 15.000 Jews in Russia and Poland

      A letter from the American Consulate, San Sebastián, dated December 1st, 1944, says that subject has been in Ondarreta jail for two months.

      A memo from Vice Consul N.O. Titus dated February 15, 1945 said KUTSCHMANN had been transferred to concentration camp at Miranda de Ebro in the section reserved for those who had been denounced as nazis. Designated as Hauptmann KUTSCHMANN of the Abwehr on order for transfer. But on February 14, from information received from a secret source it was learned that Foreign Office informed that Spanish DGS (Direccion General de Seguridad) had given him restricted liberty.

      On January 9, 1945, from a reliable source, it was learned that Spanish Minister of War (Juan VIGON) denied German petition for extradition of subject who is accused by them (Germans) of misuse of funds during the time he was a customs employee in France.

      From a memo to the US Embassy dated April 15, 1945: Subject was in a special section of Miranda reserved for deserters from German Army. This apparently was subject’s «pose» to hide from Allied search.

      From the Jewish Agency for Palestine. Records of War Criminals dated 1 May 1945: «KUTSCHMANN. Untersturmfuehrer S.S., commanded the S.S. detachment carrying out the extermination action against Jews in Lwow on the 5th January 1943. Many thousands of Jews were killed during the proceedings. Houses in the ghetto were set on fire and Jews trying to escape were killed on the spot. Many Jews were lived alive. Those who were not murdered in the ghetto were driven to the Janowska camp and killed by machine/guns on the sand-hills behind the camp. (Ref. Mat. File No L/1. Item:23)».

      He went to Argentina with Spanish passport

KUTSCHY, Anton. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUVITT, Maria. German agent classified B. Listed as B193. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Secretary to Heinrich PESCOLLER.

IHLKE Commercial manager of Cia de Lanas. Smuggler

INDLEKOFER, Werner. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Ergingen, 26 March, 1912.

INGENBAUHAUS, Karl Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/11/1922 in Duisburg/ Meiderich. Address in Germany, 1946: Ohlsbach Offenburg, Baden/ Baden.Radio operator. Subject worked for the Bureau Plankert where his main job was to monitor French and English band waves of which he sent the text of the messages through Madrid to Berlin for decoding. Subject released to Ohlsbach near Offenburg/Baden.

ITZELY, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).


JABLONOWSKI / JABLONOFSKI, Else Minna Margarete. Wife of Walter JABLONOWSKI. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 12 July, 1894. B-206.

JABLONOWSKI / JABLONOFSKI, Walter Oscar Adolf. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Cryptologist. Runs an electric shop. Address: Francisco Gourie 103, Las Palmas. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946 but also Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Hohennalza 21 September, 1897. B-205.

JACHT, Karl. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). DOB.20.12.1892 in Münster, Westfalen.

      SS-Nr. 59446

12.08.1938 SS-Obersturmbannführer

00.11.1942 Höherer SS- und Polizei-Führer, Waffen-SS

00.01.1944 SS-Dienststelle Heißmeyer, Waffen-SS


JACKEL, Anton. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JACOB, Manuel. Representative. Henao 6, 4o, Bilbao. Born Bilbao on 27.12.05. Passport No. (not given) issued Bilbao 24.7.36.

JACOB, Otto. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JAEGER, Dr. Cónsul General de Alemánia en Barcelona 1940.

JAEGER, Ernst. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Carbonero y Sol 18, Madrid. Married. Two children in 1946. Managing director of German Chamber of Commerce in Spain. Member of NSDAP.

JAEGER, Hans Karl. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor of biology. Born 1890 at Weingarten, Germany. Address: Bella Vista, Dos Hermanas, Sevilla.

JAENICKE, Ernst. Berlin Press Chief. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JAHN, Max Gotthelf. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0092. Born on 22 February 1891 in Drachenberg/Selesia.

      Subject was employed with the German Foreign Office as follows:1931-1933: Kanzler at the Embassy in Bangkok; 1937-1938: Consulate General, Brisbane Branch Office; 1938: Returned to Germany; 1943: German Embassy in Madrid, then recalled to the Foreign-Office in Germany; 1914: Returned to Madrid. Subject released to Ludwigsburg, Holbeinstr. 61.

JAHNKE, Karl. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Reichbank counsellor.

JAKSCH, Arno. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANENSCH, Edmund. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANK, Gustav. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANK, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANKE, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JANNER, Dr. Hans. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Instructor at a German College in Madrid. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

JANSEN, Christoph. Manager of Depositos de Carbones de Tenerife. Connected with MESSNER.

JANSKI, Eric / Erich. German agent classified B. Listed as B160. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Expelled from Spanish Morocco, September 1944. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0758. Tailor. Address: Alonso Cano 65, Madrid.

JANSON, Albert Ludwig. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Eisenach, 17 September, 1912.

JANSSEN, Peter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JAUSCH, Werner. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Colmnitz, 25 May, 1924.

JENTSCH, Paul. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Tresmafil S.A. Colon de Lareategui 36 -5°, Bilbao. Born Trebow (Ost-Sternberg), 5 Feb. 1894. Passport No. 866 issued Brüssel 26.11.37. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

JESCHAL, Albert Karl Otto. Repatriated from Bilbao. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. Born on 17 May 1910 in Frankfurt/Oder. Subject was a member of the German Embassy in Madrid where he served as radio operator in the Bureau Plankert.

      Subject released to Kotzenhof near Lenf/Peinitz. A-238 and IV Priority List. First priority to be interrogated.

JENKE, Willy. Abwehr. Vice-Admiral CANARIS‘ adjutant. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JESCHEK Ernst Franz. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/10/1920 in Huttendorf Kr. Hohenelbe. Address in Germany, 1946: Obere Torstr. 45, Markt Oberdorf 13b, Bayr. Allgau (American zone).

JESCHONNEK, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JESSEL, Friedrich / Fred SCHMIDT. Headmaster at German college, Malaga. Born about 1908.

JNDLEKOFER, Werner. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JOB, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOCKEL, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSSrecords).

JOHANN. Connected with KAPSS and AUERBACH.

JOHANNSEN, Heinz. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Formerly consular secretary at German Embassy in Washington.

JOHN, (fnu), alias JOHNNY. From Nuernberg Interrogation Records › … OCCPAC Interrogation Transcripts And Related Records › Schreiber, Aloys: Former police attache in Spain and Portugal. Recalled for disagreement with German ambassador. Worked with IVbA in 1942 and 1943. Was assigned to Sonderkommission LANGE in January 1944. Returned to Berlin January 1945. Became a member of an SS Einsatz Kommando, presumably in Hof. Married a German woman in Spain, divorced her later. Born about 1910, 1.75m, big hooked nose, deep scar on left cheek, swarthy complexion.

JOHN, Adolf. German agent classified A. Listed as A161. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German consulate, Barcelona.

JOHN, Walter. German. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Technician employed by the Spanish Government for weather station. A-989 on Official List. DOB. Dresden, 30 December, 1907.

JOHS, Max. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. A director of the Hitlerjunge, Madrid. Address: calle Fortuny 15, Madrid.

JONG, Jan de. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician. Engineer. Born Hamburg about 1885. Bilbao and San Sebastian.

JOORMANN, Engelbert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JORDA, Francisco. From Roberts Commission Card Files on possible art looting suspects:

      Spanish. Address: Hotel Albert Ier, Place Rogier, Brussels; 77 rue Bosnie, St. Gilles, Brussels (wife). Reported to have left for Switzerland via Germany, 31 Aug 44

      Background: Born Ginesta, Tarragona, 20 Feb. 1903. Married to Renee BAUDELET, Belgian; one son, Francois. Arrived in Belgium from St. Etienne, 16 Mar. 1921 .Occupation professed: hairdresser

      Left for Switzerland via Germany, 31 Aug 44. Attached to Abt. VI. Falangiste and Germanophile.

From Roberts Commission reports, Art Project m-z. British memorandum dated 29 December 1944:

      Subject: Possible Connection between S.D. and Stolen Art Treasures:

      SWEERTS, the Sipo and S.D. character now in 020, as you will recall, made a trip to Spain in July-august 1944 with one CHERUY who is now imprisoned in Belgium as an S.D. collaborator. CHERUY was recently interrogated primarily to check SWEERTS’ version of the Spanish trip. Generally their stories coincided.

      However both SWEERTS and CHERUY knew one SOLA Francisco (or Pietro) who was given by SWEERTS as an agent of Abt. VI, Sipo and S.D. Other 020 characters of S.D. fame who informed on SOLA are COLLET and GARITTE. In the course of his interrogation CHERUY gives the following information on SOLA which may be of interest to those persons in our organization interested in stolen art treasures.

      «It was SWEERTS who introduced CHERUY to Pietro SOLA and Francisco JORDA. These two eminent figures of the racketeering world were described as buyers for the wine importing firm of WEIDEMANN in Antwerp. However, they were catholic in their business interests, and willing to engage in any transaction which offered a quick return. They were Spanish subjects and lived in the Hotel Albert Premier, place Rogier, Brussels. CHERUY is unaware of any connection they may have had with the SD. When CHERUY met them they were proposing a deal whereby SWEERTS would arrange for their wine to be brought across the Belgian frontier in German military lorries to avoid customs duty. He does not know whether SWEERTS was able to follow up this proposition. They were also interested in the commercial aspect of Old Masters, and once asked CHERUY to sell a Rambrandt for them. He saw them in the company of a German Doctor (name unknown) and of a well-known Belgian art expert. Sometime between May and July they went with the latter to Monaco with a collection of pictures. They sometimes asked him to sell French francs. On one occasion

     JORDA asked him to change a hundred thousand French francs at the Brussels Bourse. He saw them for the last time sitting in a car outside the Bourse some four or five days before the arrival of the Allies. They told him that they were off to Switzerland.»

From Roberts Commission reports, Art Project m-z. British memorandum dated 6 January 1945:

      Subject: Possible Connection between S.D. and Stolen Art Treasures

     Reference: Memorandum to V/48 this same subject, 29 December 1944

      An XB report of 3I December 1944 from Brussels gives additional confirmation that Pietro SOLA and Francisco JORDA, very possibly an S.D. team trafficing in famous paintings, may now be in Switzerland having arrived there from Belgium via Germany.»

JORDAN, Paul. Engineer. Madrid. Born about 1915.

JORDER, Gerhard. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORDER/ JOERDER, Hanna. Repatriated from Bilbao. Sister-in-law of Hilde JORDER. DOB. Trieburg, 22 May, 1924.

JORDER, Hans. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORDER / JOERDER, Hilde. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Kehl, 7 November, 1910.

JORDER, Otto. Dr. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Director of the German Cultural Center, Pamplona.

JORDER, Peter. Repatriated from Bilbao.

JORG, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOST, Heinz Maria Karl. SD officer and original Chief of the Ausland-SD, Amt VI (Department VI) of the RSHA. Commander of Einsatzkommando A (29 March – 2 September 1942). SS No 36243. Joined SS 25 July, 1934 NSDAP No75. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

JOSWIG, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JOUSTRA, Hauke Bert PATTIST. Waffen SS officer. War criminal. Born 1906. Sentenced to life imprisonment by the Leeuwarden Special Court (Aussenstelle Assen) , 30 September1948, for atrocities commited near Hoogeveen between 15 November 1944 till 15 February 1945. Captured 6 May 1945 in Veendaal. He escaped 22 November 1946. Living in Ribadesella, Oviedo since 1956. He received Spanish nationality 30 March 1968 (the Minister of Justice who signed was Antonio Maria de ORIOL y URQUIJO) (B.O.E. No 188, 6 Agosto 1968). Spain denied his extradition till 1983 (being Spanish Minister of Justice Fernando LEDESMA BARTRET).

JUERGES / JÜRGES, Heinrich. Repatriated from Spain in September 10 1946.

JUGLER, Wolfgang-Dietrich. Born 7 March 1922. Died 1 Octubre 2011 in Marbella. Platoon CO-Ustuf 1st SS-Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.

JUHNKE, Kurt Artur. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 26/12/1914 in Berlin-Moabit. Address in Germany, 1946: Theaterstr. 12, Bieberach bei Augsburg.

JUNEMANN FICHTNER, Heinrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Pintor Sorolla 4-6, Valencia. Born April 16, 1904 at Meissen. Married to a Spaniard. Three children in 1946. Manager of Valencia firm Vda. de Ramón Huguet Diago. Member of DAF. Still on Proclaimed List in 1946.

JUNG, Hermann. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/8/1901 in Rheinbrohl am Rhein. Address in Germany, 1946: bei Johannes PFAFF, Kleinblankenbach, Unterfranken (American zone).

JUNG, Kurt Karl Herbert. Listed as arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946 but listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946.. German. DOB. 1/3/1911 in Hanau. Address in Germany, 1946: Bachstr. 23, Hanau (American zone). German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.

      He was technical instructor of weather station at Santaeugenia de la Rivera near Vigo. He received his pay from FINK, german agent and cashier of the German Naval Attache. He also turned over large quantities of valuable material at the end of the war to the Spanish Government without compensation and has signed a statement listing nine definite items wich were surrendered. Since the end of the war he has been working in Madrid with the Spanish Air Ministry receiving 2,000 Ptas a month.

JUNGE, Margarete Hermine. German. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Former customs house employee. E-76 Official List. DOB. Wilhelmsburg, 21 November, 1902.

JUNGFLEISCH, Peter. Representative. Ercilla 39, Bilbao. (believed to be in German Army). Born Düppenweiler on 25 June 1906. Passport No. 22/39 issued Bilbao on 21.2.39.

JUNGHANS / JUNGHANNS, Walter. Gestapo agent classified B. Listed as B162. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of Bar Erika, calle Silva 16, Madrid. Address: Desengaño 6, Madrid. Engaged in sabotage of Allied ships with bombs hidden in fruit and vegetables cargos brought from Spain to UK.

JURIS, Karl. Still In Spain in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid.

JURSCH, Ott. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

JUST BAUMAYER, Wolgang. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Paseo de Gracia 56, Barcelona. Chemical technician with Flix. Member of NSDAP.

     From OSS, WASH SPDF, Docs. 526/550: » According to the Embassy records one Dr. Wolgang JUST is Administrador Delegado of Flix. A credit report states that he was born in Germany and came to Spain in 1940 to take an important position with Electro Quimica de Flix. He is a Nazi and according to the commercial report has funds on deposit in Barcelona banks and in shares, probably of the Flix corporation. He is not known to own real property.

      A report obtained from Attache Medalie’s office evaluated as A-2 states that one Wolfgang JUST who was born in Leipzig on July 31, 1901, arrived in Barcelona from Flix on February 10, 1941. He has passport or residence card No 26/Y issued at Leipzig on September, 1944.»


KAAP, Erich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 1 December, 1898. A-748.

KABORTH / KABOTH, Kurt. German agent. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Former Lufhansa mechanic. E-127 Official List. DOB. 16 December 1906.

KACHELECK, Bernhard. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Urquijo 86, pral. izq., Bilbao. Born Hammer, 25 April 1899. Passport No. 40/38 issued Bilbao 5.7.38. Member of DAF.

KACZMAREK, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KADNER, Rudolf. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Benito Gutierrez 9 (1935) and Serrano 17, Madrid. Born Schmederberg, Saxony, November 21, 1897. Divorced Jewish wife on order of Nazis. German art dealer and bookseller. Book-store in Madrid.

      The shop was a secret Gestapo meeting place. In contact with members of NSDAP. Opened a big store in Madrid and a farm outside of Madrid. He received money on loan from the German Embassy in Madrid (about 150,000 pts.) endorsed by Gesandschaftsrat PETERSEN Related to a Mr. LICHTENSTEIN, TUCHOLKA ENGE, R.M. and PETERSEN. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Chief of services of the Library and Book center attached to the German Embassy, Madrid. Owner of a state in Navacerrada, Madrid, where several nazis comrades hid from Allies: see HOFFMANN and KEMPE.

KAEHLER, Gunther / Günther. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KAEHLER, Helmut Theodor. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Instructor in German School, Bilbao. A-705 on Official List. Wife: Gertrude Hertha Maria; children: Dieter, Ingrid. DOB. Luebeck, 20 June, 1907.

KAEHLER, Kurt. GIS agent in Valencia and Barcelona. Representative for German Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft).

KAESEBIER-JUNGE, Heinz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 17 September, 1914. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-244 and IV Priority List. . First priority to be interrogated.

KAETEN, Ludwig. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Koln, 1 September, 1911. A-245 and IV Priority List.

KAFKA, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAHIERSCH, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAHLEN, Fritz. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee, PLANKERT’s office. A-246 on Official List. DON. Halberstadt, 10 October, 1916.

KAHLENBERG, Paul. Commander Censure section. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KAIE, Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 12/8/1887 in Helze/ Hannover. Address in Germany, 1946: Buergemeisterwall 57/1, Nordheim/ Hannover (British zone).

KAISER, Lt., Agent from HWK related to diamonds and jewels smuggling in Barcelona.

      Connected with THEBE, URBANECK, WENDEL, KÖNNEKE, Consul RÜGGEBERG and German jeweler Rudolf BAUER

KAISER, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Ernst. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Heinrich Wilhelm. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Herford, 7 February, 1925.

KAISER, Marcel. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAISER, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KALBHENN, Philipp. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KALCKSTEIN, W. von. Commander Abwehr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALK, Heinz. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALLAB, Fritz. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KALLAB, Hermann. German agent classified B. Listed as B163. Official of Amt Vl in Spain and operated on the Franco-Spanish border. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0773.

      Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Until 1930 in Buenos Aires working for Staud & Co. and until 1935 for Menneshamm in Concordia, Panama and Santa Fe. In 1936 in Peru for Dobbertyn of Hamburg. In 1941 for Rowak in Berlin. Sent to Spain as employee of Sofindus but mainly working for the Abwehr.

From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949:

       «SD Agent. Born on 7 August 1910. Since 19141 subject was manager of the branch office of the firm Sofindus in Madrid. Since July 1941 he was employee of the RSHA, Division 4. The reason he was employed with the Sofindus firm was to cover his activities with the RSHA. He was during the war a very capable and fanatic agent, of the SD. Subject released to Purchbach am Woerthersee, Haus Heimgarten.

KAMERBEEK, Willi. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Andernach, 29 October, 1916.

KAMLL, Ludwig Flaks. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Teacher of German at Airforce Academy of Los Alcazares, Cartagena, Murcia.

KAMM, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAMMANN, Guillermo / Wilhelm. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Muntaner 461, Barcelona. Director of Faust y Kammann S.A. Acting Nazi leader. Vice-President of the Asociación de Enseñanza Alemana in 1934.

KAMPF, Rudi Otto. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 22/12/1912 in Dresden. Address in Germany, 1946: Rankestr. 44 II, Dresden (Soviet zone).

KANAMULLER, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KANTHAK, Kurt. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. W/T operator.

KAPPS. Connected with AUERBACH and JOHANN. Interest in a gas company in Madrid. His cloak man was a Spanish lawyer: DOVAL who worked for Banco Vizcaya.

KARDEL, Julius. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Av. del Ejercito 36, 2£, Algorta. Born Hamburg on 8 August 1891. Passport No. 50/41 issued Bilbao on 25.5.41. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KARGER, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KARL, Alfons. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KARN, Ludwig. Commander Engineer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KARRAIS, Max Friedrich. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 3/8/1917 in Bamberg, Bayern. Address in Germany, 1946: Buchkastr. 6, Dachau bei Munchen (American zone).

KARSTADT / KARSTANDT, Hugo. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calle Calvo sotelo 2, Miranda de Ebro, Burgos. Born Öhringen (misspelled in all documents Chorinden or Creinden), Prussia, March 14, 1894. Engineer with Fefesa. Member of NSDAP, SA and NSV. Passport No. 6343 issued Hamburg 26.8.42.

KARSTEN / KAETEN, Ludwig. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KARSTEN, Karl. Capt. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German administrative service. Born about 1901. Businessman in Antwerp prior to war. Has been in S. America, France and Africa. Lives in Spain.

KARSTEN, Rudolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

SEBIER, Heinz. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KASSLER, Rolf. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Vice-consul.

KASTIN. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Pamplona.

KASTNER, Albin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KATZ, Manfred alias Charles BOYER, alias Alfredo THOMAS, alias Marcel BERGER, alias TOMAS. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. German agent classified A. Listed as A164. Address: calle Corcega, Barcelona and 45, Rue du Rempart St-Etienne, Toulousse.

      Connected with GABISON. From Roberts Commision, Card Files on Suspect, p.1353: Instrumental in making first contact with MIEDL. Friend of SZKOLNIKOFF, white Russian smuggler. Subject was held in connection with the murder of Michel SZKOLNIKOFF, murdered June 9, 1945 near the town of El Molar (Madrid). Subject collaborated with a group of German agents headed by Bertie KOPKE and Don GREGORIC / GREGORIO, who met at the Bar Vienes. Has smuggled many cars into Spain from France through Puigcerda and Andorra. Has acted as double-agent for the French. KATZ bought whatever precious stones were offered. Connected in 1945 with DAVID, Max KAPLAN and one PEREZ, a jeweler.

      Born July 2, 1909 at Nidda. German Jew. 1’72m, brun, visage oval. At the end of 1942 subject was imprisoned at Foix by the French for security reasons, but was released in February 1943 on intervention of Germans. After this worked with Germans at Toulouse, spezializing in informing on patriots. He received a large sum of money for denounce members of Resistance. Several times subject was used as envoy by Germans to Spain and Portugal, during which time he transported into Spain objects stolen by the Germans in France. For this service subject received a large fortune (several million francs). In Spain subject got in touch with the Allies and informed on the SD in Toulouse in an effort to clear himself. After May 1944, subject remained in Spain with his family (mother, father, two sisters, one of them married with three children and his brother in law). KATZ’s brother, who was living in Hollywood applied for visas for his family.

KAUFMANN, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAUFMANN, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAUTSCHKE, Fritz Georg alias FEHLEISEN, Fritz, (Federico). Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 2/2/1898 in Goerlitz). Major. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Employee of Focumin and German agent, employee for transportation matters. Notwithstanding, he certified and undersigned under oath, before US authorities, that he never was connected or had had any connections with I.G. Farben, Sofindus or Flick.

      In Spanish list. Address in Germany: Baldingerweg 4, Ulm (Danube) (American zone).

KAUTZ, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KAVEL, Georg. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Reichbank counsellor.

KAYSER, Eberhard. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Rodriguez Arias 32, Bilbao. Born Hegnach, Waiblingen, on 8 December 1889. Passpart No. 5/34 issued at Bilbao on 20.2.34.

KEDING, Karl. Clergyman. Berlin-Oberschoenweide, Frischensstrasse 7. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KEERL, Frank. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

KELLER, Korv. Kpt. I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras and Tangier. (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain)

KELLER, Emil. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Ex-legionaire. Ex vegetable merchant in Marrakech, French Morocco. Born July 5, 1905 or 1906, Entingen or Munich. Lives in Sevilla.

KELLER, Georg Anton. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In Tangier, 1943. In Madrid, 1945. Born about 1908.

KELLERMANN, Wilhem. Sonderfuhrer. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Born 1904. Address in Barcelona.

KELLNER, Hans. German agent classified A. Listed as B165. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Abwehr agent. About 47 years old in 1946, muscular, with brown hair and a dark complexion. He was an RSHA official employed by II-F KO Spain until 1945 in Barcelona. Worked as secretary for Hermann GOERITZ. Internment postponed on account of illness, March 1945. Address: Freixa 6, Barcelona (home) and Consejo de Ciento 264, Barcelona (office). Posed as commercial representative.

KELLNER, Kurt. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KEMENA, Dr. A member of the firm Einhart & Co., in Madrid. Native of Dusseldorf where he engaged in the tin business. Member of the Gestapo. His mother owned the Baltik Cigarette Manufacturing Company.

      Information from POSSE, Reichskommisar for Unilever in all Germany and foreign countries: KEMENA was wit MATZKE in Unilever in Paris until 1941 0r 1943 when they separated.

KEMKES, Heinz. Dr. . Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KEMPE, Richard. Dr. , Gestapo agent. Still in Spain in September 1946. Secretary to the German Embassy. From a US report: «He was one of the most dangerous Nazis in the Embassy. He protected criminal Party-members against Spanish police. He was an agent of the Wehrwolf (We have found the Wehrwolf-plan for Spain) KEMPE, since the collapse, is hiding in Spain, probably with the assistance of the brothers VICENTE«. Hidden in Navacerrada, at KADNER’s house. Responsible for the deportation of German anti-nazis.

KEMPF, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KENDZIERSKI, Richard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KENSY, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KERBER, Otto. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Demag S.L. Maria Diaz de Haro 22, 5o dcha., Bilbao. Born Donndorf 28 Jan. 1901. Passport No. 12/34 issued Bilbao 2.4.34. Member of DAF.

KERGEL, Erwin. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . German Embassy employee engaged in setting up Arganda Radio transmitters. A-257 on Official List. DOB. Berlin, 29 December, 1902.

KERN. O/Fw. I-M, KO Spanien, Ceuta and Tangier (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KERNWACHS / KURNWACHS, Karl Theodor. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KERSCHER, Sebastian. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KESSEL, Wilhelm. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/6/1922 in Achen. Address in Germany, 1946: Bad Lippspringe, Westfalen (British zone).

KESSLER, Alfred Christian Friedrich. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . Arrested April 4, 1946. B-222 Official List and III Priority List. In No 6 CIC Neuengamme. Internee No 609624. B-222 on Official List. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. Report of Interrogation by OMGUS, External Assets Branch, dated May 28, 1946: The subject was born at Hagen/Westphalia, Germany, on 21 December 1898, and went to Spain in 1928, remaining there until the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. He married the daughter of Maria SEMINARIO, a Peruvian citizen with a personal fortune in Spain estimated to be Pesetas 400,000. She and KEESLER’s wife, Anna Luisa HILBEK / HILBCK, are living at the Lima Country Club, Lima, Peru.

      Upon leaving Spain at the beginning of the Civil War, KEESLER made a visit to Germany which lasted some four weeks. Without returning to Spain the subject and his family went to Peru, passing through Switzerland, France, Argentine and Chile. KESSLER claimed he spent the years of the Spenish Civil War in Argentine and Peru, remaining in the latter place until 1939.

      On 14 August 1939 the interrogatee returned to Spain from Peru. He insisted that his only occupation was assisting in the management of a chicken farm, the Avicola Peruana Sociedad Ltda», near Alcala de Henares/ Madrid. He added that he had returned to Spain to determine the condition of the chicken farm, and that he had a round trip ticket. This farm was the property of KESSLER’s mother-in-law. He alleged that she had provided him with .000 or .000, English pound sterling 1,600, and a letter of credit to the Banco Aleman Transatlantico for 0.

      KESSLER claimed that he sold the farm, shortly after his return to Spain, for Pesetas 100,000. He added that the outbreak of war prevented his return to Peru. He used the funds provided by his mother-in-law and acquired from the sale of the farm to pay living expenses in Spain up to the time of his repatriation to Germany on the SS Highland Monarch in March 1946. The subject’s declaration on MGAX(1) form indicated the following assets: Pesetas 353 and Peruvian Soles 300, on deposit in the Internment Camp; approximately Swiss francs 400 on deposit at the Schweizerische Bankgesellschaft Zurich, (stated to be funds transmitted by his mother-in-law for his subsistence), and approximately Pesos 15.000 credit at the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid, (also funds extended by his mother-in-law for subsistence).

      The advances by his mother-in-law were, according to the subject, the only funds he had in Spain. He denied having engaged in any business other than the sale of the farm in Spain. During the interrogation KESSLER made re­ference to the Swiss francs 400 – declared on MGAX(1) -claiming them to be funds sent by his family in Peru and intended solely for his upkeep. He explained that his family had telegraphed the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid, through the Lima branch authorizing his use of the Pesetas paid in for the farm and extending him credit.

      Confronted with the charge of working for German financial and commercial intelligence in close contact with the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Kessler denied this, insisting that a mistake had been made in identity of the Kessler accused. He added that a man named KESSLER, (no relation), had purchased the farm.

      The subject said that he believed that one Pablo KESSLER, son of a Conrado KESSLER, connected with the Ritz Hotel, Madrid, is the agent referred to in informa­tion available to the interrogators. Pablo KESSLER was thought to be an Abwehr agent.

      The farm in Spain was purchased from the subject by Conrado KESSLER through his lawyer, one Jose SOTO REGUERA, Madrid. The purchase price was paid to the Banco Aleman Transatlantico, Madrid.

      The subject has a brother, Alfredo KESSLER, who is a naturalized citizen of the United states, residing at 551 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Alfredo is engaged in the purchase and sale of stamps.

KESSLER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KESTING, Wilhelm. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Head of Nazi Party, Sevilla. Vice-consul in Sevilla. Civilian-Diplomat. Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born in 1893. Address in Germany: Arolsen, Waldeck, am Hebberg 174.

KETER, Robert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KEYDEL, Herbert Wilhelm. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 7/3/1919 in Lübeck. Address in Germany, 1946: Dummersdorferstr. 68, Luebeck (British zone).

KICKEBUSCH / KIECKEBUSCH/ KIEKEBUSCH / KLECKEIBUSCH / KIECHEBUSCH, Eberhard. From Offiziersliste 03.01.39: Hauptmann (E) 01.04.34 (z.V. des OBH des Heeres) Oberstleutnant (01.04.42). Lt. Col. Attache of German Embassy, Madrid. Born February 2, 1896, Guesen, Germany. Oberstleutnant. Abwehr KO Spanien. Referat I. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. Listed as A166. Post-war: He bought a state, Finca el Doctor, in Manzanares (Ciudad Real), valued 6.500.000 pts in 1959 (Agencia Cifra, 27 de febrero de 1959).

      Married a Miss. KUSSEROW.

KICKENWEITZ, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KIECHLE / KIECHELE, Emilio J. S . In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calvo Sotelo 21, Madrid. Manager and owner of Hispanense Industrial y Comercial. Representative of the Brünner Waffenwerke. In Madrid. Involved in a important transaction, most likely of machine-guns, between Germany and Spain around 1944. Sold Skoda arms to Spanish Government. Mentioned in cloaking activities by LINDENBERG. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KIEDERLE, Georg. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. E-78 Official List. DOB. Augsburg, 27 November, 1909.

KIEFER ROBLEDO, Luis. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Viriato 65, Madrid. Born Madrid May 31, 1906 in Madrid. Married to a Spanish-born German naturalized Spaniard in 1946. Three children in 1946. Engineer with Osram. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Nova, S.A. Ibaibide 15, 1o dcha., Las Arenas (Bilbao). Passport No. 7256 issued Madrid 27.6.34. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KIES Robert Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 16/12/1924 in New York.

KIND, Hermann. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Essener National Zeitung.

KINDLER, Friedrich / Federico. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician in San Pablo airfield, Sevilla.

KINDLING, Albert (Richard Albrecht) . German agent classified A. Listed as B168. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. In some documents appeared had left Spain in February 1945 but still there in December 19 1946. In files of the Office of Political Affairs, American Embassy, Madrid. Son of Richard KINDLING.

KINDLING, Richard. German agent classified A. Listed as A167. German consul. Address: Felipe Sanchez 24, Vigo.

KINER, Fritz Kurt Max. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KIPP, Abraham. «Nacido en La Haya el 2 de junio de 1917, este ex-oficial de policía durante la ocupación alemana de Holanda fue condenado a muerte en ausencia en 1949, requiriendo ese país infructuosamente su extradición de la Argentina en 1988.

      Se embarcó en España con destino a Buenos Aires el 22 de agosto de 1948 en el vapor Ulasa. Presentó ante el Cónsul argentino en Madrid Pasaporte especial Nº 1732148 y contrato de trabajo para radicarse en San Carlos de Bariloche. El 1º de julio de 1949 solicitó Cédula de Identidad y más tarde, el 3 de diciembre de 1952, duplicado de ésta. El 30 de junio de 1960 presentó solicitud de Pasaporte para viajar a países de América y Europa Occidental. Declaró ser argentino naturalizado, casado, con lugar de trabajo en Cangallo 524.

      Posteriormente, el 16 de enero de 1968, solicitó un triplicado de su Cédula de Identidad declarando ser corredor mercantil con domicilio en Suipacha 472 – 1er. piso. El 09 de marzo de 1989 la División Información de Antecedentes del Juzgado Federal de San Isidro, solicita antecedentes y fichas dactiloscópicas de Abraham Kipp, ya que posee pedido de captura en planilla computarizada del sistema IDGE. En la ficha se observa que hay un pedido de captura del Juzgado Federal Criminal y Correccional de San Isidro. El motivo de dicho pedido es la Extradicción. Se hace referencia a un oficio del 11 de abril de 1989, en el cual la causa aparece caratulada como “EMBAJADA REAL DE LOS PAISES BAJOS S/SOLICITUD EXTRADICCION DE ABRAHAM KIPP”. El legajo fue solicitado por el Departamento de Asuntos Extranjeros y Culto – Superintendencia del Interior.» (Informe Final CEANA, Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de las Actividades del Nazismo en la Republica Argentina).

KIRCH, Carlos / Karl. Barcelona. German agent classified B. Listed as B169. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Interned at Caldas de Malavella. February 1945. Running German netwoks in East Pyrenees.

KIRCHER, Frau Connected to VOESE, Walter.

KIRCHER Georg Kajetan. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 13/4/1902 in Wilhelm, Oberbayern. Address in Germany, 1946: Schmiestr. 14, Weilheim Obb. (American zone).

KIRCHER, Rudolf. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Frankfurter Zeitung.

KIRSCHNER, Eva. Repatriated in Marine Perch 14 June 1946.

KIRSCHNER, Hans. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Eichfeld, 9 June, 1921.

KISCHIT, Eduardo. German agent classified B. Listed as B170. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Lived at Pasajes.

KISTENMACHER, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KISTNER, Fritz Kurt. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Hamburg, 1920.

KLAEBISCH / KLAEBISCH Y AMAM, Alfred Hans Frank, alias HIDALGO. German agent classified B. Listed as B171. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Interned at Caldas de Malavella but released to La Granja, Segovia, to recuperate from a skin disease. Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Po. No. 0762. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. Born 1890 or 1895, Hamburg, Germany. In Spain during Civil War. Address: Av. Gen. Franco 520, Barcelona.

      His father was partner in the firm A.G Meukow & Cie. in Cognac with an Englishman named SHEPPARD. During the war SHEPPARD took over whole company.

      In October 1943 KLAEBISCH, on instructions of the German Government, bought his father’s share in Meukow i. e. 68% of the capital and 40% of the trade marks. Down payment of 1.350.000 francs from a total of 6.000.000. This purchase was back/dated to June 1941 and the money paid into SHEPPARD’s account in France. KLAEBISCH had already drawn in 1946 from this company 2.000.000 francs.

      His partner, a friend of the family, named Harold BUTLER was French. In 1944, a firm was founded in Barcelona, called Dentichlor which was in the name of KLAEBISCH’s son-in-law, Jaime NIN-LLENAS. KLAEBISCH himself owned shares in the name of his wife, Gertrude BURCKHARDT and was owed 60.000 pts. by de company.

      KLAEBISCH stated that he put Jose Maria GOMEZ REVERA / RIBERA / RIVERA into the firm Dentichlor as a «cloak», giving him 65.000 pts. to come in. He then retired from active interest in the company and his son-in-law NIN LLENAS took over. The money he gave GOMEZ was never repaid.

      In March 1945 the firm A. Klaebisch, which he set up in Barcelona, was given to his daughter NIN-KLAEBISCH, but he was still on the books as a creditor for 62.000 pts. KLAEBISCH was connected with a Greek DRACOPOULOS in London.

KLAILE, Hugo. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch. German Embassy employee. A-265 on Official List. DOB. Schw. Gruend. 28 March, 1913.

KLASCHKE, Hermann. First Counsellor of German Government. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLAUS. V-Mann in Huelva, Referat I, IM, KO Spanien as of February 1945.

KLAUS, Hans. Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco,Tetuan. Classified II-B in OSS records. Mechanic.

KLAUS, Hermann. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Born about 1905. San Sebastian.

KLAUS, Martin. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee. A-268 on Official List and III Priority List. DOB. 30 September, 1911.

KLEIBER, Hellmuth. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Working for Nazi cabinet.

KLEIN, Heinrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLEIN, Johann / Joachim. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. 25 November, 1895.

KLEIN Otto. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Arechavaleta 2, 6o. Born Ettlingen, Baden; on 16 November 1895. Passport no. 1076/34 issued Barcelona on 28 December 1939. Member of DAF.

KLEINEMASS, Josef. Counsellor of German Government. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEINERT, Wilhelm. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Industrial engineer. Came to Spain in 1943. In Sevilla in 1946. Born September 3, 1883 in Berlin.

KLEINHOLZ, Hermann. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Born about 1885. Bilbao.

KLEMM, Otto Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLETT, Hubertus. Commander. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEY, Albert. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Stuttgart, 20 February, 1922.

KLEY, Gerhard. Dr. Commander Physician. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLEYENSTUBER / KLEINSTUBER / KLEYENSTUEBER / KLEUENSTUEBER, Ernst Arno Paul, alias Arnold KLAMBE / KLAMKE, alias TORRE. Oberstleutnant . German agent classified A. Listed as A172. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Born February 15, 1912, Kiel, Germany. Travelled in Balkans, Athens, Sofia, Lisbon, France and Stockholm.Assistant air attache of the German Embassy in Madrid. Head of the Abwehr KO Spanien in Spain since 1 July 1944. Interrogated at CIC 76 near Asperg on February 7, 1946. British Reports. Repatriated January 31 1946.

      Subject claimed to have been sent to Spain with the specific mission of smoothing strained relations between the Secret Service and the German Embassy in Madrid and consolidating intelligence activities in Spain. He was assisted by six officers of the German Wehrmacht:

(1) Max FRANZBACH, in charge of administration.

(2) Karl ZIMMER, assistant to FRANZBACH.

(3) Lt. Col. Eberhard KICKEBUSCH / KIECKEBUSCH, in charge of information.

(4) Col. ROHRSCHEID, in charge of counter-intelligence.


(6) Capt. Dr. SCHÖNE / SCHOENE, in charge of liaison with intelligence agents operating in Spain but not under control of the Madrid office.

      Subject declared that financial affairs were handled by FRANZBACH and ZIMMER. Normally the funds would be turned over to the Secret Service in Madrid by a courier from Berlin or by HEYDENRYNCH of the German Embassy in Madrid (…). The following assets remained and were turned to the proper authorities: (1) 5 boxes, each containing 5-10 Kg of gold, turned over to the Spanish police in May 1945; (2) 100.000 Pesetas and some foreign currency, turned over to the Spanish Foreign Office in May or June 1945; (3) 130.000 Pesetas turned over to the Allied Commission for Spain in December 1945 (…).

      Subject further stated that the Secret Service in Spain spent an amount averaging three to five million Pesetas per month. (Note by the interrogator: «It should be noted that this estimate of the organization’s monthly expenditures is more than thirty times higher than that given by Georg DÜSTERBERG, head of the Administration Section of the German Secret Service in Berlin until July 1944.»)

      He mantained that when he took over, total monthly Abwehr expenses were between 2 and 5 million, normal expenses being 3 million Pesetas.

      From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757.Subject: Referat II KO Spanien: born 1910 slender blond hair blue eyes

      Career: Since 1941 Leiter I-Luft/West, Amt Abwehr. Worked in German Embassy in guise of asst to air attache. Chiefly interested in I activities; II and III were hardly considered.

      Misc: May have been in Condor Legion in Spanish Civil War as flight officer. In Madrid until 5 Feb 45. Speaks some Spanish.

From OSS / CIA records declassified under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act:

      «(…) probably in I Luft Ast Hamburg in May 1941, when he accompanied an Abwehrkommando to Athens; visited Spain in the winter of 1942/1943 with Major (illegible in copy), whom he succeeded in January 1943 as Gruppenleiter I Luft Abwehr Ast; visited Rome and the Balkans in February 1943; attended conferences held by Admiral CANARIS in Sofia and Kavalla in July 1943, when he again visited Rome; visited Madrid and Lisbon in August 1943 and made several journeys to France, Barcelona and Madrid between November 1943 and February 1944; when in Spain he used the alias of Arnold KLAMKE; conferred with Karl Heinz KRAEMER in Stockholm in June 1944; replaced Kapitaen zur See Wilhelm LEISSNER alias Gustav LENZ as Leiter KdM Spain early in September 1944; LEISSNER being intrunsted to remain at the disposal of the new Leiter; promoted Oberstleutnant in July 1943, probably married; rather short; clean shaven; dark complexion; very serious facial expression; described as intelligent and taciturn; passport Number 8293/42 issued in Berlin on 24 December 1942 name of KLEYENSTUBER and passport Number II/1451/43 issued Berlin on 16 June 1943 under the name of KLAMKE

From Safehaven Report from the American Embassy Madrid, dated 6 February 1946:

      «Lt. Col. Ernst Arno KLEYENSTUBER, Chief of the Abwehr in Spain since 1944, voluntareed in October 1945 to aid in recovering the Abwehr assets through Gerhard LINDERBERG and commenced interviewing his subordinates in and around Madrid. The activities of the group resulted in the immediate return of the equipment and the funds.»

KLIEMANN, Richard / Ricardo. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Fuencarral 43, Madrid. Born Berlin, January 8, 1901. Married. Had two children in 1946. Technical business manager for Bilbao branch of Siemens. Leader of Nazi Party in Bilbao. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Gregorio de la Re­villa 14, Bilbao. Born Berlin on 5 January 1901. Passport No. 98/39 issued Bilbao on 7.6.39.

KLIKOW / KLICKOW, Reinhard Karl Heinrich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Neuenburg, 8 October, 1928.

KLINGE, Willi. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLINGENBERG, Ernst. In Marine Perch file. German Agent. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Employee. Address: calle de Larreategui 57, 4o izda., Bilbao. Born Lubeck, 18 May 1901. Passport No 41/38 issued Bilbao 14. 1. 1938. Member of DAF and Deutscher Verein, Bilbao. From Oss records, Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 3401-3450: General Pardinas 114, Madrid. General Manager of Baquera, Kusche y Martin, Plaza de las Cortes 3, Madrid

      On Board of directors of Nova, S.A., Sofindus, Hermann Gaertner, S.A.

KLINGENBIEL / KLINGEBEIL, Franz. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Wolfshaven, 2 November, 1920.

KLINGER, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLINGER, Hans. German agent classified B. Listed as B173. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Living in Puerto de la Luz. At one time head of the NSDAP in the Canary Islands.

KLINKE, Hermann. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KLINKERT, Pablo / Paul. German agent classified D. Listed as D174. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of Hotel Excelsior, Bilbao.

      From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Born Peilau Schloessel (Reichenbach/schl.), 11 Aug.1884. Passport No. 206 issued Nagold 17.2.37

KLINKERT Pablo. (son). German agent classified B. Listed as B175. Hotel Excelsior, Bilbao. W/T transmitter in Bilbao.

KLOCKER, Andreas. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLOESS, Ernst . Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 1/9/1911 in Frankfurt/Main. Two sons: Ernst and Johen.

KLOSE, Georg. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLOSE, Gustav. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Lawyer. Address: Alameda del Puerto 21, Neguri, Bilbao. Born Hannover-Waldhausen, 16 April, 1898. Passport No 191R/1269/37 issued Berlin 14.12.1937. Member of NSDAP and NSRB and formerly SA (1933-1937).

KLOSTERER, Clemens. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLUG, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KLUMP, Herbert. Dornier designer. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KLÖPFER,Otto. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Winnenden, 19 April, 1920.

KNABE, Ernst. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KNACKER, Otmar. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNÄPEL / KNAPPEL, Walter Wilhelm August. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government. Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-991 and IV Priority List. Born 4 February 1903 at Borkenhagen (Pomm). Stationed at La Coruña. DOB. Berkenhagen, 4 February, 1903.

KNAPER, Alfonso. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Technician employed at the San pablo airfield, Sevilla. Address: Hotel Nuevo Suizo, Sevilla.

KNAPMAN Arthur Thomas: British. Recruited by the Abwehr in 1941 as a paid agent, KNAPMAN established himself first in Barcelona then in Lisbon from where, he later claimed, he was abducted by the Gestapo to spend the rest of the war in Dachau. It was later shown that his move from Lisbon to Germany had been voluntary. Nor was his claim to have spent the rest of the war in a concentration camp ever established as fact.

KNAPPE RATEY, Friedrich / Federico. SD agent classified A. Listed as A176. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Rafael Calvo 24, Madrid. Employed at Industrias Sanitarias Electro-Quimica. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, February 1945. Runner of agents, among them, PUJOL.

KNAPPE, Fritz. Agent in Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNAPPE, Pablo. German agent classified A. Listed as A177. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Expelled from Tetuan for internment at Caldas de Malavella, February 1945.

KNAUS, Robert. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: María de Molina 16, Madrid. Born January 21, 1900 in Vienna. Artistic painter who reportedly received order from HITLER for mural. Went to Spain about December 1943 to make studies for Haus der Deutschen Kunst, Munich. Exempted from military service by HITLER. Broadcast during war. Fanatic nazi.

KNECHT, Edmund. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNIERIM, Heinrich. Member NSDAP working for Banco Aleman Trasatlantico.

KNITTEL, Gustav. Agent working for Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNOBLICH, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KNOBLOCH, Hans J. Kindler von. Consul in Alicante. SD agent and agent working for I-M, KO Spanien, Alicante (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KNOLLER, Isqried / Isfried. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946. A-274 and IV Priority List. Born March 6, 1912 at Neu Aubing/ Munich. Employed at Barajas. First priority to be interrogated.

KNOLLER, Siegfried. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KNOPF, August Hans Richard. Listed A-635 I, I Priority. Repatriated from Madrid by army airtransport on 23 August 1946.

      Born about 1899. DAF and NSDAP since 1930. Since end of May 1941 in Spain. Ingenieur Siemens Industria Electrica S.A, Barcelona and Firma Madrid. Worked in Cornella. In July 1942 he took over the technical management of the factory. (Ernst von SIEMENS, German director, visited the factory in April 1943). Ortgsgruppenleiter (Chief of the NSDAP) in Barcelona, which position he held until the autumn 1944, at the instance of THOMSEN, Party chief in Spain.

      Address in Germany Heimstaettenstrasse, 38 bei Sperber Nuernberg. In Flight X file. Hauptsturmfuehrer in RSHA AMT VI D since 1940. Offizier in Wehrmacht. Connected with THOMSEN, TESSMANN (Provisional chief of NSDAP in Spain), GEIGER, ARNOLD, ZIEGRA and HUWENS (Director of Banco Alemán Trasatlantico at Barcelona) Address in Germany Joachimstrasse 9, Berlin W15.

KNURA, Erich. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Minerales de España. Employee. Gran Via 62, 3o. Born Hamborn, 5 February 1911. Passport No 879/37 issued Dusseldorf 25.8.1937. Member of DAF.

KOBOLD, Friedrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Paseo del Generalísimo Franco 27, Palma de Mallorca. Engineer with Cía. de Gas y Electricidad. Reported to own more than a million Pesetas’ worth of jewels and to have acted as an intermediary for Jewish businessman, Claudio POMAR, owner of a jewelry shop Viana at Calle San Miguel 75, Palma.

KOCH, Friedrich. Cptn. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOCH, Heinrich. Cptn. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOCH, Ilse. Repatriated in Marine Perch 14 June 1946. Address in Germany Berlin SO 36, Puechlerstr. 17.

KOCH, Karl. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Former Customs inspector. San Sebastian.

KOCH, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOCHENBURGER, Philipp. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOEHLER, Franz. German agent classified A. Listed as B178. Barcelona.

KOEHLERMANN. German agent classified I-A in OSS records. German army, Cadiz.

KOEHN, Fritz. Agent in Spanish Morocco .III-Unclassified in OSS records. Address: Hotel Nacional, Tetuan. Head od the German Academy.

KOEKLER, Emil. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOELBLINGER / KÖLBLINGER. From Obst/Lt Friedrich DERNBACH’s CI Intermediate Interrogation Report (CI-IIR) No 57, dated 11 December, 1946:

      Lt. III-F Sachbearbeiter Nest Marseille.

      Career: 1942 with KO Spain. February transferred to Nest Marseille. Summer 1943 exchanged with ECKERT from Nest Rouen.

      Later belonged to an Abw Trupp.

KOENECKE / KOENNECKE, Rudolph / Rolf, German. SS U/Fuehrer. Krim O/Sek. About 42. years old in 1946, I.76 meters tall, slender, fair complected, with brown hair and blue eyes. He speaks German, English, and Spanish and lives in Madrid. He worked with the Office of Police attache in Madrid from 1941 to 1945. In 1942 he worked at the German Consulate in Bilbao for a short time. He was in the Condor Legion. Engaged in Wehrwolf activities. Address: Lagasca 72, Madrid.

KOENIG, Major. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid.

KOENIG / KONIG, Johannes. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Foreman (Unicolor). Address: Aguirre 9, Bilbao. Born Triesenheim, 16 February, 1884. Passport No 38/43 issued Ludwigshafen 24.5.1943. Member of DAF.

KOEPPELE. Friedrich von. German Government Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOEPKE DEMOY / KOPKE DEMOY , Albert / Bertie. Abwehr agent classified A. Listed as A180. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Av. Republica Argentina 70, Barcelona. Interned at Caldas de Malavella, November 1944. Business: his father owned a sausage factory at Figueras. Recruiting and running agents to Marocco and Argentina.

KOERBLER, Max. Dr. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).


KOETTENDROP, Bernhard. Sergeant. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German Embassy employee. PLANKERT’s office. A-854 on Official List. DOB. Aheln, 27 April 1915.

KOHL , Herbert. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berterode, 4 February, 1924.

KOHLENBREIN, Robert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÖHLER / KOEHLER KOBLITZ , Ernst W. H. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Hamburg 4 November, 1910. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-276 and III Priority List. First priority to be interrogated.

KÖHLER / KOEHLER, Franz. German agent classified A. Listed as A178. Barcelona. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain.

KÖHLER / KOEHLER, Karl. Commander Censure section. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOHLER, Karl. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOHLER / KOEHLER, Paul. From Hans SOMMER’s CI interrogation: Amt VI agent. Deuxieme Bureau agent. Present Address: Pagomas*, Spain. Born: 1907 1.76m blond hair blue eyes.

      Career: Lived in Paris after 1924 and worked for the Pernod Co. Joined Amt VI in 1939 and was dismissed in 1942 for drinking. Joined the Abwehr and was sent to Nice in 1944. Joined the Deuxieme Bureau at the. start of 1945.

      Misc: Lives with a woman named Gil BAUGNIAS (BAUGNIES) in Pagomas*,

(Pagomas*: There is no such place, town or village in Spain)

KOLDIND / KOLDING. Abwehr agent in Spain.

KOLLOCH, Herbert. Engineer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOLZ, Erwin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÖNEKAMP, Eduard. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).Counsellor.

      «Even earlier, in December 1939, an official of the German Foreign Institute mentioned the connection between poverty and the desirability of destruction in a report about his trip through occupied Poland. This official, Dr. Eduard KONEKAMP, reported his observations on the first mass resettlements from the annexed western part of Poland to the eastern edge of the newly formed General Government:

      Many Germans probably see Jews in such masses for the first time…. [The ghettos] are among the filthiest things imaginable. Here the Jews vegetate in quarters that are sometimes as much as four flights underground. The prevailing hygienic and moral conditions here are ghastly.

      The kinds of «criminal Jewish types» milling about, his report continued, far surpassed the ones depicted by the Sturmer. But now «they are most vigorously enlisted to do labor, [and] those who do not appear for work are shot.» The latter assertion, however, corresponded to Konekamp’s imagined desires rather than the reality at the time.

     Konekamp, who after World War II was appointed Deputy Mayor of Stuttgart by the Allies, described in his 1939 report what were no doubt common German reactions when confronted with the poverty, exacerbated by wartime, of the Polish-Jewish residential quarters:

      The destruction of this sub-humanity (Untermenschentum) would serve the interests of the entire world. But this destruction poses an extraordinarily difficult problem. Executions will not work. Also, one cannot allow women and children to be shot. Here and there one can also count on the losses incurred during evacuations, and 450 are said to have perished during a transport of 1,000 Jews from Lublin…. All the agencies concerned with the Jewish question recognize the inadequacy of these measures. But a solution to this complicated problem has not yet been found.

      It took two more years until such visionary schemes of destruction, conceived by mid-level bureaucrats, were implemented. During this time German administrative practices produced conditions that made genocide appear reasonable and useful». Gotz Aly and Susanne Heim. The Economics of the Final Solution: A Case Study from the General Government. 

      (Translated by Norma von Ragenfeld-Feldman. Chapter 1, Part 1.)

KONINCKX / KONINCK / KONINECKX, Charles Georg. From Roberts Commission, Subject file: Menten: «Belgian, member of Brussels firm Gerard Koninckx Freres. In Spain during the war as buyer for the Groupement Confiturier de Belgique. He is associated with Adrian OTELET, Ximex Company (both on the Proclaimed List), engaged in trucking and smuggling between Spain. France, and Belgium. He gives the Ximex office as his business address. He is in contact with Heinrich BAUER, Jean DUVAL, and Hans ROHRBACH. Probably served as liaison between the OTELET organization and MIEDL. Said to have made a fortune on the black market with the Germans.

      Lives in San Sebastian at Calle de las Dueñas 3 with Marie HOEBACH (HORBACH?).

      Reported to have sold stolen works of art from France (see Roberts Commission. Subject files: Spain).

KÖNNEKE LENZ / KÖNNEKE Y LENZ, Johannes. Agent from HWK related to diamonds and jewels smuggling in Barcelona. Connected with KAISER, Lt.,, URBANECK, WENDEL, THEBE, Consul RÜGGEBERG and German jeweler Rudolf BAUER

KONRAD, Rudolf. Corporal. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Consular employee. PLANKERT’s office. A-281 on Official List. DOB. Hessen, 23 April, 1914.

KONTETZKI, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KONZELMANN, Lambert. German agent classified B. Listed as B179. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-employee of German consulate, Tangier. Expelled to Spain, March 1943.

KOPKC / KOPCKE DEMOY, Albert / Alberto. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Businessman. Born between 1895 and 1905 in Montmoreau. Businessman. Address: Av. de la Republica Argentina 10, Barcelona.

KOPPELT, Kurt. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOPPI, Friedrich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORB, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORBER, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORFF, Arnold von / Adams, alias ARNT. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Calvo Sotelo 21, Madrid. Born January 5, 1905 in Aiswicken / Lettonia. Married. Representative for German firms Daimlar-Benz and Aktiengsellschaft. Member of NSDAP and suspected of being SD agent.

KÖRMANN / KOERMANN, Waldemar. Repatriated from Bilbao. Marine Marlin deportees categories A, B September 1946. A-282 and IV Priority List. DOB. Hoesl 16 October, 1913. First priority to be interrogated.

KORN, Wilhelm. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Espartero 36, Bilbao. Born Bochum on 1 January 1902. Passport No. 3/38 issued on 13.1.38 by Bilbao. Member German Club.

KORNWACHS, Karl Theodor. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Villingen, 30 March, 1911.

KORNWEITH, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KORTH, Georg Wilhelm. In Marine Perch file. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/8/1896 in Kassel. Address in Germany, 1946: Alwinenstr. 6, Wiesbaden (American zone).

KORTING / KOERTING, Berthold. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Montana S.A. Employee. Rodriguez Arias 31, 3° izq., Bilbao. Born Hannover – Linden, 18 Feb. 1911. Passport No. 130/36 issued Barcelona 11.3.3. Member of NSDAP and DAF.

KOSCHITZKY / KOSCHINSKY, Hans Ingo von. Hptm. German. 39 years old in 1946, I.77 meters tall, slender, with blond hair and a fair complexion. He is married and has 2 children and speaks Spanish. He lives in Madrid. He was transferred to Madrid in 1943 as a liaison officer with the Spanish Schupo, but was attached to the Office of Police Attache. He was in the NSDAP and SS. Cover job: Manager of a hotel in Navas del Marques (Avila). Evangelist. He remained in Spain.

KOSCHMIEDER, Walter. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOSCHORRECK, Walter. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Hisma Ltda. Importer. Address: Heroes del Alcazar 1, Burgos. Born Koenigsberg, 5 June, 1914. Passport No K233/35 issued at Koenigsberg. Member of NSDAP and DAF; SS from 1.4.1933.

KOSCIELY, Dominik. German formerly employed as technician by the Spanish Government.Listed for departure on SS Marine Marlin, scheduled to leave the Port of Bilbao about Agust 31, 1946.

KOSICK, Albert. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Engineer. Irun. Born about 1900.

KOSS, Albrecht, Georg Von. German agent classified B. Listed as B181. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Honorary attache at Embassy, but deserted about January 1945.

KÖSTER / KOESTER, Florentin. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Steele, 30 December, 1906.

KÖSTER / KOESTER, Rudolf. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KOTITSCHKE, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOTTERHEIDT, Herbert. Former Delegate of Otto WOLF in Spain. Interrogated by Allied Control Commision about German armaments trade with Spain during war.

KOTTLORZ, Hans. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOWALSKI, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KOWNATZKI, Erich. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Counsellor.

KRAEMER, Erwin. From OSS Secret IntelligenceSpecial Funds Record 9409: Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco. I-M, KO Spanien, Spanish Morocco, Melilla (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). Classified I-B in OSS records. Former member of Afrika Corps.

KRAFFT, Johann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAFTHOFER, Johannes. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAMER, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAMER, alias LUDOVICO. From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757. Subject: Referat II KO Spanien: Obst/Lt. Leiter KO Portugal, Lisbon, 1941/1944. Lives in Wien (?). Born 1893. Complexion muscular, brown hair, Ruddy complexion, brown eyes. In 1944 married secretary Frl. SCHREIBER. Was removed that year and is said to have returned to Wien.

KRAMER, Bruno. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Duisburg, 26 March, 1908. A-1128.

KRAMER, C. F. Agent classified II-A in OSS records. Director of shipyards in Brest and Bordeaux, also plenipotentiary of French Armament Staff. Came to Barcelona around October 1944.

KRAMER / KRAHMER / KRAMER, Eckart / Eckardt / Eckhardt Richard. Brig. Gen. German agent classified A. Listed as A183. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. General, , German Military Air Attache in Madrid. Still in Spain in September 1946. Reported to have helped MIEDL pass pictures over the frontier. Address: Pinar 20, Madrid.

      From Roberts Commission – Protection of Historical Monuments… Geographical Card File on Possible Art-Looting Subjects › Spain: «May have taken disposition of MIEDL paintings. Once reported in contact with Friedrich Ter Apel von LEIENHORST of Dutch Gestapo

KRAMER / KRAEMER, Eugen Ludwig. Importer and Exporter, Melilla, Malaga Vice consul Honorar since 1942. Extradition in February 1946, Interrogated July 2 1946. Not in London lIs.Smuggler. Connected with Continental Caucho and APP. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0083. Interrogated between February and May 1946. British Reports. March 1941 he set up in Melilla a trunk and suitcase factory and workshops. Value in 1943 30.000 pts. In 1944 he went to Madrid. Value of firm in 1946 about 1.500.000 and was run by Luis ALPUENTA. In Malaga free port he had goods worth 100.000 pts.

KRAMER, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAEMER, Walter Eugen / Eugen Walter. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated by air from Spain between 29 January to 25 february 1946. Interrogated between February and May 1946. With interest in lead and graphite mines. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Attached to German consulate in Spanish Morocco. Businessman. Born 1894-1895, Stuttgart, Germany.

KRAMSCHNEIDER, Gustav. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRANZLEIN / KRAENZLEIN / KRAENSLEIN, Kurt. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Wolkischer Beobachter.

KRATZER, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Franz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Friedrich. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Serrano 57, Madrid. Born August 13, 1889 in Neues. Connected with Sofindus mining companies. Was Lt. in R.a.D and was connected with SS Headquarters, Berlin. Known to be German contact man.

KRAUS, Hermann. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUS, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRAUSE (alias) SD W/T operator in Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, 1939-1941 1.80m muscular bald blue eyes

KRAUSE, Erich. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Krampitz, 31 August, 1923.

KRAUSE, Hugo. Major. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In German army. Commercial agent, Barcelona.

KRAUSER, Major. Intelligence agent in Spanish Morocco & Melilla. Classified II-B in OSS records. A Gestapo man in Tangier, classified I-B in other records. Formerly Military Attache at Tokio and Paris.

KRAWZYK, Robert. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Artiach. Alameda de Mazarredo 59, Bilbao. Born Rumelingen, Luxemburg, 15 July 1900. Passport No 58/1943 issued Bilbao 29.4.43. Member of DAF.

KREBS, Albert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KREBS, Paul. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Chief of Deutsche Bank.

      At the select committee hearings, Senator George Smathers of Florida made this statement: «It is my understanding that Dr. Hermann J. Abs, former director of I.G. Farben and a prominent financial figure during the Hitler regime, is the common denominator of this group seeking return of vested enemy properties of World War II.»

      «Senator Smathers also pointed out that the foreign agents’ registration statement for this project was signed by «the Wash­ington law firm of Ginsburg, Leventhal, & Brown, the Washington law firm of Boykin & De Francis, and the public relations firm of Julius Klein & Associates.» Those who signed for «The Society for the Promotion of the Protection of Foreign Invest­ments» were Dr. Paul Krebs, a Deutsche Bank director, and Hermann J. Abs, president of the board of directors of the society»

KRECKEL, Herbert. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KREH, Fritz. Capt. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. In German army. Born 1903. Lives in Madrid.

KREIPE, Werner. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KREISTER, Major. Agent in Spanish Morocco . I-Unclassified in OSS records. Tetuan.

KREMERS, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRESS, Friedrich. Dr. Agent classified IV-B in OSS records. Leader of the Judicial Dept. of the Spanish group of the DAF. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Espalter 5, Madrid. Born September 10, 1894 in Frankfurt/Main. Married; two children in 1946. Director of Schering, Madrid. Member of NSDAP and DAF. From General Records Pertaining To External Assets Investigations Schering AG: General Records (1939-1946): «Manager of Productos Químicos Schering S.A and of the Board of Tarsia S.A (…). KRESS is reported to have been brought to Madrid through the influence of Nazy Party. He is a lawyer by profession and has intervened in all legal problems affecting the relations of local German nationals with the party».

KRESS, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRESS, Otto. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Wetzlar, 4 August, 1892.

KRESSNER, Karl. Kapitän. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KRESSER, Kurt Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 30/11/1921 in Sömmerda bei Erfurt. Address in Germany, 1946: Guttenbergstr. 2, Selb bei Hof, Bayern.

KRETSCHMAR, Kurt. German agent classified C. Listed as C184. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Address: Mallorca 330, Barcelona. Associated in business with Carlos WOESSNER, who represented Bosch and D.K.W. motors.

KRETSCHNER, Paul. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KREUKLER MEHL, Leonard. Agent classified III-A in OSS records. Professor at the German School, Sevilla. Born in Karlsruhe, Germany. Address: calle Brasil 13, Sevilla.

KREUZ, Erich. Agent in Spanish Morocco . II-Unclassified in OSS records. Ceuta. Heavy gun expert.

KRIESS, Katherina. Wife of Wolfgang KRIESS. Extreme National Socialist. Children: Hilga.

      Repatriated from Spain in Highland Monarch

KRIESS, Wolfgang. Teacher in the German School, Madrid. Ardent member of Nazi party . A-288 on Official List. Repatriated from Spain. In Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Not interrogated by default of communication between American Embassy in Madrid and U.S. Released May 1946. Political adviser in Berlin. Address in Germany, 1946: Hertenerstr 43, Recklinghausen. DOB. Berlin, 26 March, 1907.

KRISTEN, Adolf. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KROGER (SCHONE), Alejandro. German agent classified B. Listed as B185. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Business man. Address: Torre Villa Maria, calle Marimon, Barcelona.

KROLL, Hans Dr. Repatriated from Spain by air (21 January, 1946). Po. No. 0755. Born on 18 May 1898 in Beuthen. Subject was Consul General in Barcelona. He was politically active before 1933 and was a member of the Reichstag before HITLER came to power. In 1936 he was transferred as consul for the Embassy in Ankara as Botschaftsrat and Geschaeftstraeger. He has directed economic relations with Turkey, and established a commercial treaty. He was considered an expert onTurkish questions. He was transferred to the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg on 12 April 1946. Wife: Gisela and children: Peter, Ingrid, repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946.

KROLL / KROELL, Heinrich. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. W/T operator. Born about 1908. Clerk in the German Consulate, Tangier. Formerly in South America. Still in Spain in 1946.

KRUDENSCHEID, Heinz Karl. Corporal. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946 . German consular employee, Sevilla. A-857 on Official List. DOB. Hoesel, 20 February, 1919.

KRUEGER / KRÜGER, Hans. Sonderfuehrer. Chief of Referat II Sabotage KO Spanien in 1940. From: U.S. Army. European Command.Intelligence Division, Wartime activities of the German diplomatic and military services during World War II, November 18, 1949: » Abwehr II’s first representative in Spain, sent there early in 1940, was Sonderfueher KRUEGER. KRUEGER was instructed to set up an office in Madrid and to study conditions in general as well as possibilities for II operations in Spain. At that time; headquarters in Berlin had not yet devised a plan for carrying out its insurrection and minority program (J – work) in Spain. No sabotage activities were planned, principally because S and J were still separate departments of Abwehr II, and both KRUEGER and BLAUM who went to Spain in March 1940, were sent there on orders of the J section. Upon his arrival in Madrid, BLAUM reported to Freg. Kptn. LENZ, CO of KP Spain. (…)Later the entire staff of Referat II was incorporated into the Embassy as a section of KO Spain, Thus LENZ became KRUEGER and BLAUM’s superior (…) In 1941 KRUEGER was transferred to Tangier, where he was put in charge of a small independent KO organization.

KRUEGER / KRUGER, Hebert / Herbert. Representative of RSHA, AMT VI. A-293 Official List and II Priority List. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Krim Komm. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. German. About 34- years old in 1946, 1.60 meters tall, stocky, pale complected, with blond hair and blue eyes. He was Consular Secretary with the German Embassy in Madrid from the end of 1944 until May I945. He was trans­ferred to Amt VI and sent to Madrid on a special mission at the end of 1944. He was a member Of the NSDAP and SS. DOB. Halle, 12 December, 1910.

KRUGER / KRUEGER, Karl. Verwaltungsdirektor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KRUEGER, Otto, Dr. Agent classified I-B and II-B in OSS records. Chief of the Guards, German Army. Photographic expert. Born about 1909 or 1910 in Magdeburg, Germany. Photographic expert. Madrid.

KRUEGER, Otto Gunter, alias KRÜBER BACHMANN, Günther O. DOB. 28/2/1926 in Gebesee bei Erfurt. Address in Germany, 1946: Siedlungsstr. 8, Gebesee, Ehrfurt (Soviet zone). Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946.

KRÜGER, Kurt Ferdirnand. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 14.11.1915 in Berlin Charlottenburg. Address in Germany, 1946.

KRUGHER / KRUEGER, Otto, alias KRUSE / KRUESE. German agent classified B. Listed as B187. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. With Import / Export business in rue Goya, Tangier. I-M, KO Spanien, Tangier (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

KRULL, Josepf. Still in Malaga in Sept. 1946. Teacher

KRUMPEL, Karl Friedrich Ernst. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Alameda de Urquijo, 32 – 3s dcha. Born at Niederschmalkalden on 14 June 1896. Passport (no. not given) issued Bilbao on 23.5.36. Member of DAF.

KRUSE, Albin. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KRUSE, Ewald. German agent classified D. Listed as D188. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Ex-Portugal. Whereabouts unknown in 1945.

KRUSE, Max Otto Ernst. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 5/9/1909 in Ueckermünde. Address in Germany, 1946: Fredericiastr. 11, Berlin-Charlottenburg 9 (US zone).

KRUSSE, Ewald. In Marine Perch file

KRUTWIG, Friedrich. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Representative. Rodriguez Arias 1, Bilbao. Born Bonn a. Rh., on 4 May 1892. Passport No. 59/38 issued Bilbao on 6.8.38.

KUBE, Paul. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Berlin, 19 January, 1905. Wife Greta KUBE, nee KUHN.

KUEBLER, Fritz. German agent classified B. Listed as B189. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Madrid and Cartagena. In charge of SS Lipari.

KUEHLENTHAL, Karl Erich. Sonderführer. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Abwher KO Spanien, Referat I . In Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). Main source of information. Agent classified A and I-B in OSS records. Listed A-190. Embassy official. Born about 1907-1908, Coblenz, Germany. Arrived in Spain 1939 from France. Address: Eduardo Dato 16, Madrid and Fernandez de la Hoz 29, Madrid.

KUFNER, Andreas. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHAUPT, Günther / Günter Karl. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 20/7/1924 in Oberhausen Rhld. Address in Germany, 1946: Akazienstr. 120, Oberhausen Rhld (British zone).

KUHL, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHL / KUEHL, Hubert. Counsellor. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

KUHLFLUCK, Erich. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHLMANN, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUHN, Margareta Ubler. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850:Minerales de España. Secretary. Address: Gregorio Balparda 68, 1o drcha., Bilbao. Born Frohstockheim, 4 December, 1907. Passport No D3361 issued Paris. Member of DAF.

KÜHNEL, Reinhardt. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Gera, 1 March, 1920.

KUHNER, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KULLMANN (fnu). From CI-CIR/12, 12 January 1946. Headquarters United States Forces European Theater Military Intelligence Service Center. APO 757.

Subject: Referat II KO Spanien. SS Stubaf Police attache with German Embassy, Madrid, until 1945 lives Spain. Born 1905 1.80 m muscular blond hair fair complexion. Grey eyes

      Career: In reception room of Police attache WINZER. Probably concerned with issuing passports. Misc: Speaks Spanish.

KUMM, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUNNE, Hermann Julius. In US list of hardened nazis for repatriation. Address: Policarpo Sanz 34, Vigo. Formerly agent for Krupp trucks. Subject operated Kunne & Cía., small medical and surgical house with agencies in principal cities in Spain. It was thought that these agencies was a network for subversive activities. Close friend of Conrad MEYER. According to VORKAUF, subject was paymaster for espionage in Vigo. Opposed Allied negotiations with regard to German school and refused to turn over school funds. Not member of Nazi Party but considered dangerous.

KUNSBERG / KUENSBERG, Eberhard von. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). German legation secretary.

KUNZ, Josef. Decorated by FRANCO with the Encomienda Sencilla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (Decreto 29 julio, 1943).

KUPPERS, Josef. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KURBS, Heiner. Dr. Commander Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Press.

KURRER, Otto. Hptm. Acting Leiter I-H KO Spain from April 1941 to May 1942.

      Counter Intelligence Intermediate Interrogation Report, dated 27 September, 1945 (Interrogation Records Prepared for War Crimes Proceedings at Nuernberg, 1945-1947 ccpa INTERR. OTTO KURRER). Information given about personnel and activities Abwehr Spain up to May 1942:

      Abwehr I-H Spain: Nests had been set up in Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastian, Algeciras and Tetuan (Spanish Morocco) to gather information, and it was the function of the Abwehr I-H Leiter in KO Spain to extract all the military information contained in the Nests’ reports, collate it, edit it, and send it on to Berlin. (Before KURRER went to Spain, Nest reports had been routed directly from Madrid to Berlin without preliminary processing. Consequently, the I-H Office in Berlin was forced to wade through a great deal of useless information to glean the intelligence it was interested in.) KURRER, besides screening reports to make sure only military,naval, and air intelligence would he forwarded to Berlin, also briefed the Nests on the type of information they were to seek. Hitherto each Nestleiter had granted his agente considerable latitude in carrying out their assignments, and this absence of centralized control led to unsatisfactory results. It was not unusual for reports to come in stating that on a given dry a certain ship had arrived at Gibraltar and had departed at some later dato but failing to describe the activities or identify the passangers aboard ship. Once KURRER had oriented his Nestleiters, however, Berlin began to learn of Allied notables arriving in or leaving Spain and of troop movements probable destinations, and the number and types of weapons and supplies going to the British armies in the East­ern Mediterranean.

      Communications: The Nests sent their reports to Madrid once or twice a week, and in addition the stations at Algeciras, Barcelona, San Sebastian, and Tetuan had radio communication with the KO. Written reports were sent to Berlin by diplomatic pouch. Each report was put into an envelope marked with the code name of the section or individual for whom it was intended. This was then put into a larger envelope, marked Ausland Abwehr, which in turn was put in the pouch addressed to the Legations Rat. Thus the Embassy had no opportunity to read or censor the reports. Later, however in 1944, the RSHA began to intercept the reporta in Berlin, and the Abwehr could do no more than determine wheth­er a given report had been read (by using sealing wax on the envelope or by placing a piece of thread under the flap); they could not prevent the RSHA from reading them. In most cases the courier taking the pouch from Spain to Germany was a German officer, business man, official, or any other reputable person who happened to be going at the time. Messa­ges sent to Berlin by radio were confined to short or urgent ones.

      The man in charge of radio communication for Abw I in Spain was O/Lt von BAHRFELD, alias von BENTHEIM, who came to MADRID at the beginn­ing of 1942.

      Nest Madrid: KUEHLENTHAL was the head of the Nest in Madrid. His assistant and complete confidant was a man named KNAPPE. They ran all the agents who were recruited from Madrid and supplied information for Abw I-H, M, and L. KURRER knows that KUEHLENTHAL had placed at least one steward on each of the Spanish ships Cabo de Hornos and Cabo de Buena Esperanza plying between Spain and the US, but he does not know if these men were active agents or go-betweens. One of the press attaches in the Spanish Legation in London was working for KUEHLENTHAL who had supplied him with a radio, but KURRER dees not know anything of its use. At times KUEHL­ENTHAL would tell KURRER he had an agent going to England, but would not reveal the agent’s name nor what type of information he was best quali­fied to get. As a result KURRER was unable to draw up a list of specif­ic questions for the agent’s guidance and had to be content with inform­ation of general military value. Nevertheless, KUEHLENTHAL did supply more information than most of the people in Spain and was properly re­garded by his superiors in Madrid and Berlin as a valuable Nestleiter. His reputation for efficiency remained intact even when the RSHA took control in 1944.

      Nest Barcelona: Nest Barcelona was run by PAUL, alias don PABLO, a lazy individual who relied on his assistant KOEPKE to handle most of the agents. KOEPKE, thereforet would be more familiar with the activities of that Nest. Both of these men were assigned to Barcelona, at the outbreak of the war and presumably are still there, or at least somewhere in Spain. KURRER heard that in 1941 PAUL had considered sending a Spanish officer to South Africa as an agent in the guise of a monk. The officer was to go to Rome for an interview with the Pope and then proceed to South Africa. The objectives of the interview and mission are not known.

        Nest San Sebastian: FURCH, alias PUENTE, was the heed of Nest San Sebastian. His pri­mary duty was expediting the passage of persons and materiel across the border, usually in close cooperation with FUCHS, Leiter of Nest Biarritz, Besides helping agents cross the border without excessive interference from the Spanish police, FURCH facilitated the travel of GIS personnel and helped them smuggle whatever they wished out of Spain. (KO Spain frequently had no jurisdiction over some of these agents who had been hired by an Ast or Nest, yet FURCH was called upon to aid these people in crossing the frontier, too.) The major portion of this traffic was routed through the frontier town of IRUN. FURCH’s job was not too difficult as there was a working arrangement between the Spaniards and the Germans whereby either could cross the border, bag and baggage, without being subject to inspection by the controlling party.

      Nest Algeciras: The chief of Nest Algeciras was CARBE, alias don ALBERTO, who was concerned primarily with the Gibraltar area and was assisted by a Kptn KELLER, alias BODEGA. KURRER believes that operations were conducted mainly by recruiting agents from among the thousands of Spanish workmen who lived in Algeciras and conmuted to Gibraltar. CARBE also handled the negotiations with local Spanish authorities for the installation of infra-red equipment across the Straits of Gibraltar for the purpose of recording ship movements through the Straits. At one time these in­stallations were destroyed, possibly by Allied agents. CARBE was assisted in discovering the strength and armament of Gibraltar by Lt Col SANCHEZ RUBIO of the Spanish Intelligence Service. This station, KURRER believes, was closed sometime in 1944 because of pressure on Spain by the United States and Great Britain.

      Nest Tetuan: The Leiter of Nest Tetuan was Obst RUDOLF, alias RECKE, who was considered the best operator in North Africa. He used a great number of agents, mostly Arab and Moroccan traders. Each one supplied him with a small bit of reliable information, and because of the multitude of his agents RUDOLF was able to piece together a reasonably compre­hensive picture of what was going on in the area under observation. The bulk of the intelligence secured by this Nest was concerned with French Morocco and Algeria. From reading RUDOLF’s reports, KURRER is fairly sure that he never sent any agents to the US or England. In 1944, under Allied pressure, Spain forced Germany to close down this station, and RUDOLF was sent to KdM Stuttgart as Leiter I.

      GIS Connections with the Spanish IS: Collaboration between the Abwehr and the Spanish Intelligence Service was very close. CARBE and SANCHEZ RUBIO worked together at Algeciras and after the expulsion of the Germans from that area, SANCHEZ RUBIO reported activities in Gibraltar to the KO in Madrid. KUEHLENTHAL made daily visits to the SIS office in Madrid which was across the street from the German Embassy. He conferred mainly with Gen MARTINEZ DE CAMPOS and Lt Col PARDO on subjects unknown. In autumn of 1940 CANARIS held discussions . with FRANCO concerning an attack upon Gibraltar. In the next few months, on Spanish orders, airfields were built, fuel dumps were constructed, and artillery was placed in Algeciras. During this period two German divisions were brought down to the Spanish frontier and, in addition, two squadrons of the Luft­waffe were allocated to the operation. However, in March 1941, Hitler canceled the plan because he had decided to attack Russia.

Conclusions: Although KURRER’s information does not supply a completo picture, it furnishes a pattern of the activities of Abwehr I in Spain and, more im­portant, shows the extent to which the Spaniards collaborated with the Germans. (See diagram in explanatory notes about Abwehr).

RSCHNER / KIRCHNER , Hans. Repatriated from Bilbao.

KURTH, Georg. In Marine Perch file. Consul in San Sebastián.

KURTH, Helmut. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Ilustr. Beobachter, Munich.

KURS, Oscar. From OSS, WASH SPDF, Docs. 526/550: «He is employed bu Electro Quimica Flix and according to information submitted by the Consulate General in Barcelona he was born in Germany in 1887 and arrived in Spain in 1926 since which time he has been associated with this firm. He is said to be a Nazi and to be worth in excess of 100,000.»

KURZ BOSCH, Eugen. German agent classified B. Listed as B191. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Owner of brush factory La Favorita. Address: Rafael Calvo 24, Madrid.

KUS, Engelbert. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KÜTER, Engelbert August aka PATER EGON. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Schwelm, 27 July, 1903.

KUTSCHMANN, Walter, alias Pedro Ricardo OLMO. Listed B/242 II, I Priority. German agent classified B. Listed as B192. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated by air 23 August 1946. Flight X. Ex-Kriminal Kommisar, Blankenburg Harz and former Gestapo chief at Bordeaux who escaped to Spain, August 1944, where the German Embassy demanded his internment, having been imprisioned at San Sebastián after having refused to return voluntarily by air to Germany.

      From a British report dated September 11, 1944: Subject arrived at Hotel Alameda, Zarauz, near San Sebastián on September 1st, 1944. Carried with him at all times a large and apparently heavy leather suitcase. Left September 5, 1944, in his car, plus enough luggage for several years: 7 suitcases of various sizes and a small black case which looked like a grammophone or radio. Card attached to one of the cases read: «Walter KUTSCHMANN. Kriminal Kommissar, Blankenberg, Harz, Herzogstrasse 17». Description: Medium height and build; about 33 in 1944; fair hair; rather square face with straight nose; brisk military walk. Car. No 4814, AEI.

      From a British report dated October 26, 1944: «In Spain and is hiding from the Germans. He is a gangster of the worst type and boasts that he was personally responsible for the death of 15.000 Jews in Russia and Poland

      A letter from the American Consulate, San Sebastián, dated December 1st, 1944, says that subject has been in Ondarreta jail for two months.

      A memo from Vice Consul N.O. Titus dated February 15, 1945 said KUTSCHMANN had been transferred to concentration camp at Miranda de Ebro in the section reserved for those who had been denounced as nazis. Designated as Hauptmann KUTSCHMANN of the Abwehr on order for transfer. But on February 14, from information received from a secret source it was learned that Foreign Office informed that Spanish DGS (Direccion General de Seguridad) had given him restricted liberty.

      On January 9, 1945, from a reliable source, it was learned that Spanish Minister of War (Juan VIGON) denied German petition for extradition of subject who is accused by them (Germans) of misuse of funds during the time he was a customs employee in France.

      From a memo to the US Embassy dated April 15, 1945: Subject was in a special section of Miranda reserved for deserters from German Army. This apparently was subject’s «pose» to hide from Allied search.

      From the Jewish Agency for Palestine. Records of War Criminals dated 1 May 1945: «KUTSCHMANN. Untersturmfuehrer S.S., commanded the S.S. detachment carrying out the extermination action against Jews in Lwow on the 5th January 1943. Many thousands of Jews were killed during the proceedings. Houses in the ghetto were set on fire and Jews trying to escape were killed on the spot. Many Jews were lived alive. Those who were not murdered in the ghetto were driven to the Janowska camp and killed by machine/guns on the sand-hills behind the camp. (Ref. Mat. File No L/1. Item:23)».

      He went to Argentina with Spanish passport

KUTSCHY, Anton. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

KUVITT, Maria. German agent classified B. Listed as B193. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Secretary to Heinrich PESCOLLER.

Autor: Eliah Meyer

Para leer y descargar completo  desde  «THE FACTUAL LIST OF NAZIS PROTECTED BY SPAIN».pdf

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Publicado en Gatopardo el 12/04/2014. 17:32.  Archivado en

Imagen de portada: Serrano Suñer de visita en Alemania, con Himmler y otros jerarcas nazis.