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CALDEVILLA, Cesar, alias SECA. Lt. Col. From STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain:»Was the Spanish General Staff officer in charge of Spanish concentration camps. His reports were mostly passed on to I-H and Abt III. SECA had good connections in the War Ministry.»

CALLAM STRECKER, Friedrich-Martin-Paul / Pablo. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Gran Via 47, Bilbao. Born Berlin 23 Oct. 1868. Passport issued Bilbao / 16.12.37. Manager of Compañia de Ferrocarriles La Robla.

CANARIS, Joaquin (Joachim) Hugo. German agent classified A. Sonderfuehrer / Hauptmann. Referat I IH, KO, Spanien. Attached to German Embassy, Madrid. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Arrived Germany from Spain May 12, 1946. Born in 1908 in Pegli, Italy. Address in Germany: Neuhaus, bei Schliersee, Oberbayern. Address in Spain: Calle Fortuny 45, Madrid.

CANARIS, Wilhelm, aka Reed ROSAS. Born 1 January 1887 in Aplerbeck bei Dortmund, Westphalia. Died 9. April 1945 in Flossenbürg concentration camp. German Admiral and chief of Abwehr from 1935 to 1944. In Kaiserliche Marine, Reichsmarine and Nazi Germany Abwehr.

      Rabid anticommunist. Founder and member of paramilitary units Freikorps. Member of the military court that acquitted or gave minimum penalties to those involved in the assassination of Karl LIEBKNECHT and Rosa LUXEMBURG (i.e. CANARIS’s friends and comrades: Captain Waldemar PABST, Lieutenant Horst von PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, Otto RUNGE, and Lieutenant Hermann SOUCHON. CANARIS organized the escape of one of the murderers, Lieutenant Kurt VOGEL.

      Intelligence work in Spain during WWI: Went to Spain first in December 1915 to establish a spy network in Spanish ports monitoring the movements of Allied feet in the Mediterranean. He contacted Spanish shipbuilder ECHEVARRIETA to order the building small boats for cabotage of provisions to German submarines. He was assisted in this mission by Abwehr commander KALLE, military attache at German Embassy, Madrid, von WINTHERFELD and Eberhard von STOHRER.

Footnote: I have ommited all issues related to anguished conscience so dear to his hagiographers. The amount of deaths imputable to CANARIS can’t be «wishy washed» with psychologic portraits or a random act of kindness of this unvaccinated nazi.

CARBE, Alberto / Albert, alias CAESAR . In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Repatriated on SS Highland Monarch. In hospital and not interrogated. Manager of Siemens in Malaga for many years. Former chief of German IS at Villa Leon, Algeciras. Former German Consul in Algiers. Also engaged in espionage activities in Madrid. Ex-Italian Consular Agent for Cadiz and district. A-81 on Official List and III Priority List. II-B in OSS records. Agent I-M, KO Spanien, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

      Interned at Caldas de Malavella November, 1944. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. DOB. Heinrichswalde, 15 September, 1891. Address in Spain: Villa Leon, Calle Stamon 1, Algeciras and Calle Velazquez 12, Sevilla.

CARGANICO, Hans Albrecht alias Heinz STEINBRUCH. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 13/1/1902 in Arys, Ospreusen. Address in Germany, 1946: Arndtstr. 16 (Soviet zone). As STEINBRUCH, Heinz he was classified in category. Listed as A342. In Hotel Majestic, Barcelona, 13 March, 1945. In several files classified as two different persons. Identified in OSS files as one person.

CARL, Friedrich. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

CARLSEN, Otto. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. German seaman interned in Spain at Pasajes, San Sebastian. Brought to repatriation center under police escort. E-123 on Official List. Kiel, 3 March, 1913.

CASCIARO, Rudolf Wagner. Agent in Spanish Morocco . II-Unclassified in OSS records. Villa Sanjurjo. Mechanic. Born November 24, 1906.

CASTIEN, Heinrich. Repatriated from Spain by air (dates from January 29 to February 25, 1946). Po. No. 0096.

CENTENO (possibly a cover name). I-M, KO Spanien, Spanish Morocco, Ceuta (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

CERQUEDA i ESCALER, Manuel. From Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence Documents 1551-1600:

      «Subject has for some time been known for his pro-German and pro-Falangist activities. He was the eldest of a large family in Seo de Urgel in Spain. Following his father’s death he became the sole support of this family. In 1936 subject lost his wealth and his home and properties were taken over by his creditors. Among these properties which he owned was the then inactive Banca Agrícola y Commercial de Andorra and one-half interest in the Hotel de Andorra.

      Reliable information, dated 13 June 1945, indicates that today subject is considered to be one of the richest men in Andorra and referred to as one of the most wealthy men on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees. He is considered to be the biggest gold holder in that region and his fortune is considered to be in the hundreds of millions.

      It is known that during the German occupation of France he handled the exchanges for many wolfram and wool shipments brought by the Germans into Spain through Andorra. He became the cashier for all of the larger chains of agents operating in southern France. It is further reported that he received and effected the exchange of all the gold shares and currency that the SD, Gestapo, and Abwehr officials took out of France during its occupation by Germany and after its liberation.

      The majority of the personnel who worked for the Germans are known to have carried on their financial transactions ttirough the Banca Agrícola y Commercial de Andorra. Since there is no international control of entry of stock and money to Andorra and since we have information that anyone is able to open an account for anyone else, irrespective of where he lives, and since the Banca Agrícola y Commercial de Andorra is the only bank in Andorra, the scope of subject’s activities is unlimited.»

CESER, Otto. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CHAMORRO, Manuel. Spanish Major. High General Staff, Catalunien. Spanish agent for Abwehr. (General Records Pertaining to External Assets Investigations, compiled 1948 – 1950, documenting the period 1939 – 1950. Series: Repatriates : Spain – General (June 1946- September 1947)

CHICO (cover name). SIM Spanish agent working for Bureau FELIPE, Operation COSMOS, Algeciras (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

CHLEBOWSKI, Ernst. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. German. DOB. 7/6/1914 in Eschwege. Address in Germany, 1946: Hohenweg 46, Eschwege (American zone).

CHRISTMANN, Walter. Listed as repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. Previously in Miranda concentration camp. DOB. Essen-Borbeck, 2 April, 1923.

CHRISTENSEN, Ludwig. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CHRISTIAN (alias). Abwehr agent.

CHRISTMANN, Ludwig. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CHRNDORF, Ewald. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CHURRUCA Y DOTRES, Cosme Damian conde de. Smuggler of gold and currency in Tangier and Algiers. Spanish Vice-Consul in Algiers. Honorary Captain for his actions in Spanish Civil War. Decorated by FRANCO. Born 25 November 1897 in Barcelona. Died 7 April, 1971 in Ibiza. Married María Mercedes GIRONA SALCEDO.

      From Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence:

      Documents 1-29: OSS, Washington DC, Intelligence Dissemination


Date Report: 10-13 April 1945

Subject: Traffic in Contraband Currency

      «The Count of CHURRUCA, Spanish Vice-Consul in Algiers mantains contact with ROSENBAUM, an exchange broker of Tangier. CHURRUCA makes a regular monthly trip to Tangier, brirging with him United States currency ranging in amount from 2,000 to 10,000 dollars. The selling price of the dollars varies between 13.75 Pesetas and 17.00 Pesetas depending on the demand. ROSENBAUM seems to be the principal buyer and seller of smuggled dollars in Tangier. (VT-2739)»

      From Washington Office, Special Funds Division Finance, Intelligence: Documents 3856-3900:

      Strategic Services Unit. War Department

      War Department.

      Original Report VT-3944


Subject: Activities of Conde CHURRUCA, former Spanish Vice-Consul in Algiers.

19 February 1946

Origin Theatre: Tangier

«1. Conde Cosme y DOTRES CHURRUCA, former Spanish Vice-Consul in Algiers, left Tangier on 27 Decenber 1945 ostensibly for the Philippine Islands via Spain.

2. CHURRUCA smuggled gold out of Tangier via Algiers during the latter half of 1945. According to some sources, CHURRUCA shipped the gold to Spain for the account of the Spanish Government. However, other reliable sources report that CHURRUCA actually smuggled the gold out of Tangier for a group of Vichy-protected Algerian Jews, and that the gold was then shipped to France and used for the purchase of land and buildings.

3. CHURRUCA was closely associated in these transactions with Robert BENSIMON (also spelled BENSIMHON), Azagury Building, 18 Calle Sanlucar, and with Georges BOUCHARA, BENSIMON’s partner.

4. CHURRUCA bought his gold fron the following Tangier money brokers: Jacob MUYAL, 91 Siaguins; Menahem MUYAL, 43-45 Siaguins; and Isaías CHOCRON, 7 Siaguins.

    CHURRUCA was reported in April 1945 to be smuggling United States currency into Tangier, ROSENBAUM, an exchange broker in Tangier, was the principal buy and seller of this currency. (This may be Nicolas ROSENBAUM mentioned in report A-66350, VT-3950.)»


CLAAR, Eberhard. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CLASEN. German consul in Cadiz. Agent working I-M, KO Spanien, Cadiz, (named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain).

CLAUSEN, Bernard. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Journalist and German agent classified B.. Address: Ibiza 22, Madrid.

CLAUSS, Adolf. German agent classified B. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Son of consul Luis CLAUSS. Sabotage.

CLAUSS, Luis, Jr. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records and A in British records. Address: Plaza de la Raza 1, Huelva. Born about 1892. Sabotage.

CLAUSS / CLAUS, Luis / Ludwig, Sr. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Agent classified I-B in OSS records. Shipping agent and German Consul in Huelva. Agent working I-M, KO Spanien, Huelva. (Named in STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain). Address: Av. Italia 49, Huelva.

CLAUSS, Max. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung.

CLAUSSEN, Erich. German agent classified C. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain. Deals in metals. Address: Jose Celestino Mutis 29, Madrid.

      From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Colon de Larreategui 57, Bilbao. Born Oldenburg i.O. on 11 July 1899. Passport No. 723/34 issued Barcelona on 24.7.34. Mem­ber DAF.

CLOOS, Friedrich Wilhelm. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Vice consul in Monforte de Lemos (Lugo). Manager of Minerales de Hierro de Galicia S.A.

CLOTH. Connected to SINGER.

COHNITZ, Werner. Agent classified II-B in OSS records. Journalist. Photographer. Madrid.

COLMENARES, Joaquin Alonso, alias CRUZ. From STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain: «Standard bearer in the Falange, had connections with Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Falange, Brigada Social via V-man Jose Maria REVUELTO alias VUELO, Direccion General de Seguridad, Ministerio de Indistria y Comercio. His political reports were passed on to the Embassy.»

COLONNA, Bertram Jamie Alphonso LOPEZ DE VERE, alias Bernhard CLAUSSEN. Count. «British. COLONNA first came to notice in 1937 as a German propagandist based in Berlin and later in Copenhagen and Madrid and the author of many letters to British newspapers, many of them on the file. By 1943 he was also reported to be engaged in espionage for the Germans.» National Archives, Kew. KV/2/3403. PF 49174 (2 vols.)

CONEN / COENEN, Ernst. Dr. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden  Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941). Secretary at German Embassy.

CONRAD, Ottherrmann. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: Representative. Gran Via 5, 3o., Bilbao. Born Kamerun (Africa) on 31 December 1911. Passport No. 3/39 issued Rosario (Argentina) on 9.1.39.

CONRADI, Kurt. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CORA LIRA, General. From STUBBS and BUGGE’s report on I-M Spain:»Was I-M’s only contact with the Ministry of Naval Affairs. He was supposedly neither very interested nor efficient.»

CORDUA, Helmut. Engineer. Decorated by FRANCO with the Medalla de la Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas. (BOE, 30 Septiembre, 1941).

CORMANN, Gert. From OSS Secret Intelligence Special Funds Record 2801-2850: I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. Employee (Quimica Bayer). Address: Ribera 7-8, Bilbao. Born Saarbrucken (Saarland), 10 March 1911. Passport No 13644 issued Koln 7.9.1937. Member of DAF.

COURT, Leo. Repatriated from Bilbao August 21, 1946 to Bremerhaven on SS Marine Marlin. DOB. Siegburg, 13 October, 1906. A-742.

CRAMER, Theodor. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CRAMER, Wilhelm. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CRONACHER, Fritz. In 1945 listed as German customs official refugee in Spain (OSS records).

CURIEL, Ernst Hermann. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. Stateless. DOB. 29/3/1874 in Hamburg.

CURIEL, Peter. Arrived Germany from Spain June 14 1946. Stateless. DOB. 6/1/1925 in München.

CUSTOMZ, Dr. In List of obnoxious Germans proposed for repatriation from Spain.

CZARUETZKI, Gertrudis Anyela. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Employee of DAF. Common-law wife of Heinz Walter GOETZE / GOETZ. E-63 on Official List. DOB. Koenigsbuette. 16 March, 1901.

CZECH, Erwin. Repatriated on Highland Monarch 7 March, 1946. Employee of German Embassy in Madrid. PLANKERT Office. On Official List, A-33 / A-833 in other documents. DOB. Pschov Rytnick, 12 March, 1915.

Autor: Eliah Meyer

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Foto de portada: España: Guardia Civil supervisado por la Wehrmacht.

Publicado en Gatopardo el 11/04/2014 14:05.  Archivado en